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would the blazer in picrel suit me?
r u a man?
With that shirt and trousers? Fuck no, that's Doug tier loud and uncoordinated, and even Doug has been making vast improvements lately.

If you mean in general? Absolutely. If you can find an unstructured one with no shoulder padding it would work great for you.
yeah i meant in general
Hell yeah go for it. If you want something for warmer weather look up "silk tweed" or "summer tweed" as well.
im just getting ready for autumn i guess
i'd worry more about your hair dude
it looks haggard and makes you look older than you are
also grow some stubble
i havent shaved in over a week
ok keep going broski but srsly get rid of that shitty hair
i just want the advice on the blazer
bro nobody is going to care about your clothes if your hair looks that bad
White trannyism is hilarious
im not a tranny if i dont even pretend to be a woman alright
im just a faggot
You want a solid colour blazer. Though the patterns are different it's all a little much together.
does it matter
Dude don't listen to that guy, nobody ever thought you were a woman. That sports blazer would look dope with some faded 90s jeans and a pair of 90s converse throwbacks
You look dumb this isn't the 1950s and you don't work for the local newspaper
why is your hair so fucking flat? jfc get some volume in that shit, it looks dreadfully bad. or at the very least get it layered so it doesn't look AS bad. also the entire outfit looks weird. not a fan
layered hair is a meme
also stop pretending like you can judge hair based on a zoomed in mirror photo you cant
ok thats your problem
Your hair looks greasy and flat and your suit doesn't fit properly
this is THE YEAR TWENTY TWENTY OH FOR. and this is AMERICA OF THE UNITED STATES. and here in AMERICA we.... wait what do we do?
im not even wearing a suit retard
my arms around you would suit you best
id on pantsu?
Dude your hair is holding you back big time, just cut that shit, you're already balding and having long straggly ass hair only calls attention to that fact
Please have a cute pussy
Just say you are a ftm who cut your tiddies off
This creature is most likely mtf
He obviously a guy and even stated it:
Not every guy with long hair is gay you dumbass
some polo RL thing
this nigga fruity
nah they look more like vintage 90s j crew linen sailors pants and judging from the chair in the background he's probably wearing size 34 x 32
Beetlejuice ahh pants lol

Stop with the stripes nigga
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Yeah, his face is clearly a mans face
Op, yes that blazer is a nice blazer, but I dont think it would go on that outfit youre wearing
>pic unrelated
dude did you even try? the guy in op's pic has on NAVY COLORED pants
its the same carpet retard
but not the same men's trousers
keep going bro
isn't that a woman's jacket?
i don't *think* it's a flipped image because the tag looks the right way around.
i stared at it for a long time wondering this too.
taken in a mirror though
It's a nice jacket. You look nice and like you could pull it off. Get it.
unfortunately im a faggot who fits womens clothes better than mens
it is a womans item but it would fit my body very well (if not slightly oversized)
just buy smaller mens clothes bro
you probably wear like a 34S
unless the femboy aesthetic is your thing, and tbf you pull it off kinda well
God you're so fucking hot
>but it would fit my body very well
the way the shirt pillows out im not sure i trust your judgement.
i mean i thought she was a woman until i saw the comments
Matching stripes and plaid tartan does not work. And striped top does also not work together with a striped bottom. Its either or. Recommend you wear a plain piece with no pattern with either the stripped trousers or the shirt. Let one stripe piece speak for itself.

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