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>tfw fell for the meme

There is no way you unironially wear this all summer, its almost middle of the summer and its hellfire hot i sweat like a pig while everyone wear shorts and chill. I don't care im gettiong shorts, this is not feasible.

>inb4 some snowniggers
Yea just wear the widest most loose shorts possible with no underwear. It was up to 112 the other day for me
Idk I have linen pants and I find them nice and cool, cooler than the jeans which I also wear in the summer anyway. But I’m not a trend chaser so I don’t wear linen pants everywhere all the time because I got shilled them on TikTok. There are almost no situations where they look appropriate now. So I rarely wear them. Part of being fashionable is learning when to wear what. Context matters and so does the environment.
How fucking fat are you? I only have 1 pair of linen pants from 12 years ago but they've never felt hot or uncomfortable, and they're fucking black.
Try losing weight
t. snownigger

u have no idea what is hot
If you are a pajeet living in scorching heat then wear your flip flops and shorts nobody cares about your looks anyway
You're insane or got bad pants, tried linen for the first time this year and its infinitely cooler than chino shorts around my dick and balls (the only area that gets too hot). Its over 100 for most of the summer here, too.
Its almost as if linen is hyped up for moderate european type summers, not scorching tropical or southwest US summers. Yeah, no shit if youre in a concrete jungle and its 110 degrees youre going to feel hot no matter what youre wearing.
>moderate european type summers
I guarantee where I live is much warmer than your place
where bitch
What are some white linen pants that aren't see-through?
Are you sure you got 100% linen pants? Or did you buy them on amazon from some chinks and they're actually plastic
I'm from phoenix
Go beige

Aren't there any brands with heavier weight linen that aren't see-through or does it still affect them?
You wear linen pants in a loose fit, not those faggoty slim and skinny fits like with jeans and chinos. Look at any culture that lives in desert. They don't walk around in shorts and tank tops like a bunch of exhibitionist homos. They cover themselves from head to toe in loose fitting clothes, because they are not only more breathable (by creating a billowing effect), but also protect you from UV damage and the direct blasts of hot winds.
What's hot then nigger? I've worn my linen pants in 40°C with over 80% humidity. You're just fucking fat. To top it off I am in fucking Canada so I should be evel less acclimated to the heat since I also deal with -40°C. You're a fucking whiny bitch who bought cheap plastic crap and is a fat fuck. Linen is great and you're a fucking retard. Fuck you. I would tell you to rope but I doubt your fat fucking neck would fit in the noose.
Stop spamming in all caps, you attention whoring faggot.
that would kind of defeat the purpose, if you got the dough go for berwich's loro piana summertime trousers, they're 71% wool 15% silk 14% linen and comfy as f
This looks cool as hell
Is there a way to filter caps lock? This fag is getting on my nerves spamming every thread.

I hate agreeing with someone who types in all caps but you normally have good takes, and this is one of them. Basically if you want to survive in the heat and dress well, you have to put some thought into it.

Consider tribes that live in the Sahara region, they're covered head to toe, they aren't wearing shorts.

1: You need a cotton or wool base layer to wick sweat away from your body, and it needs to be loose enough to not cling to your skin.

2: For shirts and trousers, you need full coverage, loose fit and a breathable fabric. Linen, tropical weight wool, fresco weave wool, leno weave, seersucker, even light weight oxford cloth is great for this. There needs to be space between each layer. So if you have a loose undershirt and then a loose shirt,there's air flow between the layers that helps sweat evaporate quickly. This does two things. First, it cools you off. Second, it prevents sweat from pooling in any one area so you don't get sweat stains on your clothes. You need natural fabrics for this, polyester shit simply doesn't work. Seersucker is amazing at this because the ridges mean only 30% of the garment actually touches your body, why do you think it's so popular in the south?

3: It sounds counterintuitive but in intense heat you'll be cooler with full coverage simply because the sun absolute wrecks your skin and raises your temperature quickly, and a thin, loose weave garment slows that down while still letting air circulate.

If you're fat, your body works against you when it comes to both temperature regulation and clothing simply because you'll have less space for air between your skin and whatever garment you're wearing.
One other thing I'll add is get Gold Bond powder, the kind with extra menthol. If you're going to be in extreme heat, lightly dust your body in the powder, add a little more to your shoes, crotch, ass, and lower back. These are the areas where sweat will naturally roll down to. The powder will help with the sweat, and the menthol will provide a really pleasant cooling sensation. Yes, it's intense at first on your nuts but holy shit when it's truly hot it's amazing, like shoving your crotch in a freezer.

My dad, uncle and grandfather drilled this into my head when I was a kid, they were all steel workers. It saved my ass multiple times when I was in the army, I work in a refinery and I still use it today.

If you're going to be outside in the heat, dip a bandana in some ice water, wring most of it out and wrap it lightly around your neck. Certain areas of your body basically act as heat sinks/heat exchange areas, this will help cool you off as well. When the bandana starts feeling warm, repeat the process. It doesn't need to be soaking wet either, you don't want to get your clothes wet.
If you're really overheating, get inside or to some shade, get some ice in a ziplock back and put the ice bag over your groin. If you watch boxing or MMA, sometimes you'll see coaches doing this to fighters after a couple rounds. Same principle as the neck, lots of blood vessels close to the surface, easy way to cool off quickly. A reusable cold pack works well here too.

Bring a second pair of socks as well, change them out halfway through the day. Keeping your feet hot and wet is a recipe for disaster, it's also bad for your shoes too.

I really have to question the knowledge being passed on to anons, there's little things that just make life a hell of a lot easier but each year it seems like fewer and fewer people know them. I grew up in Georgia and Alabama, did my basic training in Georgia, spent some time in Iraq too. Heat will absolutely fuck people up.

Would non-transparent white linen really be less breathable than the equivalent non-transparent white cotton?

Or do I just need to pay more attention to lining colors, etc? The white pocket lining seems to stand out, so maybe swap that out with a more neutral skin-color lining + same for underwear?
>fit tight to insulate in cold weather
Utterly useless without an additional loose outer layer insulated around the ankles. Tight pants suck ass in cold weather t.snownigger
Are these things supposed to turn into a wrinkled mess the second you put them on or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks Anon, heading to Thailand soon for muay thai funny enough so I appreciate the advice.
I guarantee where I live has worse winters and more extreme temperature swings and everyone here is tougher and whiter and better dressed and we have more attractive effay women than whatever firepit shithole your from
I live in Phoenix and wear linen. You’re a retard. Wearing shorts won’t make it not 115 degrees.
Replace 4 with whatever number of contiguous capitalized keys you want to be the minimum to trigger the filter.
Yeah that's how linen is just deal with it
>If you're going to be outside in the heat, dip a bandana in some ice water, wring most of it out and wrap it lightly around your neck. Certain areas of your body basically act as heat sinks/heat exchange areas, this will help cool you off as well. When the bandana starts feeling warm, repeat the process. It doesn't need to be soaking wet either, you don't want to get your clothes wet.
Do this but with warm water. The water cooling down will feel amazing and will give a bigger feeling of relief vs just starting with cold water. The problem with this method, hot or cold, is you risk a stiff neck.
sweating is worth it if you dont like a daily routine of pounds of sun screen on your legs every day.
I've never had double or heavy layer linen trousers, but I don't see why it wouldn't work/exist, I've had and seen plenty linen shirts that aren't see-through. Also peach underwear are great with the partially transparent light trousers and pretty easy to find
For some reason beyond my understanding, red doesn't show through white.
Thank you.
Guess I gotta go shopping for red underwear and white linen now.
But seriously, those are my two gripes with linen:
It’s almost exclusively available in very thin fabric and light colors. Sure, some 15Oz fabric doesn’t make sense for summer wear, but must it be so thin that it’s 100% see through and will shred upon the first activity that’s more taxing than sipping cocktails at some beach bar?
And why are most linen pants some shitty hippy cuts? Yeah, I get it, they have to be airy and stuff, but that doesn’t mean they gotta look like you’re just going from your drum circle to your yoga class.
Personally, I’ve found a solution:
Bespoke. Tailored after classic menswear patterns, with some extra air, cause linen and slightly thicker fabric. But yeah, a few hundred per pants sucks and is not really practical.
And speaking of linen: is there any linen underwear? It ought to be the best fabric from a heat standpoint, but I dunno if that survives when you add plastics to make it stretchy (if that’s even possible).
I'm pretty sure most zoomers didn't have a dad at home, or at least a dad who is an actual adult. Most "men" that you find today were either raised by manchildren themselves, or straight up single mothers. It's why there are so many manchildren today in the first place who dress and behave like 12 year olds.
Chinos and linen pants cool me off more than shorts. I live in the Southwest and spent nearly my life here. What makes you think linen is only for Europeans?
for real
Protip: most of Europe doesn't have AC, which means that the experience of summer here is often much warmer than in the USA.

Every goddamn year I see American tourists passing out in the streets because they're used to living in a house with AC, driving their car with AC to a shop with AC and then going back home, so they don't actually know how to deal with warm weather despite living in Florida or Nevada.

If you're actually going to spend time outside, longer clothes in light natural like linen can actually be better than just shorts and a tshirt because they will actually shield you from the sun. Think of traditional Arabic of Bedouin dress - there's a reason it's all long clothes that cover the entire body.
just report and don't reply
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I like how airy linen is, but I find my dick and balls stick out more in them. I don't like walking around with a bulge, were normal pants keeps it tucked more against the body. Is there a way to stop this?
I love linen pants it’s 30 degree here and it’s perfect light
yeah, stop being a self-consicous fag. nothing better than walking around in linen pants without underwear letting your dick swing around uninhibited. other people being uncomfortable is an assertion of your dominance
Either this >>18175820 or you just wear some underwear, if you don’t wanna deal with commando issues.
30 is nothing u snownigger
Ey, papi. Qué bien te ves. :3
>Is there a way to stop this?
Yeah, it's called wearing underwear.
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Nice contribution and I love your fit :3
Gracias amore
Lol shut up fag you've been getting rekt the entire thread you fat fuck
This guy is so fucking suave.
Linen is also see-through and a meme
Back off, I saw him first.
I get hot pretty easily but I'm fine wearing a pair of linen blend trousers up until like 95 F, yeah it's hot but it's not unbearable
The trouble is finding a good pair that is wide and isn't insanely expensive. I had to settle for a pair from APC but they're cropped because for some stupid reason that's a trend for these types of pants, but cheaper pairs are either slim or have no form so they end up looking like pajamas
solid fits as always bro
Buy non-white or wear white underwear. Like all clothing, I check to see if it's transparent before buying. Some linen will be transparent based on quality or color, but if you buy it by accident, that's on you.
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Muchos besos amigos
Wish you greetings from Nizza
if you size them loose enough the color doesn't matter. everyone buys linen in white because they think it keeps you cooler than black or colors but that's not actually the case. white clothes keeping you cooler only applies if its close-fitting or against your skin. black also may give you the sensation that it's cooler than white with loose garments for reasons too complicated for a 4chan post.
study done on this topic: https://www.nature.com/articles/283373a0
>posts pictures of Taliban
>live in a high altitude, mountainous region, not the desert
>average T in Kabul this week has been in the 80s F (20-low 30s C), cooler than most of southern
What's that?
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Afghanistan isn't just mountains.
Im at the beach tell me how many fingers to hold up
Sandal on head.
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Loafer on my head Chico muchos besos
post material composition and brand
Looking good, papi.
Thx Chico
I got back from vacation today :( but will be again in south France end of August
Holy based!
Linen is just naturally wrinkly.
w2c shirt
i wanna be a part of his harem too
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>peach underwear
>red underwear

What about pockets? Do you need to replace the lining? Every white pair of linen pants I've tried on has white pocket linings and that is what shows through more than anything.

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