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lighter thread

let’s see what you light your cigarettes with
Tired of buying lighters just for them to break immediately.
buy a zippo retard
Zippos are gay and not cool looking
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Dunhill Rollagas
So they’re like you.
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bought this barlow b-17 off of ebay a few months back after seeing an anon post one in an edc thread. ofc the guy didnt respond to me asking him to share what lighter it was, so i spent a good few hours trying to find it and had to get one with somebody else's name and number on it. still very happy with it, though.

i love how small it is and how easy it is to carry around without even knowing its their. it fits in my wallet, although i dont want to put it in there lol. i also have a regular zippo, which (obviously) functions much better and can be used on windy days unlike this one, but aesthetically the barlow is much easier to take with me.

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