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no corssdressers all black fits or bad mullets
fresh fits only please
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My brain registered this shirt as "floral" when I bought it, but now I'm thinking it's weed leaves? Does this feel obviously that way?
nah thats 100% japanese maple leaves to my eye quite nice bro
I like the shirt so I'm choosing to believe this without question. Thanks anon.
top: peter do
jeans: rick
boots: corcoran
necklace: some random boutique in east village idk
>all black boring as shit fit
>bad, no, worst mullet
oh yeah

seriously why do you keep posting this crap dude? nobody cares where your boring clothes are from
you are just tiresome
seriously dude post a new joke we've seen what you got to offer and its just meh
This is a fashion board, you’re already a faggot for being here, a preoccupation with looks rather than actions is feminine in nature no matter how “masc” the aesthetic supposedly is.
If you've seen this guys' fit once, you've seen em' all. Next.
do you get paid to post here or something
Hot very good looking maybe to 2000s but don’t change anything
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Hey ballbag if i dress like my pic rel am I doing it right? Also underneath that black button up is a black hanes tee, for extra boring bland blackness of fit
great job dude srsly people laugh hard
Wow, I actually don't hate this. It's not quite black clothes it's more like a dark grey sort of thing going on and amazingly enough you have chosen men's clothing because you are a man after all and LO AND BEHOLD they actually fit well and compliment your body.
>fist bump
>It's not quite black clothes

Hat and trousers are faded black or charcoal which is basically black, boots are black. Belt is black. T-shirt is grey.

Just be honest and admit you're fine with men wearing all black fits as long as they're wearing men's clothes, that's an absolutely sane and normal opinion to have.
>the le fashion expert all black sperg is also a chudcel obsessed with transfolk
I'm a different anon. Sorry that it's so hard to believe more than one person is bored of you. Imagine being this arrogant and prideful
nah the jeans hat tee and boots are grey
grey is literally not black
the black belt sets it off nicely BECAUSE ITS A CONTRASTING FUCKING COLOR
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>it's just one guy who doesn't want to be bored to fucking fashion tears by spammy shitty crossdressing fits
Still waiting on you to post a fit in any of these threads.
I used to before the crossdresser idiots invaded this shit hole. I mean why bother posting a decent fit that you put time money and effort into only to have some clown in a Halloween costume reply to you with the worst opinion on why his clothes are better than yours because they have been marketed as unisex. DAMN IT.

Genuine question: If you hate it so much, why are you here?
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Very hot but shoes don’t go with this fit they’d go well with jeans
absolutely no too hipsterish I’m sorry
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looks fine, what were the shoes here? shirt material seems interesting but uncomfortable
p cool, respect for that trouser tuck
v normal, functional but not exactly exciting, mostly just jealous of your constant drip
would probably work if styled differently, it’s giving quirky humanities TA too much for me

here’s a colorful fit just for you, anon :3
apologies for repeated pieces, was on vacation working with what I packed
Id on the boots?
literal halloween costumes
and to be quite honest if my hair looked that bad i would actually unironically and genuinely buy a wig
sorry bro your joke fits are wearing as thin as your hair
>sorry bro your joke fits are wearing as thin as your hair

The irony of this coming from you is great since you post the same replies over and over.
Your insults are as bland as the troons all black fits. I know you can do better.
Low-poly ass looking boots
ss21 balenciaga rhino lace up boots
Thanks anon, they look very nice
Why is this thread nothing but white trannies
someone get vieo in here
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Cool shirt, I don't see many sawtooth shirts anymore. Doesn't read as weed leaves.

Nice boots. I had a pair of Corcoran jump boots years ago, those things were damn near indestructible.

>absolutely no too hipsterish I’m sorry
Have to disagree with you there, it's a good take on traditional western snap shirts. If it was a straight up western pattern in plaid or stripes it would read as hipster larp, I think it looks pretty good.
>I had a pair of Corcoran jump boots years ago, those things were damn near indestructible.
No they're not they're utter garbage. I broke the sole on one in half lifting some furniture. Never broke a sole on boots ever before that. Total poseur fraud trash.
Speaking of shit houses why the ever loving fuck would you wear anything made out of terry cloth? Also those are the cheapest looking pants I have ever had the misfortune of clapping my eyes upon. And finally just retire that sports coat it's haggard as fuck.
Old Money©?
More like No Money™, ®, ©
Oh one more thing I nearly forgot: your "oriental style" rug is machine made. Look it up.
>No Money™, ®, ©
Don't pay any mind to what the cross dressing nutsack bastards are saying
Your boots are GOAT bro
I'm thinking this shirt goes better with some jeans that offer more contrast. My brown ones would probably work well too.
ngl you look like an 80s hick but in the best possible way

you look like you spend your weekends crushing cheap beer and fucking with the cops in a classic muscle car

shit rules
Hey buddy take note and listen up.
This guy:
Has a SUPERIOR mullet
You look exactly like a family photo I saw of my uncle Rick when he was an ecstacy dealer in Tallahassee during the 90s. I don't mean this as an insult at at, my Uncle was a goddamn Chad..

He imparted one of the best pieces of family advice I ever received, he told me "a stiff dick has no conscience."
You are fucking based hope you know that. The silent majority supports your work. We are all sick of trannies
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took the advice in the previous thread and did basically the same fit but with a more colorful tie
Get a job you pitiful neet freak
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>took the advice in the previous thread

.....not quite.

To be blunt, this is a worse fit that the previous one. Your last fit was good, it just needed a bit more contrast with the tie, but the tie still worked with the fit.
Here the tie flat out doesn't work, at all. The recommendation was dark, rich colors like navy and burgundy, maroon, dark red, etc. Yes there's a navy stripe here but it's overwhelming by an eye wateringly bright teal and what looks like magenta, that may be lighting or camera flash but it's still too bright. Your previous effort was commendable because you clearly reigned in your desire to go with loud, brash colors, this tie feels like old Doug slipping through. I probably should have given a clear example last time but look at the pic here. It's navy and red, this tie has a thin white stripe as well which is fine, you don't need a third color though. See how it's just a simply but rich blue and red, that would go beautifully with the sport coat. This particular tie is made of shantung silk, that's what gives it the rough, knobby texture which would pair very well with the texture of the coat but that isn't mandatory. Find a tie in this color pattern, they're incredibly common.
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funny you should say that, i wore this while going up and down a street asking if they were hiring. things are looking good. even if i had a job you'd still be spamming this shit to every post i make.
Its curious really. I make like 1 or 2 posts a week and i'm a "loser neet incel freak" yet you arrive within the hour to every single post that even sounds like something i'd post as if you spend all day on 4chan waiting to see me post, and somehow you're in any place to talk? as if the way you post demonstrates that you're superior to me in any way despite this being apparently all you do and you never once post fit?
why don't you get a job? or better yet, a hobby?
surely you're not completely unemployable, nor is this the best most enriching use of your free time. come on. you get one life. there has to be a better way to spend it than this.
fair enough it is pretty loud (though some of that may be down to shit lighting). is picrel an improvement? I was already planning on wearing this tie with this shirt before. thank you for effortposting, and yeah i agree textured ties generally go better with fabrics like tweed and corduroy, i should save this tie for something more formal.
> Find a tie in this color pattern, they're incredibly common.
not saying they aren't good colors but they're a little by-the-book and standard. not that its a bad thing, i just generally prefer coming up with new color combos and such. I am fundamentally a petty contrarian with a love for odd pieces, but hopefully i can at least temper that with some actual taste and getting the most important stuff right.
Cant wait to start posting my fits here too to +1 another tranner to this thread ... the samefag will surely an hero
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It's better but not ideal. I'd rank this as the best so far, the original second, and then an enormous power gap before that teal abomination.

Let's look at the new tie. The good: It's got navy in it, with a decent sized stripes. Also it may just be lighting but it looks like it actually has texture a bit similar to the tie I showed in my post, that's very good. The issue with this tie is the ratio of olive/khaki/taupe to navy. If you flipped the size of the stripes and had the big chunky ones as navy and the smaller ones by the olive, it would be better. The olive stripes don't offer a lot of contrast with the sport coat, makes it a bit dull(especially for you), but it's still workable.

Instead of just stripes, have you considered a foulard or paisley tie? I think these patterns would appeal to you more since they're a bit more brash/loud while still being perfectly suited to the sport coat. And as long as the dominate colors work (red and navy) you can have little pops of odd colors in the tie with the patterns and it will still look good.
This is one of the reasons why people hate troons, you are completely incapable of functioning without taking every opportunity to draw attention to yourselves.

What's preventing you from posting a fit now? Or was there any compelling reason to not remain quiet until you did post a fit?

I've actually been pretty nice to the trannies in these threads and I can't stand the transvestigator but you're both absolutely cut from the same damaged cloth.
Chill, it really isn't that deep or serious. Its just a fun thread where people post fits and largely shitpost. If you absolutely need to larp some cringe culture war at every possible opportunity, that's on you and frankly a skill issue. What's stopping me right now is that I've gained a lot weight over the last year, and I'm quite disgusted with myself.
Oh look, the bald fattie is still posting his terrible thrifted fits. You look like how old men in china dress when they want to look rich. But I guess you had to resort to that since you're still unable to handle a tie knot
Is /fa just full of retards nowadays? He looks like a typical "male feminist" that hovers around all the art hoes and they let him because they all think he's gay/trans
wow, you look like a fucking retard
I'm new to this thread
Is this guy real or someone put a tie and suit on a dick?
Also wtf is up with all the trannies ?
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Hair is nice style is soso
Style is pretty okay needs a jacket to be top
Looks somehow unkempt
Very nice loafers
The polo doesn’t go with the blazer

Best greetings from Cannes my friends currently enjoying vacation
yeah I'd usually wear my exploder or smth but it's hot as hell
good as usual, what sunglasses are those?
how are you already going grey? I'm in my 40's and barely have any. And you're brown, what gives?
>I'm in my 40's and barely have any

If you're posting here in your 40s, you should probably kill yourself you pedo faggot.
Gotta get something else for layering
Thx amigo just some cheap h&m‘s
Genetics Chico I’m 33 but I like it makes me feel like Mr.cheffield from „the nanny“
Ah come on leave him alone you except us old dogs to hang around in Reddit with that leftie shit fear mongering?
My girlfriend also nags me to stop shit posting
Fuck off zoomer this is a boomer website. Maybe TikTok is more your speed
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Not sure what you’re going for
The polo looks a bit weird, but otherwise I like it
Thought this will be another typical trucker thing at first, but it’s actually cool
Nice fit, but I don’t know about the sunglasses
I want to be your bf plz
>Not sure what he's going for
Let me explain.
He is wearing women's clothing which are not designed or engineered for men and that is why it looks so ridiculous. It simply doesn't fit him correctly. Also his hairline is receding too much to have a brushed forward hairstyle. Hope that helps Newfound Fashion Friend!
BTW your hair looks good with the brushed forward style because you have a KILLER hairline. Please tell that other guy to buzz his into a regular style, it would improve his fashion many times over.
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ok boss if you say so
DUDE WEED LMAO its cool doe
i fw it
This is a quality fit. Everything works well, nothing is blatantly out of place, it's solid and easy going and totally fits in with your general milieu. It also tells people "I am a fucking LORD".
That painting in the background looks fucking sick, so suburban despair. I'm fucking feeling it and loving it. This is what the ballbag crossdressing all black fit guy tries for and FAILS so miserably at.
Your fit is proof of concept that it doesn't take ridiculous money to fucking own some fashion.
ew, fat
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sorry for the low quality pics
>J.Crew OCBD
>unknown USA tie
>unknown khakis
>Dockers kiltie loafers
I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but love the tie
thats how its done Old Bald Guy take notes
>Look at the quality of the fuckin' oxford the cut the feel the visual weight of the cloth
>Look at how well those khakis fit and perfect color
>Look at how much of a gem that tie is
holy shit this thread is back on track
forgive me if this is wrong but I thought my khakis were slightly big in the waist?
isnt that why the belt looks the way it does? or does it match the style more that way?

very new to fashion never really cared much before and just wore tshirts from sports and work but have recently been getting into ivy and prep influences lately
appreciate the compliments of course thank you
Bullshit he looks just as bad as the polyester pedo professor
>OCBD is fine, I'll give credit where it's due
>Tie is shit. Pattern is absolutely obnoxious, literal Walmart tier. It's kitschy as fuck.
>Khakis are shit, they're also low rise. This is something you buy at Kohls last minute when you're panicking about making a good impression at your Applebee's interview the next day. There's also a label inside, either this retard is too stupid to find it or too embarrassed to say it.
>The loafers are shit. No one wears kiltie loafers anymore for good reason, and Docker's shoes are literally made in third world shit holes.

Baldfag is a retard for even trying to post here but so are you if you think this is a genuine improvement in literally any aspect. It's fine to just hate baldfag for being baldfag, you don't have to try and compliment shit fits. This fit is giving 90s era casual Friday middle management and anyone with half of a brain should be embarrassed to wear it and even more so to praise it.
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cant find a logo or name anywhere the other side of the tag is just the typical garment care instructions. not sure how that can be possible but theyre very comfortable and my favorite pair

as for the loafers I personally like kilties and find the insoles in these to be very comfy
loafers and shirt the only things that arent handmedown if that matters
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>loafers and shirt the only things that arent handmedown if that matters

That explains why they look like shit. You're larping wearing your dad's clothes.
what is the prescription if poorfag?
do I just cope and seethe?
dont listen to that guy he's a retard. Just save your money and buy decent quality clothing when you can and keep at it brother
very funny, coming from the dumb nigger who derailed it in the first place

Don't listen to the guy telling you to keep dressing that way, he genuinely has no idea what he's talking about and has been mind broken by baldfag.

You look like shit. The tie is the worst part, if you threw that away the rest is tolerable. The reality is you're probably just starting out, you don't have a lot of money for clothes, but you have an idea of how you want to dress. That's fine, commendable even. We all had to start somewhere. There's zero reason to post here though, especially dressed like that.
You want to dress /tip? Never wear a tie without another layer over it. Normally that's a sport coat or suit, you can get away with a sweater though. If you don't have a sport coat, don't wear a tie, problem solved.
If you want to learn how to dress in that style, this is literally the last thread to do it in because that moron would tell you that you looked great if you have shut smeared on your clothes simply because you aren't baldfag. Go to Styleforum, go to the /tip thread and browse the links for inspo. There's tons of great Instagram accounts to follow and learn from as well. Always keep an open mind, be willing to adapt and improve. If you're just starting to work, focus on basic fits. Polos, oxfords, khakis, boat shoes, etc. Don't wear a tie without a sport coat, don't get a sport coat until you can afford one and get it tailored AND get the right shoes to go with it. You'll look better in the real world dressing in a way you can naturally afford.
oh ok, I’ve worn this same fit with a cotton/silk blend tie and a navy blazer into the office before. I do have a suit and a blazer that are tailored and were gifts to me as well as some derby shoes

just trying to find out how to incorporate things I like while going more casual since the people in my office call jeans/sneakers business casual and told me “hey you know you dont have to dress up our dress code is business casual” when I wore the blazer. been rocking polos but just feel theyre too casual so try to only wear them out and about same with boat shoes
youre asking for the world here buddy
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I love trannies so much bros but I have no idea how to attract them. Should I dress up as business casual or streetwear? Help a /fa/ggot out.
>when you're minimum wage and save all your money for a pair of boots
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Does this look dumb
Would you be upset if I set up a GoFundMe to buy you a bedframe,some blankets and sheets, and more than one pair of shoes? I have zero faith you'd buy anything other than heroin with the money so I'll oversee the account. Just tell me what you want and if we hit our goals I'll order it.
Yeah. Don't tuck in the tank IMO - let it sit just above the belt line.
You're hot
Roman Reigns?
shite shirt
might as well get one of the skeleton with guns shirts
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It’s all about the family
my man really wants to be the kingdom hearts protag
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>might as well get one of the skeleton with guns shirts
those kick ass
>t. obese 40 yo from the midwest who smells of old tobacco
you look like an assassin
you fell for the bait
hey dude are you still alive it's been awhile since we've seen you post some "fashion" broski hopefully you're not buying cringe tshirts to fit in lmfao
print is v cool
having greys in your 30s is very common bruh
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this thread proves /fa/ is the new /tttt/
Clown shoes really. Maybe with a wider silhouette.
it works nothing super remarkable it's just yeah
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How can I fix this so girls won't think I'm creepy or ignore me?
>Troon posts
>Fuck off you tranny weirdo
>Troon doesn't post
>Where are you come back please why haven't you posted I think about you literally every day.

Jesus Christ, you two are perfect for each other. I'd say just compare your dick size to settle this once and for all but one of you will pretend they don't have a cock and the other is allergic to cameras so they rest of us are stuck watching the clown show until one of you ACKs or the other commits a mass shooting and then ACKs.
Unironically go to any fast fashion store and buy a bunch of graphic tshirts, go for a nerdy yet artsy vibe
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The way the clothes fit are messing with your proportions. The trousers are too long and also low rise, they make your legs look shorter than they actually are. A break is fine, yours are pooling on top of your shoes. The low rise makes your torso look even longer compared to your legs as well. The sleeves on the coat are way too long, makes it look like you're trying on your dad's coat. I can't tell much on the shirt and sweater, they make be fine. If you already own that coat, have a tailor shorten the sleeve and taper it as well, the wide cuff makes your arm and hand look smaller too. Get trousers with a higher rise and fuller leg to make balance out the top half and you'll be good to go.
holy cringe
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detransitioning MTF, any advice for fits?
Its a little bit cringe to have memes on your clothes.
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slow day at the office had time to take some pics
What were you thinking with those socks?
take your own advice
that blazer is stretched over your gut
>wrong size
your dumbass pants are flapping around your ankles
>wrong size
maybe wait until next week when they put out the new thrift inventory and just buy the rights size crappy chinos & grandpa jacket
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Better than this clown's diabetic bandages
Nah I endorse his fit with the argyles & loafers, it literally mogs Oriental Rug Guy, no question. Oriental Rug Guy smells like mothballs, literally right through my screen.
What's a fast fashion store?
I like argyle (especially with kilties), and the colors match the tie
Are you colorblind? How does red and black "match" blue and gold?
LMFAO you might wanna get your eyes checked
they are both orange and navy blue
they literally came as a matching pair that I purchased as one item
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Was at the club and this guy offered me a bunch of coke in the bathroom. He got wierd and started talking about beating up Justin Trudeau and getting "CIA grade" drugs. The blow was pretty good though.

(PS is the rust pinstripe an acceptable shirt color? Is it obvious this entire outfit was like 80 bucks at the mall?)
yeah, this is just awful. you know better
sexual, raw me daddy
>Smooth fabric
>Solid color
>Flap pockets
>Tonal buttons

So you're wearing an orphan suit jacket. Got it. Let's look at the chinos. Skinny, low rise, yet bulging out at your hips making your legs look like drum sticks. Top it off with a tasteless shoe. I don't like tassels or kilties but I get why people do, pick one. Also those are "driving" loafers, look at how the sole is completely flat, there's no heel and the rubber comes up the back of the shoe. Socks are fine.

You know better. Black OCBDs are pointless, there's no fit that wouldn't look better with white, blue or even grey. I know there are exceptions but by and large your coat should be darker than your shirt. Look at it this way, what color tie would work here and look good? None. That's a big clue the fit doesn't work. Change the shirt to a traditional blue oxford and you're good to go.
This faggot abomonation thinks he's in one of those what's your outfit youtube videos.
This is what gets me: I've posted before about how troons should be banned from the thread because of how divisive their posts are and the retards they bring out, you're a prime example.
They haven't posted in a week, and morons like you are still commenting.They thrive on attention, and you trip over yourselves to provide it.
Rather than commenting on any other fit, you comment solely on theirs. I'd say you should contribute and post a fit of your own but let's be realistic, that shit will never happen.

Troons are 60% of what killed WAYWT, the transvestigators are the other 40%. I can't even blame the tripfags and lolcows because by and large they stay out of it and at least post fits. The fits may be bland but they're at least acting in good faith.
I know I'm stating the obvious but I guess I finally realized why everyone left. Why the fuck would anyone want to post here?
OP of that fit here, stopping by to see if I wanted to post again, and honestly stuff like this is just as much the problem - I don't really "thrive on attention" more so than any other extroverted person; my ideal experience here would be some combination of posting fits, commenting on others' fits, getting feedback, occasionally asking w2c other people's pieces that look cool, and maybe the occasional autistic effortpost about one thing or another, or brief sparring with that one dude who seethes at the color black

Like, I post here because I enjoy fashion, and every time I do, there's at most 3 guys who fill the thread with insane ranting for the next week - I really struggle to see how it's "60% trans people" when in reality most of the thread-shitting is done by the transvestigators

and c'mon, let's be honest - these guys have gone after presumable cis women and random twinks too, they're just tard-raging because it's the only way they can feel something anymore

I'm not asking anyone to change their tastes to like my fits or whatever; if they don't, they don't - I'm always saying I'm open to criticism. But even if you think my fits are bad, let's face it: half the fits in this thread are bad, and hardly any of them attract such devoted trolling, not to mention that the thread's usually nearly dead anyway. In short, I'm not the problem, my fits aren't the problem, the transvestigators ARE the problem, and they should either start posting fit or go back to whatever shouty retard board they came from.
I understand what you're saying but let's be honest: Your existence is a hot button issue. You have an entire board dedicated to LGBT+ threads and activities, and you keep chosing to post here.
Yes, the transvestigators bros are loud, obnoxious and ruining the thread. But notice how there isn't a wave of other posters shouting them down? The "silent majority" comment one of them made us accurate.
I'm fine with you chosing the be whoever you want, but if there's a space dedicated to that and a space where it's clear you aren't exactly wanted, I lose respect for you as a person when you go somewhere where you aren't wanted and you get nothing tangible out of going. At that point all I can conclude is you are doing it for attention, so yes, you are a big part of the problem. You're here simply because people made it clear you aren't wanted, you have no impulse or self control so some half HRT fried neutron activated and the "They don't want me? That means I HAVE to be there" portion of your brain kicked on. There is no way to convince me otherwise.

For anyone curious, there's the LGBT board. There's reddit, there's TikTok, there's discords,there's Twitter, there's Instagram etc but they dont want that. They want to keep experiencing shit just so their victim complex can keep getting fed.

>half the fits in this thread are bad, and hardly any of them attract such devoted trolling

That's also not true and you know it. There's only a few "regulars" anymore. The trannies, heroin mattress, baldfag, and the cuban. Heroin mattress gets shit on because he bought one pair of expensive boots 4 years ago. Baldfag gets shit on just for existing especially by the one trannybro who genuinely has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. The cuban does ok, depends on the mood of the crowd. Anyone who posts more than once a week gets roasted, and most of the time it's by people who think fashion is a binary and if people don't dress a certain way they are wrong.
my existence is only a hot-button issue if you make it one; I'm just vibing tbhon

tiktok is cringe, reddit is still crashing off the mid-2010s peak of fashion boards there, I actually do post fits on twitter sometimes but I don't have many fashion mutuals, insta is clout-poisoned, and I'm in one good discord full of reddit exiles

if you want a fashion site that's anonymous/pseudonymous, a bit edgier/less moderated, not ruined by clout-chasing trust fund kids, and not yet totally dead, you could do worse than /fa/ - if not much worse - but it's where I used to lurk years ago, so it was the easy option
>my fits aren't the problem,
Dude your fits are literally the entire problem. People critique your shit fits and you screech & cry. Your fits are boring & repetitive and don't fit you well. Nobody mentioned the "t" word bro, because you are just a misguided miserable bastard of a man child who literally cannot believe that he dresses badly and that people hold your so-called "fashion" attempt in utter contempt.
>Nobody mentioned the "t" word bro

NTA but half of the critiques call them a tranny, ask why they're wearing women's clothes, etc. Are you as delusional as they are?

I could understand it if there was any evidence that ragging on them caused them to leave and put the thread back into a better place, but that isn't the case.
dumb nigger will never post a fit. kys
>my existence is only a hot-button issue if you make it one
>chooses to opt into one of the most divisive cultural identities of the modern era
>gets mad when people point out your choice in choosing to opt into the most divisive cultural identity of the modern era

you retards to this on purpose and crying about how "muh born this way" is not fooling us anymore
>i need to get mad at trannies because umm i just have to okay

All me btw
Weak aura
I'm not reading all of this autistic wall of text seething. Freaks being shat on has been a thing on 4chan since it's inception. If anyone doesn't like it, there's different websites.
>ask why they're wearing women's clothes
This is a valid question for any man because cross dressing is literal stage 4 fashion cancer. You can identify anyway you want bro, you can identify as "Mrs. Lord Mayor King Know It All of The Entire Universe Until the Heat Death of Said Universe" but if you're wearing some dumbass tube top stretched across your 42" chest and it looks unbelievably stupid, yeah, I'm calling you out everytime bro.
Bad Mullet Cross Dressing guy is trying to be an influencer on an anonymous board. Think about that for a second.
Lil bro said let me buy rick and corcoran just to still end up looking extremely retarded and awkward instead of buying a gym membership and getting my life together. Remember kids, not looking like a freak abomination is part of being /fa/. No matter what clothes you buy, if you've poisoned your body with chemicals to mimic another gender's appearance, clothes wont look good on you.
>Bad Mullet Cross Dressing guy is trying to be an influencer on an anonymous board. Think about that for a second.

Fuck me I really don't want to contemplate that, that would mean they chose to try and be an influencer on a thread with minimal posters, and then they decided to roll with it by posting the same fits twice a week for months.

Shut up retard.
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impeccable shirt
bored to tears
there’s something very equine about this
what the actual fuck dude
looks good, you probably make some
mean indie folk
roll the pants maybe?
amazing shirt but absolutely makes you look gay(not a problem if that’s what you’re going for)

i call this one “daydrinking in Bairro Alto”, if it posts flipped 1 (you) and i’ll suicide
ok honestly memeing aside i think this would work if you tucked the shirt in and wore a nice belt , it just looks fucked up smoothed over the pants like that . or crop it
I call this one "looking like shit".
>poorly mulleted all-black wearing transgender crossdresser with no regard to proportions
Never change, /fa/, truly.
I like that you specified "transgender crossdresser" because it's technically correct - >75% of my wardrobe is menswear
I am trans myself, as evidenced from my foul waywt, but sister, i am beggin’ you to dress for your proportions. You have a waist! Utilize it!
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maybe a bit of a waist yeah

the angry chaser guy says I'm rectangular lmao
This abomination thinks he has chasers.
See, all this post shows is how strong your delusions are bro. Anyone and everyone can see that you're a man wearing a dress. It's obvious. You think that it's just a few people who have been trained on how to tell men from women... like it requires some kind of skill. You don't even have to look for it. It's the first thing people see - I mean, ordinary people see you walking down the street and think

>"wow that guy sure is wearing a lot women's clothing. I wonder if he's one of those transgenders or if he just lost a bet"

Meanwhile you're implying that:

>you have to be some kind of tranny-obsessed incel to not think the sky is green with orange polka dots

These "transvestigators" as you describe them are just the people who call it like EVERYBODY sees it. You want relevant fashion advice on what youre wearing today?

>you look like a man in a dress.

There's your fuckin relevant fashion advice and I didn't even need a diploma in transvestigational sciences to do it.
Lmao the fact that literally everyone thinks this woman is a man should break her even more
>this woman

Maaan /fa/ is unusable. It's either people that can't dress, people that threw big money to compile a clown suit and think they're cool, and "people" that don't even know their gender.
genuinely I don't think I own a dress - like, not a single one

I've certainly never posted a fit wearing one, and like I said, most of my clothes are from men's lines

you're a retard AND a liar
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Absolutely stunning, your beauty transcends all bounds m'lady, your effortlessly chic posts are truly a blessing to this thread and I for one am thrilled to be graced by them. Is it too much to hope for as a bald fat pedophile that one day we may be together? I can only dream. I think of you everytime I stalk Goodwill for their finest 80 year old piss stained trash. Inspiring.
Ok here we go AGAIN.
Hey my man I have a few rational and objective observations about what makes your misguided attempt to dress yourself so pitifully unfashionable and actually quite funny to people.
First of all that sports bra just makes you look like you are making fun of transgenders in general because nobody seeing you in that would even question your sex being anything but male. I mean it's stretched to the limit across a 42" or 44" barrel chest. Second your sports bra is the color of soiled bandages, not a good look for any article of clothing. Thirdly we have your pants. They're too short and just look haggard from being washed and worn. If they were the right size they'd be fine for daily beater wear like chopping firewood but haute couture they ain't.
Finally we arrive at your hair. We all make a lot of jokes about or we cringe in silence but the final judgment is that it just doesn't work for you.
I mean maybe if you got the zoomer perm and tried to comedy-maxx core like 1980s Weird Al, it might work. But you'd have to invest in some crazy colors to pull it off.
Idk bro, you keep posting this shit like you've come up with something new, but it's just the tired old shit again & again.
savage fashion beat down, precisely correct, totally deserved and artfully delivered with devastating comedy
you are much appreciated /fa/ denizen
I can't tell if this post is ironic or not but do you have a tailor? You need to either get one or get a new one. You also need to learn to use an iron. Your clothes sit super awkward on your frame. The only difference between you and the tranny is that at least you're wearing men's clothing.
36-27-36 actually

are you blind as well as stupid?
Fatty fat fat fatto
You need an honest to god tailor.
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It's not him posting. One of the comedic genius transvestigators grabbed his pic from the /tip thread.
why thw azealia banks instagram story shirt ??
t-that first one is your bust measurement right? like its not underbust right? also 36in hips are pretty small how tall are you?
36" bust, 34" underbust, 5'11"
not looking too good playa
Can I get a source? I'm curious where I'll land.
sure, post results
wat? had no idea, got it at an art show
Most based post on /fa/
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You look fucking retarded. Don't ever step foot in south carolina.
Or you'll do what exactly anon? Play Beastmaster with your obese, poverty addled undereducated surplus negro population and unleash them on him like a swarm of locusts?
>Don't ever step foot in south carolina.
Maybe you should elaborate on it more, where do you live exactly so I can avoid that part? Otherwise, this might be the less intimidating thing I've read so far.
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Should I cop or not
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I feel like the shirt is too thick? or maybe too much texture? anyway very good get rid of the ring
someone needs to make a colour fitting guide, I bet it could be done easily by someone experienced and it would help out a lot.
you need the patagonia vest
I hate streetwear but this is good, why the hell is it see trough though
very good
good and cool
I feel like nowadays mid antisocial looking girls are getting the most attention because men think they have a better chance + low body count
this is a nothingburger fit. yes gurl give us nothing. it says nothing about your personality. it is NPC. if you want, try experimenting with clothes you actually like. otherwise i have no idea why you’re posting on the fashion board if you’re just going to look like a GAP ad
i wanna pinch and twist your chunky nipples dough boy
good fit, but the boots look disproportionate, way too long, it might sorta work if you're Henrik Linder but he's the only exception I cant think of
best fit of yours itt, nice top, though the Champion logo and the pockets flaring out are a bit off
maybe the pockets look like that only because of your posture, but still
you wanna be fitter than that to wear a tucked in polo or t-shirt, otherwise the belt presses against your belly and makes it clear it protrudes more than your abs
I recommend an untucked polo or t-shirt or a tucked button down in the meantime
those pants are also too big and they look pretty cheap, if you want to go with something more classic get thicker chinos or corduroy pants, and if you want something more summery wear white or beige linen or linen blend pants
the blazer's the wrong size, way too wide at shoulder level and way too slim at waist level
same thing as before about the pants
wear oversized stuff and lose as much fat as possible, from there do whatever
if you're going for a casual look, with loafers, chinos and a button down, don't wear a modern (enough) cut slim fit jacket that's designed to make you look slick and slim
the shirt's perfectly acceptable, your pants are certainly worse, but maybe the perspective's not doing you justice
those pants look wwiiddee compared to your shirt
also, if you want to keep posting pictures in this style, I recommend finding a much stronger light source and taking pictures of your shoes in the mirror or from in front of them and above instead of just above, the way you're photographing them makes them look much wider than they actually are
even if that post wasn't actually from you I hope you'll consider my reply
your pants are a bit long for that style imo, the rest is fine, if plain
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dude that looks amazing but where the fuck do you live it's a hundred million degrees in america rn
>I'm fine with you choosing to be whatever (as long as you be it on my terms, somewhere I can't see)
>I lose respect for who goes somewhere where they're not wanted and they get nothing tangible out of it (like I am in this thread where I don't post fits)
I hope for your own sake that you're voluntarily making bad points
>chooses to opt in
oh wow
a friend of mine said his trans gf has been catcalled repeatedly while she was living in Italy
that is to say, your very strong impression of this phenomena might be biased by the echo chamber that is created by your web browsing habits and by the clearly very strong feelings towards the poster you're replying to
>a friend of mine said his trans gf has been catcalled repeatedly while she was living in Italy
they were probably making fun of him dumbass
post your pants right now this is a fashion board
seriously what kind of pants do you wear bro
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>I wasn't there and I don't know anybody involved, I've never even been less that 500 miles from Italy, but it probably went in the way that best conforms to my very strongly opinionated worldview
this sounds like yet another expression of your biases, see above
>post your pants
there you go
I'll courteously not ask you to post your fit because you're not going to do it regardless
Wtf happened to /fa/?
You look like you have zero interest in fashion. Don’t post again.
Don’t tuck your pants into your boots unless you’re auditioning for the circus.
Why even post?
Dear lord…
Not this clown again
Put on some socks
Nothing matches
Why even post?
lol this is the guy who is criticising your fits and praising the cross dresser
i'm not surprised actually
since everyone arguing about trannies anyway, here’s a simple fit from this weekend. did some braids to try and make it a bit more interesting. not featured are my white sneakers and silver anklet
dude your hairline is clearly visible through your little swept forward hair curtains
you have huge hands ropy arms no hips and wide shoulders
why did you think that a woman's piece of clothing would fit you let alone even look acceptable?
literally put on some jeans and a black tee shirt and put your viking hair in a ponytail and come back and post
right now you are just a joke
good luck
I was just stoned playing dress up over the weekend sry :)
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>I dress well, even if I'm home alone, even if I won't post a picture of any of it
I, on the other hand, don't care to dress well if I'm home alone, and rather wear whatever's comfortable
since you asked nicely, here's what I wore for a birthday party some time ago, and let me see if I have some other recent fit pic, since you asked nicely
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and here's a pair of pants that I'm more likely to wear outside (because I go outside)
you don't pass, DUDE
you're not actually saved. False profession of faith.
man hands
surely you're not referring to the filename, thinking it refers to the religious community or place of worship rather than the brand of shoes I'm wearing ("Church's")?
get a
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Rating later

>Wythe/Bronson/Studio D'Artisan/Fortis
The shirt's really good I literally fucking love the shirt but it might be better buttoned up and tucked in but idk about the jeans. The fit looks a little off, have you tried shrinking those bad boys?
I would add a brown belt, but that's just me. I like the fit. nice one, dude.
Your fits are always simple but very well executed. Thank you helping keep these threads from being totally dogshit.
Good shirt and good fit (>>18174517
). I'm a fan of the sawtooth pockets
Kinda bottom heavy. Either sleeker shoes or looser pants would improve this
Cool shorts
Wearing a terry polo with a blazer is grounds for beheading
Always good
Collar is too small and the rise on those chinos is too low. Tie is fucking lit though
Not bad. Is that Julius denim?
Mirin delts. Tho I prefer solid tanks over graphic ones, especially when tucking
Seconding other's feedback on the jacket fit. And the black shirt isn't doing you any favors
They look much better in motion than in a still pic. And they're one washed so I don't expect much shrink
Cheers lads
Lol cute wish I was in poverty and doing heroin so someone would love and rescue me
Are you all smoking crack??? His pants don’t fucking fit his legs, the cuff is gigantic, the shirt’s pattern is basic as fuck. PROPORTIONS. WHAT THE FUCK
Looks more like a lupin leaf. Don’t worry anon.

Based wool enjoyer.
the trannies are hot and have p good fits tho
claire? you look so much worse now after hrt what happened height hons can never win
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gshock full metal square?
You'll look like a geek in this shit
You don't look how you think you do. You look like lame 16 year old who skateboards in the driveway
You look like a complete goober and you take gender studies
you look like some kind of ridiculous euro trash that gets bussed into outdoor outlet malls. fucking tacky label wearing mudblood
>harry potter insult
I envy your ability to wear the most bland and basic fits day in and out while still having the bizarrely misplaced pride/self confidence required to keep posting them.
This is a shot in the dark but are you gay?
all me btw
all me btw
Sex offender shirt
Never go full sex offender
Dude you look like you're about to tell your buddy not to come to school tomorrow
That shirt screams "Autistic" and the bad haircut doesn't help. You look like a transitioning twink.
Good fit but-- and I wasn't in the last thread-- bad tie. But I might just be biased, the exposure on your camera makes the colors almost read "Trans flag" y'know the pink and blue one. So I would swap that out if you don't want to get hit on by freaks.
Chad, you can come over and fuck my sister (I don't have a sister, but I do have a punching bag and beer)
Hate to say it but that tie is awful.
Who gives a fuck you're built like a black linebacker, it might look tryhard on someone else but if anyone can rock that it's you.
Would be a good fit if you weren't a shitskin, unironically. Otherwise you need to hit the gym/ start mewing.

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