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Why do millennials make fun of zoomers for having broccoli-head haircuts when 15-20 years ago they walked around looking like this?
Lack of self-awareness and perspective.
Every generation complains needlessly about younger generations. It's how you know you're officially old.
Friendly reminder that your great grandparents who listened to jazz were shunned by the adults in their lives when they were kids for it, and someday lil pump and billie eilish will be considered old people music.
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this was the broccoli equivalent among yuro millennials, terminally online zoomie.
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>The broccoli zoomer is equivalent to Guidos
It's perfect
Bangs are natural, broccoli hair is an abomination
>Why do you criticize something happening now when you did anything stupid in your entire life
Wow, what a question.
emo was considered goofy at the time, too.
it was before social media, you were allowed to bully people IRL.
They are trying to keep children from making the same mistakes they did.
Only like 1/20 millenials did that and listened to that music
Millennials had this cut
But young rich white boys in the south will forever have this cut even today
We had myspace
>everyone was an emo in 2008
We made fun of those faggots just as much as we make fun of you broccoli hair, sweatpants wearing queers.
Scene kids were the biggest loosers back then. So at you high school only max maybe 5 kids were scene because they would just get made fun of or beaten up. You could find them drunk in the park on e and k on weekends and it was very easy to rob them in that state. We would pretend like.we were there to smoke weed with them and then steal their shit after and they never said anything. These were kids with adhd that were super annoying.and got checked at school but you would find them.at the mall annoying normal people.with their bullshit. Like sitting.on the floor in hmv reading books.or playing hacky sack in the middle of.the shopping mall.hall..they would wear girls.jeans because skinny jeans didn't exist at the mall. They were fucking losers and barely anyone dressed in that way. Meanwhile every single zoom3r looks.the same.
>snooki report to the smoosh room
There was a small group of kids, maybe 10 of them, that dressed like this in my high school.
We called them faggots for wearing girl jeans.

Now popped collars?
I wish zoomers would bring that shit back
>it was before social media
no it was not. it was the myspace era. before myspace there was livejournal.
emos were relentlessly bullied and modern zoomer kids would have folded at the first insult
>noooo you're not censoring your words for the CCP language monitoring systems waaah
ITT: seething metalheads
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Emo anime hair >>>>>>>> broccoli hair
It doesn't take any effort to get anime hair. It's just what your hair turn into if you have straight hair and let them grow out. But for zoomer broccoli hair you have to get it permed like a bitch. A man doing that is turbo gay.
I don't get why zoomies think everyone was emo/scene back then, they mostly got ridiculed and bullied.
Correct, this is the millennial brocolli head.
This is more like the millennial equivalent of the zoomer mullet and moustache.
>zoomer mullet and moustache
Lmao like noah samsen and modern idubbbz, it's like they try to replicate the sleezy "i don't give a fuck" style of the 80s while still giving a fuck.
i still think this looks cooler and i like the edginess. people with this hairstyle had soul, unlike the normalfag npcs with the broccoli cuts.
Why do you guys write like retired Facebook boomers?
Scene hair needs ironing and spray, it's very high maintenance.
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also another popular haircut was the fauxhawk but closer to the xennial age
Damn, that takes me back.
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The median age on this board is basically 40. It’s a bunch of miserable shut in nobodies who rag about young people unprompted. So glad I stopped using 4chan lmao, the people using this shit turned into the very same ones they used to hate. The fucking unbroken circle of life, bitch.
Any tips on how to get used to having hairs in my sight?
this was based tho
broccoli hair appears to be popular among fairly normal looking zoomers.
emos weren't the broccoli heads of their day. they are more equivalent to trannies.

ie. a minority of dysgenic retards that everyone else bullied.

the millennial equivalent to a broccoli head is probably spiked hair. just regular spikes, no jersey shore and not frosted tips.
not every millennial had this but it was a normal haircut for normal guys.
cut them so they hang right a little on top of your vision you'll get used
That sounds good, thank you!
less than 5% of millennials ever had this hair, meanwhile 75+% of zoomers have the broccoli cut
I would give anything to date a boy that looks like that. The broccoli faggot cut doesn't even compare. What are you on about, OP?
15-20 years ago I had a pony tail.
picrel was a subcultural thing not a normie thing like brocolli hair
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i just did my hair like this
Not the same at all. Emo cuts were considered cringe back then and emos were bullied.
thank you :3
Looks good, now throw on some leather jacket like picrel and I would do you 'til the morning
leather jackets r lame
ur lame lol
>My name is John, and I hate every single one of you.
ur lame, faggot
Guys with that hair got tons of pussy
prove it
r u the one who said leather jacket
>r u the one who said leather jacket
who even uses that pic anymore are you 40 anon!?
Does your mom even allow you to visit this website?
no im being sneaky hehe i delete it from the history on her ipad
that's the spirit, always rebel against the establishment ^^
What race is this?
Only a small percentage of us did though. More millenials dressed like wiggers than emos.
this shit looks pretty cash ngl
Feces so money

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