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File: IMG_8413.jpg (254 KB, 1008x1475)
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What should I do with my hair?
It looks great and suits your face shape.
Shave it off, nail it to a Frisbee and fling it over a rainbow - Bernard Black.

Just put product in it.
Looks good on your face, keep it this way
I think it looks good
But there has got to be some way to improve it?
If I could run my fingers through it while kissing your face, it would be improved. :3
Only thing I can really say is to use good shampoo and conditioner so it doesn't frizz up too much. There is nothing else I would change or improve, it looks good. I'm very jealous
How you get your hair like this? What the routine like?
cool hair bro
I never use shampoo, only water and occasionally conditioner if it feels dry
That's why it looks dirty af
better shampoo desu, you have excessive buildup. try Redken Volume Injection if you want a lightweight but very well cleansing shampoo. it also doesn't strip your hair dry, when used correctly

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