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How do I get rid of beard dandruff?
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Shave your disgusting neckbeard
use anti-dandruff shampoo?
Why does this man have no beard?
>How do I get rid of beard dandruff?
Whash your face daily with a drug store facial cleanser like CeraVe foaming or Neutrogena hydro boost gel cleanser or Aveeno facial cleanser and then put on facial moisturizer or some meme beard oil/beard balm.
>Bubut im le no poo
That's why your face is covered with dandruff
My country doesn't have many soap
Working moisturizer into a beard sucks
Because he's civilized and probably not söy
Are you brushing or combing your beard often, retard?
Shampoo it every couple of days. Don't eat too many carbs (avoid ALL refined/processed carbs). Use oil if it gets really dry
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the same way that you get rid of normal dandruff. The guys that said that using a normal cleanser works or that you just need to moisturize are wrong. Dandruff is caused by an overgrowth or infection of malassezia or yeast on or within hair follicles, and as eukaryotes their cell walls are strong enough that anti-bacterial cleansers do literally nothing. If it is proper dandruff I would recommend just using a normal dandruff shampoo like selsun blue or something with zinc pyrithione. People that recommend things like Nizoral with synthetic antifungals are usually unaware that they're significantly less efficacious and have way more side effects. In terms of actual instruction, just wash your beard with the antifungal and make sure you get the shampoo down to the roots, let it sit for a good minute or two, then rinse and repeat one time. Best of luck anon!
-dermatologist anon :)
You will be but in jail eventually for peddling Finasteride you charlatan.
wash it
I got rid of mine by shaving it. That's the only thing that worked for me. Shaving regularly also exfoliates

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