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How do I dress like this?
I would buy the clothing that man is wearing in that photo and then wear it in the same way he is. Does that help?
>Linen button-up
>Heavily Worn Oversized Coat
>slightly too long torso/wide in the shoulders
>but not too long in the arms
>High-rise, straight leg, button-up cotton trousers

He's probably wearing a dark leather chuka/ankle boot and cuffing his pants
>how do i dress like this
1. Find those clothes
2. Wear them
You put on the clothes he is wearing.
Hope this helps.
Wear his clothes
This looks bad, man. First of all, the jacket is wildly inappropriate for the rest of the outfit. It’s also too big, as at the pants. And speaking of pants, I usually like high waisted trousers but these are too high waisted and frankly too big. The seat cut is clearly too big. Lastly, outfits that are a little unstructured and casual look good IF the body wearing them is basically neat and groomed but this guy’s hair is a mess so it overall just gives the impression of wearing some clothes he founded in dad’s laundry bin.

A solid vision. Close but no cigar.
Instructions unclear. Ended up getting sex change surgery in a Thai slum.
He looks like a 17th century pirate wearing a 19th century jacket.
Kek. Accurate. The shirt, pants, and suspender are giving sort of folksy vibes while the jacket is giving college PhD candidate wearing dad’s jacket. They’re totally at odds. He should ditch the jacket or ditch everything else.
They look like my grandfather who comes from a eastern European village and on the weekend they would wear their work shirts and trousers which looked exactly like this, throw over a suit jacket, also some fancy neckcloth/scarf or whatever other accesoires they could get their hands on plus hat and go partying and dancing like that.

Not only does it look outdated, i don't know why you would deliberately dress in a way that makes you look poor or reliant on hand me downs if you have access to better fitting clothing that matches. Just looks out of place and retarded
Was your grandpa trans? That's pretty stunning and brave for an Eastern European villager.
I meant my grandfather and his friends.
I think you can only wear that fit if you live in the shire. Save money on shoes though.
where to cop that shirt? it's cute.
in the current market its a shitload more expensive to dress in traditional and classic fits than modern "ladies cut" as i call it menswear

jacket is goofy as shit, physique is weak.
I hate this Trudeau looking motherfucker and i don't even know who he is
you have no idea what you're talking about

real answer
>striped popover workshirt, possibly 1920s/30s vintage
>high waist cotton chinos, no belt loops
>wool sport coat, could honestly be from any era except 1920s, 1950s/60s, and 2000s/2010s
>button tab suspenders
>small ascot/scarf
you guys don't know anything and the worst part is you pretend you do
Cope however you like dumbass
looks like every white shirt i see in thrift stores. frumpy ass shit.
No it doesn't you lying fag. You won't find dress shirts like that anywhere these days. It's built like a polo shirt with a closed front and 3 buttons near the neck, 2 chest pockets, but the fabric is thin like a regular button down shirt.
It's called a popover you dumbass, you can this shit in every menswear store
at least i can turn off my caps lock.
a thread is truly dead when this guy turns up in it.
what's with him anyway
kek I spit out my evian
he's on fuckin' cruise control you god damn newfaggots
Read the next rule after it.
>Even with cruise control you still have to steer.
>not letting trick ricky take the wheel

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