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there is literally rock bottom when it comes to fashion i cannot think of anything more trashy and derivative than woo guys and woo girls
These people are obviously doing some sort of outdoor activity, most likely a physical one. Are expecting them to wear suits?
You stupid fucking autistic retard
those women look like shit, the gymshark look of having huge quads for women make them look like fat slobs with no proportions
this post is quintessentially /fa/. some shut-in permavirgin incel with no friends spergs about muh suits at the beach, m'lady, they don't wear fedoras anymore, and posts a picture of normal people having friends. these are the people telling you that you're low class for not knowing that rich people would never have a "lululemon" bra because it's got a visible logo on it with 5mm of letters
The millennial cali asian style looks so cringe
>posts hot fit asian chicks showing their toned bubblebutt in a sexy gym apparell
Just enjoy the fat ass, the thick legs and the visible cameltoes, faggot troon
>Dressed like garbage bags
>But they're having fun with friends so it's alright!
kill yourself
What are people supposed to wear when it's hot as fuck and they're doing stuff outside?
You fucking retard, you're just mad women are having fun and you're not
Literally Elliot Rodger
elliot roger was probably better looking tho
theyre at a retarded edm rave where people do tons of drug and unprotected sex and then complain on social media about how degenerate their life is after. these people could be nuked off the face of the earth for all i care
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Post physique
This but unironically. When people think back of all their best times the last thing on their mind was what they were wearing. Go outside and have a genuine experience for once
Oh so I was right. Elliot Rodger over here mad at normies for having fun and having sex
Please just don't kill people you fucking incel
I go at edm raves and fuck sluts just because I am handsome chad
What? You cant?
Sorry, another INCEL CHUD HAS BEEN BTFO'D, back to /pol/ now
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>People dress like shit
>Criticise bad style choices
They’re (wo)men, anon. Don’t expect much from thread besides name calling, validation of shit fashion choices and emotional retardation.
This what junkies dress like now.
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Fake as fuck. The average white guy 100 or 200 years ago wore a suit and had a six pack, or at least something like a suit and was lean. And by modern standards they were extreme right on the core issues of women, foreigners, queers and eugenics. They would be disgusted by modern people, who are extremely leftist, ugly, obese, wear walmart clothes, have tattoos, have piercings, are gay, etc.

On women: marital rape legal, women had similar legal rights to minors, women dressed very conservatively including head coverings
On foreigners: they didn't like them, they even enslaved them. they often had white-only immigration
On queers: they chemically castrated homosexuals in the UK until the 1950s. it was illegal til the late 20th century
On eugenics: basically everyone NW European including the diaspora was a eugenicist, with the exception of fundamentalist Christians like GK Chesterton and some catholics. Gandhi was a eugenicist, Winston Churchill was a eugenicist, etc.
on the topic of mental health
conservatives and republicans are better looking
leftists have high rates of mutational load, are genetically diseased.
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What's the point of wearing tight clothes and straps that cut your legs blood flow?
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i used to work for usc events and host renegades and warehouse parties and shit. i completely dropped off the face of the earth and left the scene after i went to take a piss in the port a potties at a festival i won't name and walked in on the most disgusting scene you could ever imagine: inside one of the port a potties was a mountain of human shit and tampons rising above the toilet bowl. on top of poop and tampon mountain were two young girls obviously out of their mind on drugs. behind them was a row of dudes lined up waiting to fuck them.
i've done more drugs than all of you, fucked more bitches than all of you, been to more raves and festivals, kicked it with every dj and producer i've ever wanted to backstage some of them even did sets for my renegades fo free, i have over $1000 of throw lights and i spin fire poi.
and i agree with the anon about dropping a nuke on these festivals.
its literal sodom and gomorrah.
shit cope anyone who didn't flunk out of high school physics knows is retarded.
exposing your skin with shorts is warmer than wearing pants if you're in direct sunlight such as at a festival.
shorts and walking around with a bra on is how to get roached by the sun. shorts and tank tops are for when you expect to be under shade such as going on a hike on a hot day under tree cover or being on a boat with a canopy for examples.
how some of you manage to get jobs, college degrees, etc and be this retarded is beyond me.
being so high iq makes the world feel lonely because it is full of morons like you.
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>they're uhhh
>working out and doing physical activity
>they must be dancing a lot!
almost half of them are obese.

only 1 of the girls looks like she's ever been to the gym. the huge quads are from obesity.
do you think the left girl has accidentally caught her flaps in the zipper when she closes it
>by modern standards they were extreme right
But that really doesn’t matter, because they weren’t political extremists in their time. The point wasn’t
>uglies support ideologies that differ from 2024 political mainstream
>uglies support ideologies that differ strongly from their contemporary mainstream
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why are they always like this?
this is unironically true, what the fuck.
I'm not even American, from Europe and met a bunch in an exchange program i did in my master's and there were only two types. The ones who moved abroad for college from asia were much more balanced.
this is a very un-PLUR post. don't worry i'm sure these people want absolutely nothing to do with your sorry ass either
this is a very un-PLUR post. don't worry i'm sure these people want absolutely nothing to do with your sorry ass either
>talking shit
yeah you totally seem like a nice person to hang out with, definitely not getting any creepy boomer roofieing girls drinks kinda vibes from you at all
>hot fit asian chicks showing their toned bubblebutt
>asian chicks
>bubble butt
i'm with you that the OP is a faggot, but there is not one bubble butt in sight in this photo
You seem to have forgotten your meds again.
oh wow i didn't realize i was arguing with someone who was actually severely mentally ill.
yeah sure thing buddy.
Here's the thing. I actually am quite familiar with mental illness. I've had a manic episode before. And I know how it feels during a manic episode when other people insist that something is wrong with you and it sounds so wrong to you that it has to be malicious. I know you're not going to believe me, but you actually do need to talk to someone about this. just talk to a psychiatrist about all of this and see what they say. i'm not a medical professional so i can't diagnose anything. believe me i really wish i listened to the people telling me to get help before i ruined my life. instead i told them all to go fuck themselves just like what you're doing
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>i've done more drugs than all of you, fucked more bitches than all of you, been to more raves and festivals,
>its literal sodom and gomorrah.
I could have told you then when I was 12 though, maybe you could have asked me instead of "finding yourself" over the course of a decade
Asians like these wierd me out because they try so hard to emulate human emotion for some wierd reason. They're like an AI trying and failing to grasp why humans do illogical, inefficient things. Like, they can deduce that the west is the most prosperous culture and therefore attempt to assimilate but... everything seems so forced like, they do a perfect visual interpretation of western culture without understanding the spirit behind it. Like, in their minds they have the typical asian instinct to conquer and kill and bring suffering to any who dare oppose but they try so so so hard to stop being asian and start feeling human emotions.
I am empathizing with you, not projecting. But anyway I'm not getting a whole lot of Peace, Love, Unity or Respect from you. So I'm gonna revert back to what I was originally saying which is that you're being very un-PLUR. Whether or not you take my advice is not in my hands. I'm done engaging with you though it's bed time. Good luck with whatever you've got going on in this thread.
>some shut-in permavirgin incel with no friends spergs about muh suits at the beach

stop projecting. this is obviously a festival. people don't dress like that at the beach. touch sand
Stop coping. Post physique.
I'm a virgin volcel straight-edge religious boi who hates sexual and bodily degeneracy and at a party we played a drinking game where everyone had to point who they would most like to have sex with and a few girls pointed at me

The other day I was walking my roommates dog and a woman slowed down her car while staring at me (I was dressed nicely and in a small country town that's unheard of)

Not everyone who hates promiscuity and degeneracy is just a weak incel
>just some guys having fun outside with friends
>autistic incel becomes enraged
Yes they are shit but still free junkie sex. Dont go without a condom tho
Center one looks pretty toned, others are landwhales tho
>7 minute read
Do Americans really?
i know what you are saying about the middle gal, but i swear man, she's probably flat as a shovel back there
Go back to r*ddit, you stupid fucking faggot. We don't defend basic bitch ravers here. MDMA & EDM is the NASCAR of drug festivals. It caters to the absolute lowest common denominator. Kill yourself irl.
Yeah ur right east asians generally dont put a lot of fat in their rears... Aw man

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