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>wear a suit
>people just think youre some kind of office worker or real estate agent and dont take much notice of you
whats the point
most of this board is underage and thinks of suits as a sort of "grail", especially "bespoke suits" which apparently is what the stealth wealth people wear when they're hanging out at the beach with their "trophy wives"
most rich people wear casual clothes and brands like nike and adidas though
I'm not sure I would agree on those brands, but yeah, if you're in a suit, you're the help, and I don't mean like how the head of the family office who makes $400k a year is "the help", I mean people, including and perhaps especially the wealthy people all the poors seem to want to simp for these days, are going to peg you as an uber driver, a security guard, a hotel clerk, or a bank teller
wear whatever you want. but if youre not rich and you wear a suit then youre just going to be "that guy who wears suits" and that sucks.
Why do suits make people so mad ?
You don't see this kind >>18175847
Of vitriolic seething reaction to any other clothes. Not even outright crossdressing gets people this angry
I think permanently online speds have this idea that there is some kind of "upper class uniform" or that they've cracked the code on "what rich people really wear". Combine that with redditors posting shit like "swag is for boys, class is for men" and you have the dumbest conversation to ever grace the internet.

In reality, while some companies have a business dress code, most people just wear whatever they like. Some people dress like slobs and simply don't care much while others are more into menswear and wear suits frequently no matter the occasion. It's the same regardless of income, only difference is the pricetag and brand of whatever it is you're wearing. People outside the internet, regardless of social class, just don't care that much about other people's clothes
I'm an attorney and my colleagues and I pretty much only wear suits when we have to (appearing in court, giving a presentation, etc.) In fact, when someone is wearing a suit, someone will often ask something like "do you have court today?"
Button-up or polo, no tie, and slacks are the norm.
Hello fellow attorney. This is my experience as well. Some guys around the office wear suits all the time and there's this understanding that these guys are fans of menswear and that's all there is. There's no overthinking it or spazzing out because of their hobby or personal style.
>wore a suit out once because I had an interview earlier that day and was drinking hard since it was all women and I knew they weren't gonna hire me from the start and it's hard to get an interview anymore
>girl asks who died
>my grandma
It's like the weirdos over on the "ivy" thread who want to dress like faculty/professors. I'm a doctoral student nowadays and I've never seen a professor in any department across any university dress like what they want to dress like.
I used to drink with a guy who owned the entire area. He was leasing out the real estate to a bunch of developers and he was probably worth 750 million by that point. He worse pretty ratty clothes all the time. I flew with an older woman on Southwest, billionaire, as she was en route to her Florida Keys place. She was dressed well, but comfortable. Women tend to dress in higher quality clothing than men, as a general rule. Men who have stupid money tend to ignore what women say and dress however they want.
>I met a rich person once and it was fascinating, let me tell you all about it, they {tl;dr...}
I worked at a startup with a ceo guy who thought he was rich and an investor who knew he was rich.

CEO wore Montclair and porche merchandise. Investor wore... god knows what, chaps? Old jeans? Only wealth signifier was sometimes he wore a classic rolex. He flew his own plane for fun.
Fascinating. What did his poop smell like?
No idea, he had crazy japanese toilets installed
>whats the point
good looking uniform instead of looking like a fashion victim or slob
Being known as the suit guy in your group of friends isn't the worst thing.
Yeah think of that like super cool guy from like that how i banged your mother show or something like that. He was like always wearing a suit and stuff. People should like call you by his name because they're like in on it bro it would be so cool
I have to wear a suit everyday for work, it fucking sucks
Why? Is it the comfort or the logistic of styling it?
Bit of both. More work in the morning to get ready when I'm typically very lazy, have to plan the outfits way more than if it was business casual. Plus in the summer it's fucking hell
In sales profiling they teach you that a young guy wearing expensive name brand clothes is probably broke but an older guy wearing a track suit, ball cap and steel watch is probably loaded.
Lol. 90% of this board is literally 17 year olds. If you're in an Ermenegildo Zegna suit or a decent-looking suit, you look like a businessman and will get preferential treatment in most real-life situations. Try wearing your BAPE streetwear and a suit next day and notice the difference.
There is a difference between wearing a shitty suit and a good suit made by an Italian tailor. In any third-world country, a good suit will make you look exceptional. In a first-world country, it will just make you look very good.
This is business wear

This is autism
Because using fashion to project an image of being more important or wealthy than you actually are is cringe, and that's the reason some people obsess over suits. There's a time an place for wearing suits, and if you're not there and then, you'll look like you're desperately trying to feel important.
Stop projecting this bullshit. It is the reason that third-world shitskins have an upper hand in this world. If you wear a suit, you look better, period. It is a shame that Indians can figure this out before Americans.
I can tell you're the 17 year old because you think the options are bape and zegna
Stop coping. The options are bape or Zegna because I don't give a shit about clothes. I just put on a suit and don't have to care for the rest of the day. I'm also fucked up right now.
>If you wear a suit, you look better, period.
You might look good, but you will also look out of place 100% of the time unless your job requires it, you are at a wedding, or a funeral. Wearing a suit outside of those settings is dated and weird. It works in thirdie shitholes like India because their cultures are obsessed with projecting wealth and status (ours are too but doing it too blatantly is looked down on). It's the same reason brown thirdie immigrants are 99% of the people you see covered in tacky designer logos.
Look at how mad this kid is for getting called out
You don't have to care about this. I unfortunately live in a 2nd world shithole and it provides a good upper hand. If you wear a suit, you could always have a reason. If it is a good suit, the third worlder serving you at a bar will know this and not talk back. If you live in the US, you still look good and there is no drawback to this.
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>I wear a suit so I don't get bullied by bartenders
Jesus christ and I thought I was a pushover
You don't have to wear a suit. I'm just saying that it will give you an upper hand in any situation that could occur and there is no cost associated with it. In the same way that having money will generally give you an upper hand - except getting decent suits doesn't cost very much.
I've never in my life had an issue with "talk back" from bartenders or foodservice employees in general, nor do I wake up in the morning wondering what I should wear to gain the upper hand in mundane retail transactions. If you are actually an adult and not a child I feel bad for you, and I mean this genuinely. If as I suspect you're a little kid, then it was fun talking with you, I used to do this kind of stuff too when I was your age, try to sound like a world weary grown up. I don't think most people bought it but they were generally nice anyway.
Omg. I'm wasted but it's still annoying how this board is filled with American college kids. Try going to Slovakia and doing business with the local people wearing your niggerball gear vs a suit. See what the difference is when you dress like a white person and try to get money from a bank.
Interesting to hear about the banking systems in other countries. I sort of think of Slovakia as being not THAT underdeveloped, is banking really a thing where you have to rely on your social status and clothing and not just the local equivalent of a credit score? I know that's a thing in places like Vietnam, maybe it's the ex communist theme? Oh wait Vietnam is still communist... is it? Who cares lol.

When I was shopping around for a mortgage, I did meet with one rep from my bank in person. He was in a suit, I don't remember what I wore but it definitely wasn't a suit. Ended up going with another bank that didn't even have a local branch so we did the whole thing through a clunky ass web form developed by wolters-kluwer. But probably by slovakian standards that's some shit out of star trek right?

Then for closing I had to go get a cashier's check from a physical bank branch for some fairly large (to me) amount of money, and I wasn't wearing a suit for that either. The only time I've worn a suit in recent memory was for my aunt's funeral a couple years ago and I was a bit embarrassed because it was already looking somewhat dated. I vowed to get a new one but still haven't gotten around to it. Hopefully nobody dies soon. Thank you for reading my blog, if you liked this video use the link in the description it means a lot to me.
>unironically this
just because every american - and jeet that has moved there - takes their morale and business goals from arsewipes like musk, zuckberg et al they think their slovenly appearance frees them to be creative. they cant see the difference between Job's carefully created image and rocking up in a bad pastiche of a bad bunny or post malone fit.
fortunately for them they rarely if ever leave the USA so are catered to as a nation who cant identify what a woman is...is hardly going to notice you cant dress.

BUT the minute you leave your cargo jorts, slide infested hell hole...oh we all know. and we judge. and we laugh.
Getting a bit off topic here but this is what happens when your banking system relies entirely on whether the guy you're talking to has a nice suit and is "not a nigger":

Exactly, except Americans are the only ones who can afford decent suits in Rome. So the smart amerisharts actually get the best deal out of this.
getting a bit off topic but this is what happens when your country abandons all standards

>no one is rich except americans.
Yeah when we fuck up it destroys the global economy, being the best is hard work
>confuses influence with competence.
pic related.
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hey quick question: did you have a strong male role model or father figure growing up?
were you raised by a single mom, or a weak beta male dad who worked all the time and didn't spend time with you?
I hope he makes the right decision before he hits the twink wall, he's got the skeleton to make a top tier girl, he just needs to stop eating garbage and start mainlining estrogen yesterday
i just hate how they are universally mandated as formal attire while being so impractical
…in Ohio. Even then you’re just getting the preferrential treatment so they can get your uncanny ass served up and out of the establishment as fast as humanly possibly so you’ll stop drying up every pussy in the vicinity.
This is the next step for stealth wealth larpers
>how to make your excrement have that old money stench
Well I do say old chap but I was in the adjacent stall just now in the truck stop shitters and i could not help but notice that distinctive fragrance of digested wild pheasant and fresh rosemary. So, where do you summer?
Can confirm, my last business trip before zoom meetings replaced all that, I was in cleveland in a RTW $800 suitsupply suit and it did seem to inspire a kind of hushed deference which I found a bit funny. Like bro it's just a suit, you've never seen an office drone in a suit before?

Keep in mind though I was also the first healthy person anyone had seen outside of television, just ordering a caesar salad for lunch I got a lot of "oh no, are you on diet? but you're already thin!" So it might have been just the fact that I didn't look like an inbred dysgenic pig-person with flushed cheeks and rolls of fat spilling over my belt line. It's really hard to separate all the variables

Living in a place like that might be interesting for a while, like being an American GI in a middle east war zone where all the starving refugees look up to you like you're some kind of god with your sorcery like sterile wound dressings and access to flying machines, sure it might be bleak and leave you with PTSD but it's a story to tell the kids about later that's for sure
Do you think a pussy will get wetter when touching the soft wool-silk-linen blend of my suit or rubbing on the shitty jeans / NBA gear that typical americans wear every day to "blend in"?
My suit can definitely wick the moisture quicker and remain fresh.
Suits are the most practical thing you can wear. You could wear the same suit for two weeks and still look fresh and smell good by the end. If you get wet in the rain, you will dry off quickly.
Materials like wool and silk used for suits are also best for adapting to different temperatures i.e. will keep you decently dry and cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.
Tell me you wear terrible/cheap suits withput telling me you wear terrible/cheap suits. Every element of a suit has a practical function or is derived from a practical function you can still get on a good suit.

The one thing I'll grant is the loss of the ability to button the lapels/collar all the way like in the olden days. Even so, you can easily pop the collar and it stays in place to keep you from the cold and wind.
Exactly. Suits got popular in the first place because they are very weather-resistant, durable and contain many practical features (including a lot of pockets). Of course, you will only get this in a decent suit (but it will last 10 years and still look good). I would literally go hiking in the Alps in a suit, no problem.
am i allowed to wear barefoot shoes with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a tool belt with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a chest rig with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a helmet with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a rain jacket with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a hi viz safety vest with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a fanny pack with a suit?
am i allowed to wear anything wrinkled, frayed, tattered, or stained with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a wrinkled, frayed, tattered, or stained suit?
>Jeans and NBA gear

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