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You dont look swole tho
morning skyr + fruits
lunch eggs, bananas cashews,
dinner beef/salmon with potato
snack cashews/fruits
eating around 2000 kcal 3-4 liters of water
You aren't bloated your just have recessed cheekbones
What’s your body fat percentage? I’m guessing skinny fat? If so, just lose fat.
You aren't bloated you just aren't very handsome. Try starving yourself so your below average bone structure shows a little more
this is above average in the US
source: average looks and barely have abs, still get lots of matches on dating apps
Get a Core 2 Duo ThinkPad, install libreboot then Gentoo, throw your phone into the trash
>muh dating apps
Then he should buy a trans flag and get on hrt
>still get lots of matches on dating apps

Is this a new form of validation for zoomers?
>Tell us why we would hire you
>Well I get a lot of tinder matches
They don't even meet and fuck them either. Just get "matches" and then tell people they got matches.
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Heres side profile, if they are so recessed how do you fix it?
this isnt evne a good diet, so many carbs and 0 veg besides sugar filled fruits
???? Theres nothing wrong with you, you have good facial aesthetics. Are you swedish/norwegian/dane/german? You kinda look like an autistic aryan from up there, but overall
>good side profile
>nice jawline
>decent facial shape
>tired autist eyes
Smile more and get some good rest
Get rid of those sideburns!
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Holy fucking shit ive NEVER seen this much of a disparity between a front and side of a face EVER.
Youre a gigachad from your side profile and your front is just unfortunate. Its ALL abozt the cheeks isnt it? Hoky fucking shit
Anyway, ice your face, drives all the bloat away, leaves the skin taut on what little cheekbone you have, and youe godtier side profile carries you the rest of the way. And if youre not mewing start, even a little bit of cheek definition goes a long way with a jaw like that
mewing is broscience, it doesn’t do anything
You are beautiful bro
well i didnt pick the best angle from the front but i have a asymmetrical nose you cant really see from the side
If you want hollow cheeks, more lean face, the problem can be a few things. The first and worst is having any high salt foods, you can be low body fat, not be constipated, but if you eat too much msg shit youll look fat. Next is maybe you got a little fat, as even 1lb of weight gain can be devastating to the face if not accompanied with any muscle, but 1lb of fat can go away very quick, like just skip lunch.
If you got constipation though that usually goes away but have some fiber.

My recommendations: after a shave your cheeks usually look more hollow, from losing hair over it but also it just happens. Also have more electrolytes, mostly potassium and magnesium which will get rid of excess salt. For long term I suggest keto, which is great for being lean. Avoid carbs. and if you do one thing drink more water

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