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pocket for going out, no pocket for staying in
Technically, what do you put in this kind of pocket ?? They are useless
Pockets on t’s look childish imo. You know because of the little pockets they put on all childrens clothes and all. Makes sense if your a kid and want to store little rocks and stuff you find on the ground. Makes less sense if youre a grown up. Because you have pockets on your pants right?
Glasses, cigs, business cards, a folded up 20 dollar bill, a lock of a girls hair that you've cut off, some Yu-Gi-Oh cards, a gram of coke, some gum, a fidget spinner
smoker, non smoker
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This. I don't like t-shirt pockets them because I associate them with little kids. It reminds me of pic related.
I use my shirt pocket all the time. I don't carry a purse though so maybe that's why.
Pocket too small anyway
Smoking is bad for you
>business cards
Use your wallet
>a folded up 20 dollar bill
Use your wallet
>a lock of a girls hair that you've cut off
>some Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>a gram of coke
Drugs are degenerate
>some gum
Do you really want to chew like a cow in public?
>a fidget spinner
Pocket too small anyway
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>Pocket too small anyway
not that anon.
imagine buying sunglasses that don't fold. holy lawl.
>Pocket too small

Yeah maybe if you're a freaking manlet
I'm never going to use the pocket and it just has a chance to rip or otherwise make the shirt look bad, so no pocket.
>buys glasses
>puts them into a shirt pocket
You know there's a reason people say to only wipe glasses with a microfiber cloth, right? What do you think is going to happen if your glasses are constantly rubbing against your shirt?
How does a pocket hurt when staying in? It's not like you're forced to put something in it at all times or the manufacturer will remotely make it self-destruct.
Spare condoms to give them to Tyrone when he comes to fuck your girlfriend/wife.
thats exactly what happens though
More like your mom’s manlet me cum in her pussy
Nothing lasts for ever, I'm not gonna baby my glasses like some nerd.
That's just the (((microfiber))) cloth companies lying to you to sell more of their little cuck cloths.
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folders guy. i use picrel.
19 years in on my ray bans. just starting to get scratches on my plastic puck lenses. probably from not babying them when i'm hiking and shit. still got the glass lenses they came with never used, and new pucks are like 100bux without insurance.
pockets are for losers fanny packs are for winners
why would you waste a perfectly good pocket shirt on staying in?
theres no shirt that saves this guy
its over for him
>no pocket on t shirt
>one pocket on short sleeve
>two pocket on long sleeve
So it is written, so it shall be.
very effay post

very pathetic posts

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