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What's the fucking point in dressing well when this is my competition?
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Bottom left is AI generated, probably bottom right too

But regarding your question, you should just get on estrogen and become the girlfriend, the only winning move is not to play
There is literally no point in dressing well if you aren't good looking. I would go as far as saying there's no point in dressing well even if your good looking and skinny. You need to work out. It's the number 1 thing you need to do right now for yourself.
That image is like a decade old
Nowadays apps are dead as fuck and only incels and whores are on
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Theo and Josh can take turns on my bussy.
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its always been about face and height
are there normal people on these apps
This is the uk.....
This pic is old

Its just ethnics and skinny guys with hair...
go to r9k, limpdick
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Hit the gym, gake test supplements, be on nofap, lift weights and eat less carbs alot of protein.
A white girl asked if she could have a chocolate colored baby from me.
fucking nigger, your skin color has the same color as my shit. never forget that, nigger.
I wish I was the girl but I'm just a gross male with a chad jaw and a permanent five o clock shadow :(
i'm a 5'7 guy with 8-9/10 facial aesthetic and i've fucked 2-3000 women. i have herpes and hpv and my dick is mostly scar tissue i don't even feel pleasure from sex anymore.
all 7/10, age 18-25 college students, no brown baggers and no hog wrangling.
the biggest mistake of my life was engaging in hook up culture and passing up on many girls who i should have settled down and had kids with.
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you're not black. i have a lot of black friends i used to live in the bay and i banged. none of them post on 4chan or talk this way.
2-3000 women
WTF that ain't real that would be like a world record

How does sex make your dick scar tissue? If that were true all fappers on here would have just a keratinized stump left for a dick from fapping so hard with deathgrip all day
There is no point. Realistically, a man can’t meaningfully improve how attractive he appears to women, because all the traits that matter are genetic. Fashion or gym are just copes, your cards are decided on birth.
If there are, what would it matter? Why would any woman choose a ”normal” man when they have access to male models on demand?
youre a homosexual who is attracted to troons
Blatant catfish
"Competition" implies that you were ever going to try in the first place which let's be honest you weren't. Really wish you losers would take your sad shit to the correct board, this one is for fashion
This stuff is pretty common, I've seen women get dates with guys like that through tinder
yeah but even male models must have limits they can't hog all the women
if you think clothing will fix your ugliness or personality (apparently both here) then I have some bad news for you
you should try wearing stuff because you like them, you won't seduce shit with that mindset
Yeah, they get leftswiped until they are removed from the lists by the algorithm.
Move to another neighborhood
Lets assume they have jobs throughout the week, they can easily bang two women per night on a workday and in the weekend just go from slut to slut. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because most average women are literally obsessed with chads for their whole week and the one hour of time they get while being banged by chad. That is where all their attention goes.
im pretty old for this board and cocaine's a hell of a drug.
the scarring is from herpes and hpv and shit.
>two women per night
the fuck lol these are some incel tier delusions
Nah, you have one slut waiting for you outside of work, take her home, bang her, send her away, bring out the other one to your home, let her stay over.
Oh wow, 2 things in the universe happen to have the same color. Do you need a Nobel prize for that discovery, timmy?
why though
if you’re dressing well specially to attract women you’ve already lost
anon these are all catfishing accounts by indian men
That’s the type of man thst your average 5/10 woman will band every week. Do you realize what that means for your odds to find a partner?

Yes, you will never get to touch a woman as an average man, you will die alone. No clothes or gym will change that.
It’s a cope to think that men like that wouldn’t have enough time to plow through every attractive woman, leaving some ”mercy” slots for you to exploit in order to get a woman. Accept it, every average woman can find a man like that in 5 minutes through Tinder, so why would they ever want or need someone like you?
why is there an /r9k/ thread on /fa/ mods? pls remove. Also all the real life chads are on Hinge, plus they are well off, I would get on that app because even the average looking guys pull 150k
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I gave a pretty good advice to end your incel existence, but the responses are bitter and jealousy.
Imagine just like a little bratty kid, who "don't wanna share his women".
Since when are objective truths /r9k/? Someone needs to break this board’s childish delusion that things like hairstyles or clothes matter.
It's a hobby you fucking idiot. People don't get into cars, trains, hiking, birdwatching or whatever the fuck because they "matter" to women. They do it because it's fun and they enjoy it. You are confused and desperate and women most likely smell it on you from a mile away. Maybe if you had a hobby you could enjoy with other people you wouldn't be so miserable.
You're proving his point. One worded replies show you have no counter. I've noticed your types hiss and seethe at the notion of self-improvement because it robs you of your excuse to wallow in defeatism and self-pity. Most here would tell you to rope, which I really hope you don't. The sad truth is you're already dead inside.
how many brain cells did you have to muster up to reply with that, faggot?
>There is literally no point in dressing well if you aren't good looking

Then explain Michèle Lamy

>I would go as far as saying there's no point in dressing well even if your good looking and skinny.

Since when has /fa/ said being muscular is better looking than being skinny? Being lean looks way better in clothes than stocky.

1st profile shit tattoo and obviously doesn't have a personality so uses shirtless pics.

2nd guy looks like a posh tosser

Same goes for 3rd

4th guy is 19 and calls himself a film director? Seriously imagine talking to a 19 year old who thinks he's a fucking film director?

5th profile at least he has a good hobby, but he's from NZ so something tells me he doesn't actually surf.

6th guy is nothing more than a crimson chin

These dudes are clearly tryhards with rich parents. Bunch of boring cunts
maybe you wouldn't be such an insecure little cuck if you took some pride in your appearance

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