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Why it be like this?
I bet anons can't name one item that man can wear that women can't

>also, it says I made this october last year
>Why it be like this?
Because Men and women aren't the same
Unironically the patriarchy which also sets standards for what men are allowed to do.
If I see a woman wearing a tie I'm assuming she's either retarded or a tranny.
Ties are phallic objects symbolizing virility and a huge cock. A woman wearing that shit is like a man wearing a bra and a skirt to me.
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Because fashion is for femoids and homosexuals. Men wear clothes for their utility. Women don't give a shit about a man's clothes as long as he is dressed presentably. What they care more about is your wealth and status (along with your face and physique). Men on the other hand mostly care about the looks of women. Which is why they have to put more effort in their appearance, and why there are more ways for them to do that. It's simply demand and supply.
But my grammy gave it to me.
She looks retarded.
Take that tie off yo neck playa.
Even bow ties are hard for women to pull off. They almost always look like dykes if the bow isn't overly frilly and girly.
Women look like dykes in pantsuits even without the ties. If a woman must dress business formal, she should wear a skirt suit. And in any non work-related formal setting, they should wear dresses.
As a toxic masculine male i don't need extravagant clothes.
Dressing fancy is inherently feminine.
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>z0mg what is this nasty DYKE shit?!! NOO YOU CANT WEAR THIS, NO WOMEN DONT DO IT, TELL ME IT ISN'T SO. SPECIALLY IN EAST EURO OR ASIA. NOOOOOOOO that was the only thing I could name to answer OP's question!!!
She so retard amirite /fa/ bros? amirite?
Looks like a tranny, not gonna lie.
Just say you're into futa and get over it
This is what retards who think they'll turn gay if they wear a sweater think
it's really more like this
some men's clothes truly do not look flattering on women, but almost no women's clothes look flattering on men unless they can pass for the opposite sex
I'm actually german
She literally has a symbol for retardation on her tie.
She looks like some child wearing her dad's tie.
I like that style of ribbon, I'd wear it myself if it wasn't very conspicuously gay
Like I said, that kind of works because it's frilly and girly. If she wore a regular men's bow tie, she would look like an even bigger dyke.
long ties look goofy on women and make no sense if you know the history of ties.
they also look goofy on men to me.
short ties are cute on a girl and can serve as a blowjob leash.
t. not virgin
Accurate picture. Men's fashion may be far more limited but it's far more intricate and focused on detail. You are only complaining because you are probably a slob that wears brand logo tshirts and cargo shorts every day. If you actually got into men's fashion you would find that it is far richer and leaves nothing to be desired.
>I bet anons can't name one item that man can wear that women can't
the stuff to be desired is the stuff in the outside circle though tbf there's not a whole lot of womenswear that i'd be interested in wearing personally
Not that guy, but the vast majority of women's fashion is impractical bullshit (like high heels), because it was always designed with rich women and socialites in mind, who don't do any physical work that requires easy mobility. Which is why there's so much of it. Meanwhile, men's fashion is always pretty practical and utilitarian, because we don't have the time and luxury to sit around all day gossiping and scheming and look whorish. So there's only so many ways you can modify clothing before it starts getting in your way.
I've never seen a Cummerbund looking good on a woman.
female condoms exist
cock rings
They aren't identical to male condoms though
Limitation breeds creativity.
Neither of those are effay items, they're sexo items

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