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Nobody I know wears a watch. This isn't really a thing in 2024. I assume these people are just autists

>/frag/ - Fragrance General
This is just really gay. Nobody wears cologne. If you unironically wear cologne in a casual setting or at work, people will think you're really weird.

>/glass/ - Sunglasses/Eyeglasses
This is fine

>/hg/ /skg/ general

>/tip/ - Trad Ivy Prep General
Really bad. You will look like a dork if you try to LARP as a Kennedy when you're actually just a nerd browsing 4chan and playing factorio

>/btg/ boot general
This also seems like it's just autists - obviously nobody actually dresses like this anymore irl

>Sneaker General
Pretty good. People post things you can actually wear outside
>surprised that /fa/ is autists
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A milf actually complimented me with A&F Fierce on.
Man I want to Fuck?
I’ll repost it. I have two more Ebels coming and a couple other watches that are not in the photo that are not neo vintage unfortunately
All of them look ugly as fuck. Imagine wasting your money on this trash.
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>Nobody I know wears a watch.
you're a zoomer. nobody you know had a real father figure or strong male role model growing up either. anyone who's been camping or hunting owns a watch. anyone who's trained cardio owns a watch. not owning one outs you as a manchild.
watch thread is all spergs but only post-eternal-summer zoomerchildren and jimmy numales don't wear a watch. normal guys buy a g shock, apple watch or seiko and call it a day they don't obsess over watches and collect them like the insane people in that thread.
in many social settings an adult man finds himself in such as a business meeting it can be perceived as very rude and socially retarded to pull your phone out and turn the screen on to check the time.
if you've ever lived in a 'hood' before its peak dumbass mark behavior to pull your phone out and be staring at it.
You are the most based and interesting poster in watch threads, homie. What are the two Ebels coming? What are some other brands you are planning to obtain? Btw, I'm the anon who told you about Breil in one of your rare but much appreciated threads.
this little nugget is intensely interesting what is it?
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forgot pic i'm literally still shaking after yesterday lmfao
Cope. You literally don't need a watch in 2024, just admit that you're a consoomer, that'd be more honest than your retarded explanation
>on /fa/
>"you don't need X"
you don't need the majority of things discussed on this board ya dingus
its an 32 millimeter omega constellation from 1998 I think. I've had it a long time and you can still pick them up for under a 1000 dollars easy too.
thanks bro. I have a 1911 and a players and vip only watch from the 1984 monte carlo masters coming.

I'm thinking ill get a Robergé when the right one surfaces. I'll keep buying Krieger's they come up. Its hard not to. Great design and you can get them for less than what the movements are worth sometimes. Ill get more classic waves too. I want one with a khanjar, diamond bezel and one with a black face.

For things that wouldn't be an impulse buy, something from either Gerald Genta, custom Asprey piece or a early franck muller
>gets called out for dressing like a sperg
>posts a pic from the 19th century and writes a huge wall of text I didn't even read
>that face
>sneakers good!
Its these people every fucking time
For your girlfriend?
Watches have gotten why to big
>thread up for days
>watch autists at least show up to defend themselves and spaz out
>colognefags and bootards nowhere to be seen
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I've seen the pic of the Monte Carlo Ebel on /wt/, it's very nice.

There's a rare and super cool Robergé on eBay right now, I would honestly pick it up if it wasn't a bit too small for my wrist.
ebay / itm / 154611063834

Yema from that period also seems to have really interesting stuff. Have you ever stumbled upon these models?
That roberge has been on my watchlist for like two months dude. Got really close to making a shitty offer on it a while ago too. There’s another one from a us seller I really like too. Really nice bracelet.

And no I have not. I’m gonna check it out now though. Some of those look pretty cool actually
>That roberge has been on my watchlist for like two months dude
It's so nice, I definitely hope you will get it.

Also, what are the two watches of your collection with the dark dial?
fucking hell that's a classy piece
There both krieger. Really good American brand that was pretty popular in the 90s. They got there start making watches for knowing if it was high tide or not. All made in Switzerland with the same ETA movements they use in breitlings
>puts on casio f-91w
>douses self in obscure out of production cologne that's impossible to define
>puts on $1,500 boots handcrafted by a guy who lives on a cliff in Portugal
Ah, finally effay...

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