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File: evans-1522429001.jpg (99 KB, 980x490)
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mustaches or beards in 2024
Clean shaven.
Those who are the trendsetters are rocking the goatee
Maybe 20 years ago.
Muslim never wore moustaches, only Europeans did.
The choice is obvious.
Why tf would any man choose to wear a mustach it looks fucking weird and disgusting either have a full beard or clean shaven
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Based. Beards and mustaches aren't masculine anymore because everybody wear them in 2024
>Muslim never wore moustaches
>Masculinity is contrarianism
there are only three options: clean shaven, beard or goatee
salafist saudis arent muslim lol
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long beard
The real whiteâ„¢ beard style is clean shaven, that's all
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That's blasphemous against the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). That filthy kuffar will burn in hell for eternity.

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