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Alain Délon is peak /fa/ and people still dress like this in Southern Europe, but would it be cringe to adopt a similar style in North America?
depends on your face and height, but yeah it would be even if you were good looking. People are dressed so terrible that when I tuck in my oxford to look like an early 90s bodyguard people ask why i dress so fancy
If you are at least decent looking and in decent physical shape, it will get you somewhat ahead of the rest to dress more professionally or smart casual, as Alain Delon appeared to often dress during his height of popularity during the 1960s and 1970s. Jean-Paul Belmondo was another great star from that era.
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Marcello Mastroianni too
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What material are tthese suit pants? Wool? Wool blend? Its a summer pant, but it does not look like linen, unlike the blazer.
>would it be cringe to adopt a similar style in North America?
Bro, it's just a white shirt and grey trousers. You'll be fine.
I wouldn't be that sure in a country of niggers.
Fucking love him in plein solei
It’s a nice timeless look
Alain stopped getting roles once his looks faded. Turns out he's a talentless hack without his looks.
you're so fucking retarded it's genuinely baffling
It entirely depends on weather
>it's genuinely baffling
Maybe because the retard is you?
probably just a summer wool
people assume wool is only a cold weather fabric but there is loads of summer wools that keep you nice and cool
He’s one of the best looking people ever born, he’s look good in a garbage bag.

Show me an average dude , then you Conan tell whether the outfit actually looks good and appropriate.
>would it be cringe to adopt a similar style in North America?
depends on where you live.
if you're in a big city like LA or NYC, dressing like that is probably fine

but if you live in a bumfuck town in wisconsin, yeah you'll turn a lot of heads if you go to walmart dressed like that
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Fuck Alan, this is the fit I want to emulate

>Please wait a while before making a post
People will probably mug him and kick his ass for acting like a gay celebrity in a flyover state.
It’s not cringe but you would look out of place in 99.9% of North America.

People don’t typically dress like this in Southern Europe by the way.
>looking out of place is a bad thing
White shirt, dark pants is a waiter's uniform.
Makes sense, since waiters are expected to dress well.
looks like House without a cane
>Most people look at her with admiration
>Black woman looks at her with pure seethe
will you look as good as a professional actor who's wearing an outfit tailored for his body on a movie set with perfect lighting and camera angles in your off the rack banana republic shirt and slacks?

probably not

it's good to look to these people for inspiration but you have to realize he only looks that good for the 3 minutes or however long that scene takes up in the movie. you should buy things that look good on you
what material are these dress shirts? ive bought some cotton oxfords but it feels impossible to get one that fits me properly. do i need to use it as a seat cover in my car until all the starching is out?
dude if you tuck in a polo shirt half of the retarded wiggers will ask why you're so "fancy"
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He wears some oxfords and linen shirts in that film, but that white shirt from the fishmarket scene is probably a thin summer cotton dress shirt. Maybe a cotton blend. Oxfords are thicker and warmer.
What? Maybe just iron it?
>White shirt, dark pants is a waiter's uniform.

Check out this faggot thinking medium grey is "dark"

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