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File: Santal 33.jpg (12 KB, 360x360)
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Is this actually good? Since the "fragrance community" likes to shit on it, I'm assuming it actually smells nice
go to a fragrance store and try it out retard
A lot of the people you talk to on the internet are into scat porn. Enough said.
it smells like bois imperial
it doesnt. you're thinking of bois de balincourt
Is it a good summer frag
NY Times called it the official scent of brooklyn, in like 2018. Which means it was already played out in like 2015.
Smells like dill pickles
Get Ylang 49 instead
there's nicer fragrances than it (both from le labo and elsewhere) but it isn't as bad as people make it out to be. it can be finnicky though as it kind of changes depending on your skin type/oil/sweat and how much of a shit the apron wearing twink at the le labo store gave when making it for you.
if you end up liking it and want a full size bottle, you can either get one from costco or nordstrom/saks on sale for about $100 less than retail. they will be older bottles though

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