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howdy, does anyone have recommendations for quality fall + spring parkas in Europe? There's so much choice that I can't pick.
I'm wondering whether getting one in cotton canvas is a good idea? Anyone knows where to get one?
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bundeswehr milsurp
Cute anime female, a shame irl f*ids arent as cute as Megumin
That's a trap, anon
Are you tard? You can literally see her coochie
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Milsurp is so hit and miss. 1 hit and 3 misses for me so far. At least it's cheap so I'm not losing out too much.
that's a scrotum bro

milsurp jackets are dorkcore. milsurp trousers are kino.
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>milsurp jackets are dorkcore. milsurp trousers are kino.
5 years ago I would've fought you but now I agree. 90% of the jackets are cringe and won't work in cities. I live in a more rural area where I can sometimes get away with wearing more outdoorsy type clothing, but only in field grey or olive, not in camo.
i wish it wasn't the case. in some context some jackets can totally be pulled off especially ones that aren't camo and don't have epaulets. but its the exception not the rule and involves knowing what you're doing enough that a post on 4chan isn't going to impact your decision to wear it anyways. so its just safer to tell them to avoid.
NVA milsurp too. strichtarn is pretty cheap and accessible but if you have the money go for the old camouflage stuff from the 60s-70s, they look very similar to the SS camouflage too
Holy shit youve never seen a pussy flowing out of the panties?
>toilet seat cover is up

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