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Share your militant looking outfits, or anything with badass militant vibes, or military vibes, or extremist vibes.
I'm talking Boots, Cargos, Military surplus, etc...
I'm not larping I'm in the military if it matters to you schizos. Need a good civilian outfit.

Is picrel a good look.
Why are low tier men so obsessed with the military
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no retard
Everyone I've ever met who dressed like this was an autistic engineering major with a knife collection. They were all quite intelligent, and quite based but also completely socially inept.
What site is that
based fit, Italian surp fucks hard
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I love my kaz 03 boots, very good buy. I'm neutral to the italian jacket, I have the same and it's hardly the first milsurp jacket i'd go to. I like the pants but they might give you a potential shooter vibes depending on how you look
They literally market specifically to us, what do you expect
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power fantasies

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