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Pierce Brosnan has been probably the most consistently fashionable man over the last 40 years, regardless of his age, and regardless of the trends and fads of any given decade. How the fuck does he do it? It's like it's effortless for him. How can I emulate him?
Lots of them
For the missus
have money and spend it on a personal stylist and a personal trainer
>spend it on a personal trainer
Picrel. Though I agree on the personal stylist
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slampigs love tall dadbods though
To answer your question OP, I will give you the prerequisites:
>Be at least moderately good looking
>Don't smoke/drink/do drugs
>Avoid the sun like plague
>Eat healthy,workout,skincare
>Last but not least, dress in classics
There you go anon, now you can age just like Pierce Brosnan
But I like drinking and the occasional smoke... Shoot.
Occasional smoking and occasional drinking is fine (meaning, special occasions a few times per year, less than once per month). It's only consistent use over a long period of time where it starts to make a difference.
You can find other vices.
>Avoid the sun like plague
doesn't brosnan like paddleboarding
Sunscreen is magic
"avoid like the plague" would mean staying indoors at all times and only going out in head to toe covering tho
Just wear classic menswear and don't go bald
My smoking is only a few times a year (less than once a month), but I have a few drinks basically every day.

So far I'm 2 for 2 on that, so maybe there's still hope!
i would obliterate this woman
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Pierce has been smoking cigars since he was 9 apparently
>How the fuck does he do it?
He hires a stylist
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This. I would add the Pierce has aged gracefully because he had minimal cosmetic work done, if any at all. You will want to avoid the bogging even if the call is tempting. Otoh you have people like Brad Pitt who has had a decent amount of QUALITY work, so I guess you can still look younger in old age while not resembling a live corpse. Though this will cost a pretty penny, so get rich I guess.
>How can I emulate him
the most important thing to wear.
a smile.
you forgot the most important thing which supercedes everything else you listed:
>have god tier genetics
You know actors can use fake cigarettes for commercials, shows, and movies, right?
ok and? he is well known for his cigar smoking and has complained about having to go out of Ireland so he can smoke at the pub
NTA but Pierce is indeed a long time cigar smoker, hence the fine vertical lines around his lips. If he didn't smoke he would look even better but hey, nobody's perfect
well yes he can smoke and stare to the sun all day and still mog us all but he has god tier genetics, for an average anon it's probably better to follow those rules
Cigarettes != cigars, retards.
you fucking faggots know that cigar smoking is harmless and an enjoyable activity, right?
it's literally just leaves and it smells good
Cope (with your heart attack resulting from tobacco usage)
He smoked cigarettes until at least the mid-late 90s and cigars can give you mouth cancer among other shit.
>Regularly smoking cigars is associated with an increased risk for cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (voice box), and oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat). Cigar smoking is linked to gum disease and tooth loss.
I despise smoking just as much as both of you. People who make smoking a hobby are some of the biggest retards around.
>How to be /fa/
>Be attractive
>Be voted sexiest man alive
>Be handsome
>People who make smoking a hobby are some of the biggest retards around.
Ok. Let me know when you split the atom. Retard.
Pack-a-day+ smokers are indeed retarded (or at least were while they were getting addicted), but occasional smokers, and pipe/cigar smokers, are generally pretty on top of things.

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