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are there any outdoor brands that don't hate their core demographic aka White people?
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actual mountaineering and long distance backpacker here. also not a poorfaggot.

there's an entire cottage industry of 1-10 man small businesses who make outdoor gear. the gear they make is significantly better quality and better designed than anything you will find from a major brand. the north face is seen as a joke in the backpacking and mountaineering communities. i buy my shit from timmermade, ula packs, zpacks, red paw, feathered friends, companies like that.
there's way too many brands to list. here's a incomplete and a lil bit outdated directory https://sectionhiker.com/cottage-gear-manufacturer-directory/

the only big brands who make good gear are like rab, snow peak, and SOME patagonia.
snow peak and their sub brands is my go to for 'not as serious of gear but fashionable'
everything the north face makes other than summit series is a joke.
oh yeah those gear directories are gonna be all ultralight style backpacker gear.
there's other brands who cater to the more rugged bushcraftingfag style of outdoors gear.
for mountaineering the big brands like scarpa and shit are good. take a guided summit meant for beginners and they'll tell you what to get they usually have a list for you.
almost all cottage brands were started by people who do long distance backpacking or mountaineering or whatever the gear's meant for who started the company because they weren't happy with the gear available. they're all proprietor owned, small businesses, usually 1 man operations, and they're not profit driven honestly to their detriment it makes a lot of brands go under.

kuhl's one of the big brands that's actually solid. there's better stuff out there but the prices are v fair. i'll echo that one.
and remember!
if you're not doing mountaineering type stuff above tree line
less is more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkzggN8OBlE
Thanks for the directory links, I've bookmarked those. I'm tired of only seeing the big 4 brands and all of them tripping over themselves to advertise to niggers, when I've never seen a nigger about 10k elevation
reddit is unironically where you want to look for info and advice on gear. can't believe i'm telling someone to go there but it is what it is. virtually anyone and everyone who does long distance backpacking posts on the reddit subs for it. /r/ultralight is the sub that caters to the modern style of lightweight-is-king backpacking but there's also subs like /r/campinggear that cater to traditional style backpacking and camping.
if you can't stand reddit the dotcom era sites like sectionhiker and backpackinglight are good as well.
the biggest thing you immediately notice and can't miss with cottage brand gear:
its hard to explain but you can just tell it was designed and made by someone who actually DOES the shit you bought it for
all these brands origin story is: an autist didn't like the gear available from any brand for something and made his own better. a lot of times they start off just making it for themself, and they get demanded by people in the community to start selling them to us.
everything feels right and perfectly designed with these products.
the big brand stuff feels like its designed by committee. because it is.
for the most part all these apply
>higher quality construction
>higher quality materials
>better designed
>made in usa/europe
redpill me on kuhl

t. not a fan of whites and I have some of their stuff, maybe I need to stop buying this shit?

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