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how do you cope with the realization that if you are not /fit/ you will never be /fa/? If you look like pic related EVERYTHING on you will look good.
But I don't have to because I am fit.
That's pretty gay anon
>If you look like pic related EVERYTHING on you will look good.
No you won't. He is too roided, so he will look good only in overly masculine fits. He can't pull off normal casual or even formal clothes (like suits), without looking ridiculous. There's a reason why models are always thin and lean. They have just enough muscles to not look scrawny and anorexic, but not fat and stocky either. To look good in anything, you either need to be thin or have a lean athletic body. Gymrats are too "fat" and bloated.
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But why do you use the pic of someone else to make your point? Shouldn’t you lead by example? Post your Body Chico if you aren’t just hot air
Pic is me
The thing is
Is right. First of all if you only identify yourself over your body it’s coming off as really one dimensional. It shouldn’t be your only thought. Also A nice lean body really is ideal for fashion it’s the perfect canvas for every kind of style and fit. But on the other hand you can use fashion and styles to alter your proportions and play down weaknesses. Same with haircuts and beats.I need to loose weight too I really wanna go back to a Alan delons style of body
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>good fits
>and physique
>and takes
stop being my favorite poster on /fa/

i've always seen the mentality of basing your physique around looks as kinda... not exactly feminine, but not masculine either?
might be a generational thing i'm old for this board.
you should want to be strong for the sake of being strong enabling you to fulfill your role as a man and as you get older a patriarch.
and i agree with the other guy. models are lean because they're human clothing hangers and clothes are agreeable on them. if you invest the time to learn proportions, silhouette, and what brands and styles work with what you can make any physique look good in clothes. i know guys irl with picrel physiques who are effay as shit.
it is definitely possible to get too jacked to be fashionable. nfl players esp linebackers look notoriously bad in plainclothes and when they're in suits on talk shows for a reason and those guys are wearing bespoke shit patterned specifically in attempt to look normal on them. you can get decently big before its a problem though.
i also think there is no blanket answer to best physique for any given person. everyone has a weight and bodyfat% they look the best at and its not the same numbers or ratio with their height for everyone. human variance in the size of every part of your body is pretty large.
Even /fit/ is just a cope. Realistically women are attracted only to features that are genetically decided, so if you try to get fit without being in the top 10%, you will just become an embarrassing gymcel.

Remember, a man can’t actually do anything to change his attractiveness in the eyes of women.
>alter your proportions and play down weaknesses

>you can make any physique look good in clothes

Coping won’t get you laid, you will die alone.
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Working out is fun
Fashion is fun
And women are fun too
You are missing out on a lot of fun
>women are fun
Well or men if you swing that way my man it’s free for all
i'm the furthest thing from an incel. you thought i was talking about myself in that post? i'm speaking generally. just because i say a fat guy can dress well if he knows what he's doing doesn't mean i'm fat.
things like how long your legs are, how long your torso is, how long your arms are, how broad your shoulders are, how thick your neck is etc are largely genetic and tied most closely to ethnicity.
some of us were blessed with good genes. some got a mixed bag. some got a shit hand. play the hand god deals you in life and don't be a bitch about it.
my intended message:
make the most of the body you were given.
don't use having shit genetics as an excuse to give up and let yourself go.
if your physique isn't good you still can and still should dress good, there is no excuse.
most of these guys have no hobbies or anything going on in their lives. then they wonder why no one wants to hook up or shack up with them when the only notable personality traits they have are being depressed and bitter about life. they don't know what fun is.
>you can't be jacked and look good in formal wear
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Incels will never learn.
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It really is a shame. There are surely guys who have it difficult and were dealt a bad hand regarding muscles looks or height. Sometimes you also get bullied and being a young teenager and insecure about yourself is also enough to make you go bitter. They flee themselves into a bubble with other like minded people but the problem is they tear each other down with self hate made up scenarios how everything is genetics determined and cope. Working out makes you a gymcel. If you are short but have charisma you are „Chester-maxing“. Surely there are a lot of judgemental people out there and I myself am too that’s human nature. But it’s incredibly harmful to dog yourself so deep into this mindset because you really believe that. You believe that everyone thinks in these weird patterns and that your worthless unless you meet certain criteria’s. Improving yourself is important but it’s for yourself to look at yourself and think „yes I look good/hot or i just think I like myself. I’d rather like to work on myself because it’s not only fun to do sports get nice clothes but it’s way more healthy then to freeze in despair and self hate.
Pic related is me as a teenager. I was always shunned by girls because I was weird and nerdy , didn’t know how to dress myself and how to speak to girls. It really hurt and I was also really bitter sometimes about them. I started to dress better get into sports have fun at parties and not be so bitter but open towards people. Once they noticed I can be an easy fun person the changes came slowely
>They flee themselves into a bubble with other like minded people but the problem is they tear each other down with self hate made up scenarios how everything is genetics determined and cope. Working out makes you a gymcel. If you are short but have charisma you are „Chester-maxing“.
some of the most masculine, badass and fearless men alive are turbo manlets. they're called cave divers. every noteworthy leader last century was a manlet. god has a purpose for everyone in life and many guys doompill themselves before ever even finding it.
are you the guy posting your pics earlier? i don't even recognize you.
counterpoint: https://files.catbox.moe/3ys2sh.mp4
Yea I’m
>>18178798 i really had a difficult teenage coming up lmao.

Yes I think these guys doom themselves. They think why do anything because it’s „cope“. But people who really got a passion, like cave diving, boxing , cooking don’t really think twice about if they are „coping“ or wasting their time. They do stuff because they love it.
>posts a literal physical manifestation of the ideas he's posting
what an insane transformation. i know exactly what you're talking about. when i was picked on for being small as a kid my dad told me not to cry about it, he told me to always face your fears and signed me up for combat sports. very quickly i forgot what fear was. i went from the bullied to the protector of the disabled and mentally challenged kids at my school.
kids are brutal bro. i looked like dylan klebold and columbine was still fresh only a few years before this. bro i had kids leave fake school shooter notes to make fun of me and the faculty believed it and expelled me. they lost that lawsuit.
i channeled all the abuse i received from kids and teachers and school faculty and i realized my role in life as the protector of the weak, innocent, and those who can't for themselves. i hit plates every day. i gave one bully severe brain damage and another one i fucked his face up so bad he never looked the same. by the time i got to high school i was popular as shit and i was never fucked with.
ive been a skinny twig, morbidly obese, jacked and +60lbs muscle from where i'm sitting right now, and everywhere in between. i know the work you put in. big respect game recognize game.
shit man i almost married a 9.5/10 insanely rich heiress. hottest girl from my school. but due to reasons outside of my control, her best friend got murdered and she lost her mind. it is what it is.
i look like pic related but lots of things look like shit on me
By being /fit/

>how do you cope with the realization that if you are not /fit/ you will never be /fa/?

I don't cope, I accept it and embrace the reality that I have to continue to go the gym, eat healthy and sleep well. I'm undoing years of neglect but I'm working on it and seeing improvements already. I've lost 55lbs, changed my diet, started working out and I'm trying to improve my sleep schedule which is oddly the hardest of any of that.

There's nothing wrong with accepting you don't look as good as you could and then putting in the work to change it. Do I wish I started ten years ago? Absolutely. Am I glad I started now instead of ten years from now? Also yes.
We can all make it if we choose to.

And before any "blackpilled" faggot pipes up, let me save you some effort:
>Bbbb-bbbb-bbbut none of that means anything if you're 5'6! None of it matters!

Would you rather be a manlet who's fat and looks like shit no matter what he wears or would you at rather at least be in great shape and look good? Even if you are short, you still have a choice to improve your life style and get in shape. You're probably going to live for another 50+ years, would you rather do it in a short body that's broken down or at least be in a healthy one?
Goddamn, I hope that one day I can get close to your transformation and physique. You're one of my favorite posters on /fa, you've got a great perspective and great style. I was tired of feeling fat and exhausted, started losing weight and making improvements to diet and lifestyle and I got weight loss results way faster than I anticipated. Once I lose another 10lbs I'll be leaner than I was in my 20s, I didn't anticipate how much better I'd feel just being thinner. Most of the aches I thought were from getting older and gone, I have more energy at work, it's great. Now that I know I can make big changes I'm motivated to work out harder and stick with it.
Nice going bros !
Thanks my man you can be proud of yourself that must have been really hard work! That feeling sure is unbeatable
keep going man you're gonna make it. it sounds like things have already clicked for you. focus on long term changes to lifestyle to be less sedentary and diet that you will maintain forever so you never get back to the low point. once you make those changes, which it sounds like you have, its only a matter of time.
i lost ~150 and never gained it back. after the first 50 it was nothing. if you made it that far you're doing it right. you got this.
>I'm trying to improve my sleep schedule which is oddly the hardest of any of that.
i've never been able to make meaningful progress on that. as i get older it just gets worse no matter what i do.
doompillers btfo. i felt 70% alive/awake when i was fat. the only thing that felt better than losing the weight was getting in shape after.
what are you even doing in this life if you are not manifesting the best possible expression of your genetics?
keep it up.
>focus on long term changes to lifestyle to be less sedentary and diet that you will maintain

Thank you, that's what I'm shooting for. One of the biggest things was realizing how many empty calories I consumed that weren't even from being hungry. I drank a shitload of energy drinks and soda and never really paid attention to how many calories they were. Once I looked at it I realized a coffee from Starbucks, two Monsters and a couple of Cokes are nearly 1000 calories and it was a real "oh shit" moment. Being able to cut 1000 calories and not feel hungry was great, I started looking at what else I was eating and just went from there. I'm not going to say it took zero effort but once I started making a few better choices in what I ate the pounds started coming off and I was never starving. For anyone that wants to make a change, it's absolutely doable. I'm trying to show my kids that discipline and a little effort pay off, I refuse to be the out of shape dad that they're embarrassed to be around. We just went and played airsoft yesterday, alot of the other guys and kids were gassed at the end and I still have plenty left in the tank, it felt great.
He looks like a fatty in that. Same goes for Superman. The human body wasn't meant to get that big and stocky. It's unnatural, and our brains know it on an instinctual level. Same reason why women find bodybuilder physique pretty repulsive.

And it's not even healthy to begin with. Most bodybuilders and strongmen have a shit cardiovascular health comparable to morbidly obese fatties, because they're carrying so much muscular weight around that's beyond what the human body's frame evolved to carry. And all those muscles need lots of blood, which puts strain on the heart. Which is why many of them die relatively young.

Humans evolved to be lean and athletic long distance runners like horses and gazelles, not slow and lumbering muscly oafs like bulls and bears.
>But why do you use the pic of someone else to make your point?
Because I look like shit.
Not everything a man does has to be for women, anon
I don't give a shit what they think. I want to look cool to ME.
I'd be happy with this look. Might need to put on about 5 lbs of muscle. I'm working on it
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There is an upper limit, though it verges into cartoon villian core.
Don't try to look cool at the cost of your health. Excess muscles is almost just as bad as excess fat. Focus more on having functional strength, flexibility and mobility. That's what will keep you fit and agile throughout your life.
You’ll never have excess muscle unless you take steroids, retard
Literally THE cheat code to looking good.

Just fucking go and lift some weights and you can wear whatever the fuck you want.
> portion control is so important, you can eat total slop and still lose weight.
That's what I've been doing since I was a kid, which is why I have never been fat throughout my life. Since I never ate too much, I never developed an endless apatite. So anytime I eat something, I feel full pretty quick. No matter how much I like a dish I just can't eat more of it after a point. Regulating your portion size is how you control your apatite.

Also, never eat until you're full and let your belly start distending. Always leave like 20% of your stomach empty. Fill it with water if you have to. And don't snack between meals. If you're overweight, eat a balanced, home cooked organic diet (with higher amounts of protein and fiber) in caloric deficit by reducing your carb intake, and let your body live off of and use up the excess fat stored in the body. Sometimes I go without eating dinner, and because of it I lose so much fat by next morning that I can literally pinch and see the reduced amount of fat near my waist.
False, the optimal physique is that from natural athletes like footballers
>Most bodybuilders and strongmen have a shit cardiovascular health comparable to morbidly obese fatties
George Hackenschmidt was a world-class wrestler of his time (literally the first world heavyweight champion); there's no way his cardiovascular health could have been anything but amazing for that to have even been possible. Also he lived to 89 years of age, so despite "carrying so much muscular weight around that's beyond what the human body's frame evolved to carry", he managed to live a long life.
Easily the gayest thread on the board
now that you've showed up
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Not true at all. Depends on your genetics. Your example have low T and high estrogen showing in a small frame and low muscle density.
With test supplement, creatine, loads of protein you can build a Clark Kent physique.
You people really are the fucking worst
Nothing about OP's pic is "excess"
It's actually hilarious that you think that it's not achievable natty
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That's right big boy now let me make you cum no handed.
I lift a lot (42"chest, 31" waist) and it makes clothes fucking suck to buy. you need to tailor most things or else it loos fucking shit. Pants suck too like 90% of the time unless you like the wide-ass calves look and go oversized (I don't). And then none of the slim tapers or regular tapers fit in the thighs unless you upsize with the waist which looks shit too. Sometimes you can find relaxed tapers/muscle fit/etc which are great if you like squats but unfortunately most brands don't seem to have it.

Being jacked 100% makes you look waaay better if you like wearing polos/tshirts though. I would avoid both of those like the plague if I were skinny or fat.

Most models are usually super tall and skinny, or sometimes ottermode

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