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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.jpg (86 KB, 1000x1334)
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I live in a very fashion-conscious city, and I've seen quite a number of people in person thinking they're the shit because of this ugly heart logo. And I always hear other people saying how cool it is. Why is it so hyped?
I don't know what that is, are you in high school? I remember in high school I thought "everyone" thought very highly of stuff that in reality most people didn't care or ever even think about.
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Ok fine I google image searched it, it's H&M. Op confirmed for high school student. Fashion conscious lol.
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It’s Ami Paris brand, retard. You’re in high school obviously because zoomers don’t even know how to use google despite being raised by an iPad. And the only thing your schools ever taught you is how to be gay 101. That H&M link is probably sponsored and just shows up for generalized fashion queries with few results.
>zoom zoom zoom
Sorry that was all I could hear
Zoom? What zoom? Optic zoom? 10x?
>zoom zoom zoom
There it is, that noise again
>gets blatantly proven wrong
>>uh... zoomers amirite??

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