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where can i get clothes like this?? i dont have hot topic or anything where i live :(
the only place i find these clothes are on ebay for like 30 bucks per shirt which is ridiculousss
1: Hot Topic has an online store, just have shit shipped to you

2: The average price of a Hot Topic tee is 30+ so the eBay prices are reasonable


3: If you can't afford $30 per item to dress in a particular style, forget about trying to dress a certain way and focus on earning some money. People will delude themselves into thinking "Oh all the clothes in this pic cost several hundred dollars, clearly I can completely recreate this with $20 and a trip to Goodwill" and they're just setting themselves up for failure. Just buy bland, basic shit that fits well and makes you look ok until you can afford what you really want.
Try getting a job
shipping is so expensive and i want blood on the dance floor merch :(( i really appreciate your response though!
i tried but they didnt want me anywhere
My teenage boner came back to say hi
>i tried but they didnt want me anywhere
The try not being a tranny.
im not im just awkward :(
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Maybe you have some essential items in your wardrobe and just need a slight upgrade. Post some of your current fits and I 'll tell you what to keep in order to achieve your desired aesthetic.
i have soooo many clothes. will i just post my favourite items laid out, or the items that fit the aesthetic?
Post a pic of yourself wearing your favorite fit. Crop your head, blur your face, do whatever you need to.

Seeing clothes laid out on the bed doesn't give us anything to work with. If you're 500lbs and trying to dress in Hot Topic shit, it lets us know to stop replying.
ok give me like 15 mins
>$30 is ridiculousss
I just bought a Versace tank top for almost $200. It's like we don't even live on the same planet.
Sorry, that would be doing you a disservice.
ok well i just scavenged my room and realised the whole point of the thread is because i barely have any clothes that fit the aesthetic :( like 1 shirt and a few accessories which isnt an outfit so bleh
that's fine dude. I will help you for the sake of my first gf who was into that shit
Try the following:
>Vampire freaks used to be the shit but I think they turned goth at some point
>For shoes get black converse or checkered vans ezpz
>Some kind of black hoodie, it's the easiest part, just pick an oversized one from H&M
>For jeans, cheap monday was the usual suspect, otherwise it was stockings
>Hair might be the biggest aspect of it, I cannot help you with that unfortunately
>checkered belt, not too sure where to get that
>final touch are the zany t-shirts, that's easy just check any instagram store that panders to that community
From my research it seems that most of the brands that were in moved on to other scenes so they can fulfill the demand. Though don't despair since fits were thrown together from different stores, what mattered was that the general direction of the fit was right. As I said above hair and makeup played a big part, you had girls who dressed in pink and blue like an anime character but the hair and makeup tended more emo. Good luck, if you happen to get something coherent together keep us updated
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thank you sooooo so so so much! this really helped, this is the only type of ‘outfit’ i have in this genre, going shopping soon and i really hope ill find cute stuff :p thank you for the hair and makeup advice, i didnt realise that contributes so much but it does!
No problem booboo, I see you have jet black hair that's a good start
jet black diamond hair! #botdf
Thread theme
no itz https://youtu.be/WGE01pPd4DU?si=kGDz8Y6HL_w4Ip5p
loool, you need some culture
sounds bad
that's the point, just vibe with it (no need to thank me for bumping you btw)
thank you for bumping me mr youtube
no problem young'n, here is an oldie that one can enjoy unironically
So based off that pic and your question you better be 17yo girl to dress like that, in which case you have to get off this website. Second, if you're not a 17yo girl and trying to dress like that, that's extremely sad and cringe in which case you have to get off this website.
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Whenever I see nowadays a zoomer girl into that aesthetic is almost guaranteed to be wearing some Kuromi merch clothing, so maybe try looking into that. Being licensed stuff I expect it to be a bit overpriced though

Here's some inspo I found
i absolutely despiiiissseeee that shit
im 18 ill nvr stop
i just realised how rude i sounded im sorry i really appreciate the help but im not into the modern aesthetic, i feel like it gives too much of a clean vibe and id like some soul in the clothes if that makes sense. i feel bad. im sorry. thank you for trying
ofc anime had to ruin a beautiful thing
Lol that's okay, no worries haha. I was just pointing out that's what the Hot Topic aesthetic kinda derived to from what I see young girls wearing. I respect you wanting to go for that early 2000s unspoiled look though, you go girl
thank you so much i felt so bad oh my god -_- ive noticed it too
Broke ass nigga lmaooooo 30$ for a tshirt is expensive? Whats your paypal nigga im in a good mood
>you go girl
Nigga tf stop being so corny
Also nigga 30$ is the base price for a tshirt but have you ever heard of shein nigga? Quality is ass nigga but what can a nigga expect for 10$ per shirt, go give a look there nigga

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