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I recently noticed that a lot of ugly and average dressed guys/girls look much better without their face in their fit pics, but as soon as I see their face, the whole thing is ruined. Why is that? What is this phenomenon?
Good people look good. Ugly people hide their faces out of fear, knowing that they would be ignored IRL. Hence the masks, height frauding, removing headshots, etc.
It just tells you how important genetical traits are. If you are born with shitty genes, no fashion or workout can make you look better. Realistically, man can’t do anything to change his attractiveness, as all that matters is decided by genes.
Often they arent even super ugly, there is just a mismatch between their face and the outfit. Like you can dress in the most beautiful high quality Japanese workwear, but if youre one of those bearded chubby guys youre not going to look cool in it.
There are plenty of ugly people who look cool/stylish because they arent larping or at least pull off their larp holistically.

Most mucisians and actors whose fashion kinda look ugly but they just got that cool to them and confidence
>How important is your face?
The most important aspect of your life. What kind of retarded question is that
its cause the face matters more than the fit.
both matter though. and physique does too. people sperg about that a lot but the real correct answer is it all matters.
and on top of that you have to look natural and in place in the clothes.

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