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What the FUCK do I do with my hair, sometimes it looks good, but other times it's a disaster, damaged as hell, I want smooth nice waves and curls, I want it controlles and consistent but Idk what to do.

I use a "curly method" shampoo and mask like twice a week or so on the shower and that's all I've ever known.

Is there something I can do?

Also I have genetics with huge risk of balding so there may be a chance that maybe my hair is just becoming weaker naturally? I'm at a loss here.
>Is there something I can do?
You either wash it too frequently or not enough. But yeah I suffer from hair loss similar to yours (looks somewhat diffuse) and had hair that resembles yours, it's just how your scalp responds to androgens, hair becomes weaker and there's not enough hair cuticles to soak up the natural oils which makes it look super greasy and bad. But when I got on finasteride after about 7 months it kinda stabilized and improved my hair quality over time.
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>NEVER brush your hair
>use curl friendly wide tooth comb instead
>shower in the evening every day
>use a heavy moisturizing curl friendly conditioner, I use pic related and it works like a charm
>apply conditioner gently to strands, dont just damp it onto your head
>apply leave-in products or oils like coconut oil, I mainly use ogx coconut milk serum or cantu leave-in but do research urself and try things out
>use curlsbot dot com to check for harmful ingredients before making a purchase
>use a mild shampoo and only apply (gently to your scalp) when you actually need to, which for me is like 2-3 times a month
>do a hair mask ideally with olive and coconut oil before shampooing to block any drying damage
>dont rub your hair aggressively, litely pat it with a soft towel ideally made for hair
>let it air dry after shower
>in the morning just apply a bit of moisturizing leave-in or curl cream and lock in the moisture with a pomade specifically made for curly hair (I use cantu), you can also damp your hair before applying the products and blowdry with a cold diffuser to get more curl and texture
>for dandruff/scalp issues use 50/50 mixture of water and apple cidar vinegar, apply and let it rest for like 5 minutes, rinse off with conditioner, your hair will also get more shiny from this and growth will improve
lol I'm the OP of that comment and while I still hold mostly the same position I can't honestly say that it works 100% consistently bc sometimes my hair looks bad too despite (or perhaps because of?) the effort.
Recently I started showering twice a day in which I simply rinse my hair in the morning and then apply oils or leave-in, and the second time I use a heavy conditioner (picrel still holds)
I've found that it weighs my hair down pretty nicely and reduces the volume which is exactly what I want during the day, however it still looks frizzy sometimes and for some reason the hair on the back is really frustrating to deal with, perhaps I need a professional trim bc it often looks bulky and dry. Heat can also be a factor, it's pretty hot in my area.
Having coarse hair is a pain in the ass dude. I hate how short hair looks on me, but long hair is so hard to manage that it does not look ideal either.
Perhaps I really need to buy these really expensive products that the hairfluencers are shilling. After all their routine can't be all that different than mine.
yes you have the balding hair genetics, that frizzyness at the front of you hair means the hair is becoming thin and damaged. you need to start do research on balding.

Its time to go down the rabbithole of hairloss. you will end up at ray peat theory and then castrate yourself with progesterone and gomad and your hair will heal and become thick.
u look like sam bankman lmfao

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