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Why do people buy white shoes when they look like this after a day?
Those city folks, Cletus, i'm tellin you i don't get them either, with their fancy shoes and their clean shirts.

Also, why do they take showers everyday when they know they will smell like shit after 1 (ONE) day?
Just take better care of your stuff. It isn't hard.
soicattle gotta have them for their npc look
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Because most people are retarded NPC cattle. They see metrosexual models and celebrities wearing these clean white, freshly bought shoes while always staying indoors and getting around in limos, and think that they can pull that look off at all times while walking on dirty streets and stepping in mud and pothole puddles.
look ma, it's the unironic version of this >>18179146
>soicattle . . . npc
>NPC cattle
Oh, the irony.
Because they like the look of these after the dirt has been scrubbed off and you can’t buy that new or in any other color
>walking on dirty streets and stepping in mud and pothole puddle
Tell me you live in a shithole without telling me.
Let me guess, it's either a trailer park in Oklahoma or a commieblock in Poland.
That just adds to the SOVL. New white shoes are boring, like new denim or leather jackets.
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bost triple vaxxed fit
sneakerheads clean their shoes obsessively.
they also own dozens of pairs so they can rotate frequently and not get so much as a crease in the blastic topcoat.
That's the point. It's to show off that you can afford to constantly replace your sneakers. That's why the black air force meme exists. Those are desperate poorfags who can't even afford new shoes and would kill you over your cell phone.
>Gott mitt uns
Imagine being pro-Ukraine and thinking you're based when some money embezzling jew suspended your elections so that he can genocide your slavic people again in some unwinnable jew war in some trench somewhere while all of Ukraine's jews were evacuated day one and your women left to go hop on Polish dick.
White chucks are the only white shoes that look good dirty
Imagine shilling for jew infested russia though and crying that Ukraine isn’t democratic enough
i like the rugged look
the only type during a sale that still have my size available.
You should invest in an actual LLM instead of this markovify schizobabble script kiddie crap, you can get actually plausible looking text and it doesn't take a lot of compute power either
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Because they're hard to pull off.
I would rarely go with a pure white shoe, these Nike SFB Carbon Mids are not only utilitarian for hiking and outdoor stuff but they match my pants and shit well. I own every colorway released of them, I believe these shoes will trend heavily in the future.
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I just try not to wear them if I think i might be going anywhere ill be stepping in dirt
>inb4 city-slicker
I live in the outskirts of a small town on a dirt road with a dirt driveway that turns into the eastern front when it rains. I just save them for the gym or going out, its really not hard.
White shoes aren't for every occasion. Don't wear them out in the rain or if you're gonna be walking through mud. Part of the appeal of white clothing is that you can show how clean it is. If you anticipate your clothing getting dirty often, I wouldn't recommend wearing white.

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