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>Unnatural dyed hair

How will future generations view such trends? Will gen alpha be any better?
When will natural beauty come back in vogue?
They've eliminated natural beauty because it is natural. It's much easier to commodify beauty if beauty becomes purchasable items and services, like piercings, tattoos, hair dye, surgery, implants, pills etc. Women complain all day long about "societal beauty standards" that "men" put them through, when in reality the standards they put themselves and each other through are inflicted on them by other women and gay men. Straight men have only two standards, don't be fat and don't look mentally ill. Both of these standards they fail at at abysmal rates lately.
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men are so accustomed to artificial beauty that if a woman dares to go out in public with no makeup on, men genuinely think she is physically ill and will comment on it.
even dudes who claim to like "no makeup" looks are just being fooled by "natural look" makeup.
I live in an area where women wear full makeup to the grocery store
that's a man.
>men are so accustomed to artificial beauty that if a woman dares to go out in public with no makeup on, men genuinely think she is physically ill and will comment on it.
>even dudes who claim to like "no makeup" looks are just being fooled by "natural look" makeup.
gay and/or women's hands typed this
Bullshit. I'm a man and while I do think the best look is a minimal amount of make up tastefully applied, I'd take a natural looking woman over one with too much on. It's the same as anything. It's a tool, use it if you want but don't overdo it.
you really think the average dude wouldn't hit the pic on the left?
those of us that have actually woken up next to a woman know what they look like in their natural state. only incels have the kind of standards you're talking about.
Why do euros want natural makeup?
spoilers: that's every area.
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>”hey anon go get a tattoo”
>”tats make you look like a real man”
>get big tattoo on leg

now have to shave my legs all the time like a bitch so people can see how manly I am
vsco girls were the last generation who were actually cute and not obese.
I'm American but I'm white so I guess my taste tends to line up more with European beauty standards than mutt standards which these days are increasingly reflecting what's popular in Brazil. It comes down to us actually thinking white women are already beautiful (when they aren't destroying themselves like OP's pic). All they have to do is not destroy themselves, but they just can't help it can they?
wish i could see her belly
Not trying to sound like a hippie but it's corporations.

The only goal of companies is to make more money and toss more people into
that pool. That's why every few years you'll see them try to sell makeup and beauty products to men, I remember in the early to mid 2010s that was a big thing you heard from fashion sites and stuff but it never takes off for the vast majority of men.

When corporations start pandering to fat women, and start doing things like putting vitiligo stricken black women in ads, and amputee women, that stuff is to make regular women feel "he at least I'm not that fucked up" while also pushing the idea that all women are beautiful at all sizes, skin colors, trans/born women whatever.

They are well aware that there are more lonely working women with disposable income to drain of their dollars, the name of the game is to keep them dissatisfied and emotionally fucked so they can keep buying the magic product that's going to change their pathetic lives, anything but actually working to be better.

Johnson and Johnson is no better for putting jumbo whales in their ads than they were fuck putting big titty fit women in them. They don't care either way, and the women who are dumb enough to buy into it deserve to get ripped off. Because the corporations on changed up because they seen movements on places like Tumblr, panicked and decided they needed to change how they sell to mid, fat, and just plain women who were once "underrepresented" in ads (imagine giving a fuck about appearing in ads) and hot women don't care because they know they're hot. It's like giving a retard a trophy to make them feel good, a smart person will never feel bad about that retard getting that trophy but it's cool because at least they tried to make the retard feel like something.
hottest girl i dated didn't wear makeup and it was a clown show when she'd try to
ITT: Niggas who need to get around actual women
Shut the fuck up dumb whore

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