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My boyfriend and i just got into a debate (Well not really) but he made comments about how i shouldn't wear it because ill be "mooning everyone." It left me a bit confused & don't get my wrong i don't mind wearing shorts or something to cover up my bum but i thought this was the norm?

I'm in America and when i see other girls at the pool or beach this is how it looks?? , Also when i google swimsuits 95% of them don't cover the bum.

I'm just confused how he thinks it's so "weird" on my and makes me feel like a weirdo, I mean he definitely see's when we go to the pool every other girls booty can be seen but mine can't? I'm not really getting a jealousy vibe either it's just more him thinking it doesn't fit right or that I'm a freak or something.
This is bait
It's not bait, I'm just curious if I'm just dumb & this isn't the norm? or are there some men that think this is genuinely weird & not a "fitting" swimsuit.
Ok if it's "bait" then leave. I'm looking for a actual opinion on this
Men will tell you it's great because they want to check you out, but if you have a boyfriend obviously he's gonna hate it because you're disrespecting him by going out in public like that and attracting attention from rival men. If your relationship means anything to you then something a bit less revealing would be better. That's just my thoughts on this as a man.
I guess i'm just confused then? When i was a kid/teenager i remember this scuba style specifically being being trendy??? And every1 had one and wore it.

I have to cover up more in my 20s then what i felt like i did when i was a teen which is weird. Since this is a fashion thread and i did come for advice my next question would be what kind of swimsuit would be appropriate? It's a challenge to find swimsuits that dont show cheek. Target doesn't even have any they all look like the original picture i posted.
Thank you for ur input !! I just wasn't really getting a jealous vibe from him so i felt like maybe i was being delulu or something about this. I really dont mind wearing something else or covering up !!
Wear a one piece swimsuit unless you're trying to peddle to wares to another man/Alone with your bf
i'm brazilian everything larger than this is called a diaper my nigga
>My boyfriend and i just got into a debate
OK dude I'm a little confused, are you asking for fashion advice on whether or not you should rock a thong as a man? And your boyfriend disagrees?

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