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File: Tim.jpg (280 KB, 1079x1438)
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What is the most stylish way to hide your baldness?
File: tattoo.jpg (50 KB, 640x360)
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hair tattoo
Can you imagine the anxiety this retard gets if he just entertains the thought that he would have to take the hat off in public
Hair transplant.
File: timpool.jpg (249 KB, 1234x924)
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>beanie at a semi-formal
god, at least wear a formal hat
showing up to a fucking semi-formal function around a fucking pool and you wear a thick ass beanie? even if covering your head is your personal brand, at least learn to fucking adapt lmfao
You can't get a hair transplant for your entire goddamn head. Where would it come from? Your ass?
at least coordinate your shoes and beanie!
i don't love the black beanie / brown shoes combo.

speaking of, who wears brown suede and a grey suit?!

at least his paints are the right length. other guy's suit is too long. both pieces.

if you look at the background, many are dressed worse,
I saw on YouTube a couple of skilled surgeons can do it on NW 7 guys
Nigga looks like a gypsy.

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