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How do I dress so I don't give this vibe?
Be over 6’, get in you 10k steps, power lift 3x a week, eat only protein and vegetables and dont look like a millennial boomer with a beard and birth control glasses and you’re good to go
don't get your expectations for the world out of demotivational bullshit memes like this, invest in real hobbies outside of media consumption, develop conversational skills.
the meme's not made by an actual woman, just some retard successfully baiting your insecurities. any life choices made as a result of seeing this shit are, by default, fake and gay
It still has truth lol. Demoralizing fags will see this and think theres no hope when theres clearly things u can change to prevent this
OP, are you listening to women? It's not /FA to listen to women. If it was /FA to listen to women, women would be good at designing fashion. Every house that brings in a women designer see's their shit start to suck.

be fit.. and dont be a simp thats it. Fashion wise dont wear jeans to skinny dont be a trend Foggat and dont wear graphic tshirts
What (young) women look for in young men (besides the obvious: being tall, athletic, attractive) is being fun, spontaneous, and slightly edgy. If you’re a 20-something guy and you’re looking clean cut, chasing a safe and boring corporate career, spending your time playing video games, reading books, going to the gym, or doing any of the typical things that women find boring, you’re just not going to be very successful with women.

If you want to be very successful, you have to stand out somehow and the best way to do that is to seem kind of fun, a little edgy (exciting, dangerous) and a bit of an artist with a flare for the dramatic since you can’t make yourself taller or have better bone structure.

Also, just try fin if you’re balding. It won’t permanently sterilize you.
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This absolutely triggered me.
>let him pay for the dates and he is always happy to
The one who invites the other has to pay. If it's the man who invites the woman, the man pays. If the woman offers to split the bill, you accept. Otherwise, don't be a cheap-ass and pay for her without question.
you look like a faggot soijack and pro tip that shit isn't cute at all
twinks are cute
a bearded reddit faggot is not cute
Wear platform shoes, hit on every girl you see in college, style yourself off of a serial rapist, wear contacts, wear either long hair or a buzzcut, shave your beard, do crunches/situps, use a blackberry or a pinephone, be a NEET or a blue collar worker on an assembly line, drive a white van from the 1980s, commit fraud or sell drugs so you make over six figures, either stop playing video games or talk to girls about Noita and Unreal Tournament '99, and most importantly...

NEVER pay for dates.
it looks like a composite photo of leftist numales from portland oregon who have reddit gold
you need to fix that
watch this https://files.catbox.moe/3ys2sh.mp4
i see guys who look like this as troons who didnt take the pills
same level of masculinity

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