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File: 79c.jpg (60 KB, 640x467)
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Does it still exist? Clothing brands made in USA, with materials made in USA, by american employees.
I'm done with cheap fast fashion. If no company like this exists I'll continue to buy only vintage.

Is that video of cwc drinking his own cum still on youtube?
There are some really cool businesses worth supporting on this list.
Domestic clothing is a massive style and ethical flex in 2024.
Thanks for posting this, anon.
Bro same. If someone asks me about my clothes, I gently introduce this concept. I like to say that nothing I wear was made from human suffering.
>Clothing brands made in USA, with materials made in USA,
Made by Mexican immigrants
>by american employees.
Mexican immigrants
Thanks anyone who contributed. I've been feeling a tad blackpilled on the state of the world, tired of spending money for literal shit. Does anyone know much about LC King, formerly Pointer brand? They are local to me but I don't know much else besides they claim to be all USA, curious if anyone has bought from them.
Also double bonus points if you have suggestions for womens clothing. It seems even harder to find high quality womens clothes than mens.
>lc king is good shit
Good to know, I'll probably save up for something from them, really cool to have something not only made in usa but made local

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