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Should I buy this Oshi no Ko shirt?
Only if you look like that guy.
Generally, anime shirt are poor taste shit
Avoid if you can
anime merch looks cool and all until you actually wear it. I used to be "that guy". Nowadays I work out and wear simple printless shirts that match my physique, looks one hundred times better than the anime crap not only bc of the print but also the cut is always so weird and oversized.
That said, I have a ping pong shirt from redbubble that I bought years ago and I still love it. If the print is rather small and subtle then I think it's okay, but most anime merch screams "I FUCKING LOVE ANIME". You're a grown ass man with a stubble and body hair, you're not supposed to wear shit like that
I was at Uniqlo a few days ago and I overheard some cute girls talking about how they wanted that shirt. Merch from really popular anime like Oshi no Ko and Demon Slayer is a good way to start conversations with zoomer girls. Only wear it if you actually like the series and are good looking enough for it to not make you look like an aspie, though.
I am an aspie but women don't believe me because i'm too attractive
Me too I'm 6'5, 2/3/4/5 lifts, 8 inch dick, full head of hair and make 250k a year but I'm an aspie who just wants to wear anime tshirts :( women just want to fuck me and suck my dick because I'm so attractive and they won't believe I'm an aspie /:
>Merch from really popular anime like Oshi no Ko and Demon Slayer is a good way to start conversations with zoomer girls
wtf im gonna start wearing anime shirts

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