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File: Snneedape.jpg (211 KB, 969x1411)
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I wear a baseball cap to keep my long hair out of my face. What are some more dressy/different hats I can wear when I want to dress up more? Like nice shorts/jeans with a collared shirt.
I'm open to whole outfit ideas too. I want to start dressing more pretty boy but don't know how.
Watch fujobait male idol anime and look at how kpop boys dress.
big sunhat
you'll thank me later
You sure? The ones for men look kinda ugly.
i really don't think there are any "dressy" hats that look good on males
bro just get a top hat or bowler viking hair with either of those would look kino
most of the traditional mens hats that are still fashionable are for cold weather, like the Ushanka or Astrakhan caps. For warm weather your options really boil down to cowboy hats, trucker hats or flat/newsboy caps. Anything else and you're risking looking like a redditor if you can't pull it off.

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