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Nothing. Just don't wear shorts with them, or else you'll look like a stupid little school boy. And white socks should be worn only with athletic shoes.
Do people actually wear socks with boat shoes?
You should wear socks with any type of shoes. It's more comfortable and increases the life of your shoes.
Okay, now If you're going to wear socks with boat shoes why not use no show socks instead of nike tube socks?
u have no taste
wearing Nike anything with Sperrys is no taste unless it's a golf hat or some shit. If you're going to wear something preppy then go all out. don't half ass it.
yeah, a pair of dress socks or colored cotton ones with pants, but never white socks. i toss mine on for days i have to go into the office and people think i'm wearing 'fancy shoes' so that should show you how much people fucking care about socks with boat shoes.
I think boat shoes are fine when you’re young. I just don’t think Sperrys are good ones.
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There’s nothing wrong with it. You can even wear them with colorful socks!
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This is what’s wrong. You end up looking like this if you’re ever not wearing socks
Its for comfort to do this, not style. Nothing wrong with comfort but lets not pretend.
Yeah, I do it for comfort and to prevent my boat shoes from smelling like death. I basically never am not wearing socks, which includes boat shoes and slides
this nigga has never heard of quarter or no show socks
I have, but quarter socks would look even worse with sperrys (really with anything). At least with crew socks you can have some fun with colors and patterns. And it’s easier to just own all the same length of socks. Shorts, pants, doesn’t really matter
I am both in awe and disgusted with that sock tan. It’s legitimately impressive
The absolute peak of /fa
my legs look like that every time i do a section hike lol
fuck ticks and chiggers

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