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What is /fa/'s opinion on Balenciaga?
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I think it's a scam but what rich people do with their money is none of my business.
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>a scam
You mean like a social experiment to see how rediculous of a product they can release that people will spend $1000+ on? Or like the quality of balenciaga products is shit and you can get better quality designer stuff elsewhere?
>You mean like a social experiment to see how rediculous of a product they can release that people will spend $1000+ on?
I think it's deliberately hideous and overpriced so that richfags can flex on how much money they can waste on stupid shit.

>Or like the quality of balenciaga products is shit and you can get better quality designer stuff elsewhere?
I've never owned anything by Balenciaga so I can't comment on the quality. The most expensive shoes I currently own is a $300 pair of Allen Edmonds. Even if I had the money to afford $1000 shoes I do not think that $1000 shoes would be the first thing I'd be rushing to buy. I'd be getting watches and jewelry. At least shit like that can be worn for decades without losing all its value
Why not? Calm down.
You have nigger brains
>Even if I had the money to afford $1000 shoes I do not think that $1000 shoes would be the first thing I'd be rushing to buy. I'd be getting watches and jewelry. At least shit like that can be worn for decades without losing all its value
Good point, it will also retain it's resale value. I will say the thing going fo balenciaga is the artistic aspect. They are very neat looking shoes, probably designed by someone on acid
It makes low tier men seethe so it's based
I wonder what their monthly ketamine and LSD expenses are
>Roooooh! Bah Ren Sher Gah so coo! Arr coo intanashanoh student weah bah Ren sher gah!!! Because parents so weaffeee!!! Why no white gull want to give me dong suk? I weah bah Ren sher gah, I have ratest iPhone, me so weafee and coo
so I actually think >>18180238 look pretty fresh. Looks like they have a sticker price of $1.1k. I don't think I would ever spend that much on sneakers. Especially light colored ones that will get scuffed up easily. but i'm not the target demographic for something like this. it's for people who don't give a shit about the price or how soon they'll have to replace it.
I have to agree
The track sneaker in the silver colorway has this grated metal effect to it, like its made out of recycled space ship parts. I like it in white or baige because it has this cool almost silky look to it, the shadows created from depth perception is brilliant. It gets crazier the longer you look at it too.
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Here's another abgle of the silver space ship color
Fashion victim core
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In clown world, people pay to be the clown.
pedophile clowncore
what if they buy kids to rape
i can get this full outfit right now for $22 at Dollar General.
What part of
>none of my business
are you not getting?
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What about this one?
>people unironically pay thousands of dollars to look homeless
Zoolander was really onto something.
>that's the joke
is it actually a joke if it's a real thing that people are spending real money on? is this actually just richfags trying to dunk on homeless people? money really doesn't buy class
>What is /fa/'s opinion on Balencia-
Balenciaga is a trend setter brand, they have more original designs than any other house. They lead and everyone else follows.
>They lead and everyone else follows.
acne studios or whatever the fuck is the worst offender in that regard, mfs be selling hoodies and jeans that make you look like a mexican outside home depot waiting for a job
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I mean, they did singlehandedly bring back the bowling shoe chic
Bowling has been dead since the 90s, but doesnt mean the spirit is gone.
Trips of truth
>let's dress you up like a clown because that's what you are for spending $975 on a t-shirt
the brand
its a shock brand who lives off attention. If you take if serious or buy that shit you are brain damaged
No one wears this except fob chinks on student visas.
Balenciaga makes interesting things and makes normies seethe so it's insanely based
>"le le le social experiment!!!!"
Why the fuck do normies give Balenciaga so much shit for making weird but unique and high quality pieces while excusing shit like Gucci selling a t shirt for $500
when I was a kid my friends and I would make up the most braindead retarded rap songs we could think of. Ten years later the mainstream hit rappers were mumbling shit so stupid we never could have came up with it.
This is what this company is doing except they have they capability to make it a product now before wal mart does.
They have some interesting stuff -- mainly shoes -- but vastly overpriced for what it is.

If it's to see how much they can scam people, then kudos.
this kind of thing is one of the most harmless ways to entertain yourself in the so-called post-scarcity era but people will seethe about it as though you were torturing war orphans
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