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>Kohler told reporters that Crooks sat alone at lunchtime and was mocked for his clothing, which often included "hunting outfits."

>Julianna Grooms, who graduated one year after Crooks, also said that he dressed in camouflage or hunting attire and interacted awkwardly. In his freshman year, she said, he stood out with wide-legged jeans and Spongebob Squarepants T-shirts.

How do I know I'm not dressing bad? What are some basic fashion tips to make sure I don't get mocked behind my back for dressing like an autistic mess?
If you are an adult nobody will outright mock you. It only happens in highschool and maybe the first years of college.
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Here's my guideline for your success and/or get laid:
>avoid sweet fragrances
>take test supplements
>eat alot protein
>lift heavy weight, powerlifter style
>nofap, save your sexual energy
>grow a beard
>get stoic, stop being a bitchy snowflake
>actually have sex, having sex boosts test like no other supplement
I don't want to be successful or get laid. I just don't want to be such a loser that my mind snaps
Bro nobody would have given half of a fuck about wearing hunting clothes or spongebob tees if he didnt have the face and (i assume) demeanor of a dweeb. I remember normal guys from high school that dressed either way and still had friends.
Just make sure you're handsome, over 6 feet tall, and fit and no one will mock you regardless of what you wear.
Camo is pretty normal redneck attire in Upstate NY. I assume it's similar in PA. He was bullied because he was an autistic outcast
Oh she was one year below him but knew he wore wide-legged jeans and Spongebob Squarepants T-shirts? Right. Stupid bitch. Verification not required.
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shill/bait thread. drop redpills and ignore.

>Be Jewish
>Be 13.5x more likely than the general population to be schizo
>Believe sin brings you closer to God because your God is Lucifer, not Yaweh.
>Suck baby cocks

>In traditional Sabbatean doctrine, Zevi – and often his followers – claimed to be able to liberate the sparks of holiness hidden within what seemed to be evil.

Gershom Shloem - Redemption Through Sin pdf (footnotes removed, full version is pay/.edu walled)
Considered widely by Jews to be one of the most important pieces of modern literature, this Shloem's essay explicitly spells out why they suck baby cocks and sacrifice children:

Ariel Toaff - Passovers of Blood pdf (best version)
The chief Rabbi of Rome's son set out to write the definitive book disproving medieval accusations of blood libel and Jewish ritual murder of children. In his research he discovered that Jewish ritual murder is not only real, but incredibly well documented by primary sources all around the world crossing centuries. He then wrote the definitive book on Jewish ritual sacrifice of children.

Some examples of canonized child martyrs murdered by Jews (often entire villages participating)
St William of Norwich (England)
Blessed Michael of Sappenfeld (England)
Little St. Hugh of Lincoln (England)
The Holy Child of La Guardia (España)
Venerable Harold of Gloucester (England)
St. Simon of Trent (Italia)
Blessed Boy Johanneken (Siegburg, German)
St. Dominiculus of Saragossa (España)
Blessed Werner of Oberwesel (Germany)
St. Richard of Pontoise (France)
St. Rudolph of Bern (Switzerland)
St. Pedro Arbuez (España)
Blessed Robert (Bury-Saint Edmunds, England)
St. Lorenzino (Vicenza, Padua, Italia)
Blessed Ursula of Lienz (Germany)
St. Andreas of Rinn (Austria)
St. Siegbert of Koln (Germany)
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>how does one avoid this /fa/te
don't be left wing or a centrist.
don't be weak.
don't play computer games.
read the bible. eat well. work out. make friends. find hobbies that keep your body and mind sharp that you genuinely enjoy etc.
and you'll never become one.
leftism stems from depression, insecurity, misery, and a desire to blame people better than you for your problems instead of taking responsibility and manning up.
this dude was doomed from the start and didn't do a single thing to try and make it better
shit haircut, ugly incel virgin glasses, didn't lift or do anything to improve his body
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don't be a victim or a weak man.
take responsibility for your problems and confront them head on.
make friends who genuinely care about you.
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a lot of them get abused by their own parents as kids that's why they turn out to be little incel virgin leftist goblins with a chip on their shoulder about da evil white men keeping them down.
this one was so unhinged he tried to kill the future president of this country.
A registered republican btw
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he was a leftist incel who donated to far left superpac actblue (the one you work for who spam reddit and 4chan all day with shill posts) and acted in a blackrock commercial.
he registered republican so he could vote against trump in his state's primary. if you weren't aware republicans are starting to go back to closed primaries:
>States across the country have in recent years opened up their primary elections, making them nonpartisan or allowing independent or unaffiliated voters to cast ballots in party primaries.
>Some Republican-led states are moving in the opposite direction.
>GOP lawmakers in these states are trying to restrict who can participate in primaries, in an effort to have more ideological purity among their nominees.
>Ahead of primary, nearly 4,000 Democratic voters switch affiliation to Republican or undeclared [in New Hampshire]
>Thousands of Miami-Dade voters switch parties ahead of presidential preference primary

reuters confirmed crooks donated to actblue:
actblue themselves confirmed crooks' donation >>18178656

thomas crooks acted in a commercial for blackrock:
>wide-legged jeans and Spongebob Squarepants T-shirts.
zoomers unironically wear this
>pongebob Squarepants T-shirts.
literally minion or da bob fo today from this autist hahahaha
t. dyslexic narcissist
most cluster b NPD, BPD etc people are leftists.
a hallmark trait of NPD is social status climbing, which being far right is anathema to in current society. so you don't see very many far right narcissists.
if you read a post saying to improve yourself and interpret it that way, there might be something wrong with you.
genuinely curious where you got 'dyslexic' from. is english your first language?
I'll get back on topic, but your post is actually braindead and you should seriously either log off or think more critically about the media you consume.

>he was a leftist incel who donated to far left superpac actblue
Was confirmed to be a conservative by the people who actually met him.
>acted in a blackrock commercial.
You mean it came to his school and he happened to be in the photo?
>he registered republican so he could vote against trump in his state's primary.
He didn't vote in the PA primary. It takes two seconds to learn this.
>reuters confirmed crooks donated to actblue:
No one has an issue with this. The problem is that there isn't any context to the donation. Just that it happened strangely on Biden's Inauguration rather than before the election (making it pretty useless, especially with it only being 15 bucks.

Just stop. You were probably this incel yourself. I bet your cargo shorts and camouflage hoodie are still in your closet right now.
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>You mean it came to his school and he happened to be in the photo
>No one has an issue with this. The problem is that there isn't any context to the donation. Just that it happened strangely on Biden's Inauguration rather than before the election (making it pretty useless, especially with it only being 15 bucks.
>posting no evidence of any of your claims
weird all the student interviews i watched they say he never talked about politics.
picrel, cluster b mental illness. pathological/compulsive liar.
>He didn't vote in the PA primary. It takes two seconds to learn this.
i thought he was supposed to be a conservative? this is not supporting your argument.

no point arguing with cluster b mental illness.
>Just stop. You were probably this incel yourself. I bet your cargo shorts and camouflage hoodie are still in your closet right now.
i bet you are projecting.
post face.
It takes 5 minutes to look this stuff up. You're pathetic and the scum of the earth and I've already wasted enough time talking to you and bothering to address your ignorance.
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>Victim blaming? Never heard of it sweety.
>No I can't provide evidence to support any of my claims
>I'm not a cluster b mentally ill narcissist but I type like "but your post is actually braindead and you should seriously either log off or think more critically about the media you consume." and "Just stop. You were probably this incel yourself. I bet your cargo shorts and camouflage hoodie are still in your closet right now."
>Pathological lying is a hallmark trait of cluster b? It doesn't matter. You should take my word for it.
>No pic = low self esteem = projecting = was an incel who got bullied as a kid (can't relate)
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>You're pathetic and the scum of the earth
its almost as if the cluster b freak is gaining sentience and awareness of itself
but it has to express it in this weird way where it projects it onto anonymous posters it knows nothing about online
reeks of confidence and self worth
i hope one day we can just crispr narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths out of existence.
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>It takes 5 minutes to look this stuff up
took 5 mins to look up that npd and pathological lying are more closely tied with being abused by your parents or bullied and outcasted in school by other kids than genetics. its a defense mechanism you formed to get out of trouble. taking responsibility for something is foreign to you. that's why you responded with such confusing (to normal people) and unwarranted rage to being told to improve yourself and take responsibility for being a weak man or i guess "lady"
I'll give you one chance to act in good faith before I just don't reply to you anymore:

What would make you accept that the guy wasn't a leftist?
isn't there a bit of a disconnect between the way you're talking about, sounding as if you've exhaustively shown evidence and i still don't believe you...
...and the fact you've posted no evidence and are replying calling me the scum of the earth (cool&normal) because i asked you to post some?
idk something more than name calling and putting your obvious mental illness that lying is a trait of on display. snort.
>I'll give you
you'll... give me?
hahahahaa peak npd how you typed that
your posts REEK of mental illness
have you ever been in inpatient or committed to a mental health facility?
not posting pic and acting like this
real GOOG way to prove leftists arent mentally ill incels lol
im european and a leftist here is some kind of commie or socialist.
in america you call the most boring centrists or right of center leftists, like the democrats
He had a liberal phenotype. Case closed.
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yeah the communists you have are actually somewhat threatening.
ours look like this and never even read marx. i'd know i lived in portland hahahaa.
>shitty genetics
>parents fault
>kill parents
>commit suicide
>hope for better traits
Adults mock behind your back instead with other people.
That's the registered republican look

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