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Other thread was made by a troll. Post fit or faggot edition
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Absolute beautiful, you are heckin valid and gorgeous
Stunning! You've mastered the fine art of wearing black and flattering your curvaceous body,you look lovely m'lady

Here's my latest fit, scrounged up fresh from the reject bin behind goodwill. Don't mind the piss stains and shit on my wonderful oriental rug, incontinence at my age is perfectly normal and my ass has been gaped by so many fat cocks the shit just falls out. Nothing I can do about it.
I'm willing to bet I'm older than you, yet look more than half your age. You fat bald faggot. I cannot stand this type of doughy person. No amount of /tip/ will ever look good on you, while having that body type
Psssst anon, maybe the mspaint piss, shit, and effusive praise for troons wasn't a good enough clue but that's not baldfag posting his own pic. Also

>I'm willing to bet I'm older than you, yet look more than half your age.

That sentence doesn't come across the way you probably intended.

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