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Is it better to look around if we are not watched before doing it or is it better to do it very quickly ? Because if we look around, it can be risky because we look around....
i bought a laser printer and made somewhere over 10,000 stickers of the goatse man's hole (millenial version of nikocado avocado) and handed stacks of them out to everyone at lunch it was chaos all year.
breaking into and leaving rotting food in the lockers of kids who dont use their locker that the faculty couldn't open until summer.
setting the furry's tail on fire.
bringing a percussion ratchet, triangle, slide whistle to class and giving it to random students to pass around and torment the teacher with.
some other kids broke into the school over summer break and stole the toilets and cemented them into the ground where the busses drop off on the first day of school.
maybe some of that's inspiring?

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