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The Rolex cope spectrum edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread >>18179613
It's a good first draft, but somewhere on this needs to be a beaten-to-shit FrankenDateJust.
>Hey, a Rolex is a Rolex...jealous poorfag.
Shitter faggot
I don't understand the format, is there an implied vector space why not just arrange it in list form?
Crazy how the guy constantly screeching about ROLEX never posts a timestamped pic of his. A clever man would realize he's trolling to make guys insecure about their watch reply and give him attention
>A clever man would realize he's trolling to make guys insecure about their watch reply and give him attention
An even more clever man would not post what you did as to avoid drawing attention to the fact that you were successfully trolled.
>Submariner, Air-King
How is owning a Rolex a cope for owning a Rolex?

Did you mean to suggest they were beaters like >>18181164
There's a hierarchy within the Rolex range.
Obviously an Air-King isn't as prestigious as a Submariner which is itself isn't as prestigious as a Daytona.
Just get a Rolex nigger faggot
Damn you guys are autistic
If you buy a bottom of the barrel shitter model it is definitely a cope bc you too poor for a good one
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The only watch brand that matters is the one that Japanese women like and respond to. This watch (pic related) was the only one that mi**-san said is cool and wanted to try it on. Tsumari, Tudor is the only brand that actually matters in this world.
If your watch does Not get you Jap Pussy, then you got the wrong watch. Simple as.
I agree, but that sort of cope is specific to guys who already own Rolexes, not the windowlickers.

>I got the Rolex I actully wanted tier:
GMT-Master II, Daytona, Day-Date
>I like these enough to not bother with wait lists tier:
Submariner, Sea-Dweller, DateJust
>At least it's not entry-level tier:
Explorer II, Yacht-Master 42, DeepSea, Air-King, Sky-Dweller
>I been scrimping and saving for years tier:
Explorer, OP
>I don't know what I'm doing tier:
I love Rolex.
Rolex is nice and simple, you either have a Rolex or you fucking don't. It's a simple binary, you have it or you're a coping poorfag. There is no refuting this and even to this day remains the universally agreed truth.
Seriously though, where does one go from here? This pics feel is that of someone who's at his peak and has achieved anything he wants from life.
Would a more expensive watch be...."better" at this point? This feels genuine and with a lot of soul.
It's like... he didn't find the watch, the watch and him found each other to create this moment of bliss and appreciation of life itself.
a client came in wearing a daytona yesterday and seeing it live killed all the hype, I didn't think it looked like anything super cool, I actually was disappointed in a way. It did not come off as an 80K watch.
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>a client came in wearing a daytona yesterday
Daytona owners eat at McDonalds? You sure it wasn't fake?
You aren't fucking anyone with hands like that bitch boy.
It's a shame for the Tudor, I like the look and the ceramic case, but still, it is a Tudor.
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Not a rolex hater and I do plan on getting the yellow gold daydate but there is noting in there current lineup I would take over the Breitling Datora on both steel and even on the fold over leather bracelet
>Daytona owners eat at McDonalds?
Fucking LMFAO.

But to be honest, it must've been a fake or anon is on some copium right now.
>Not a rolex hater
>noting in there current lineup I would take over the Breitling
Fastest self-burn ITT ever. Fat boomer cunt.
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Oh wow the chart is proving itself already, crazy
post yours, lets see how it looks. I'm curious.
based bittercel bringring fresh memes to the thread
Damn... talk about being stupid.
kill yourself poorfag avatarfag fat ass nigger
Is the Daytona restigious or is it just expensive?
Because as far as memorable uses and heritage, it has nothing compared to the sub.
High quality conversations again ITT
>it has nothing compared to the sub.
Sub is THE Rolex just because it's the first one a poorfag middle manager can afford, a Daytona is far beyond their reach..
How about instead of bitching and whining like a retard you contribute something?
Fast self burn? Then a insult? You are probably on pot nothing you wrote makes sense and you used green text? Why? Nigger tongue my anus and tell me how cool your digital casio looks when you press the button to make it light up
Mass appeal can only mean one thing: being the lowest common denominator.
Rolex, this fact is undeniable, the best known maison today. It is the watch every uneducated consumer aspires to. Understanding this is what begins to separate one from the plebe.
Rolex, to put it in a way one of its owners would understand, is thinking Olive Garden is fine dining. After all, it is more expensive than Burger King and you may even need to place a reservation beforehand. It is exclusivity in the hands of millions, an elusive presence you will find everywhere. It is everything but exceptional, special, it is the status symbol of those who need it. And a man with status does not need a symbol for he has his status and that alone speaks for itself.
This simple, logical truth will anger the simple mind. "Cope!" he will scream, believing you are jealous of him who owns one of the most common and mundane pieces one could imagine. He is to be dismissed. "You are bitter!" he will cry, unable to even imagine he may not have been correct in his decision to adhere to the glib norm of the unaware. He is to be dismissed.
Would you give the time of day to a supposed cinéphile who believes himself legitimate after watching a C. Nolan film and "getting it"? To the man who thinks himself a connoisseur of the letters after reading Grapes of Wrath (only after skipping the foreword, naturally)?
These are lower still than the ignorant masses simply for believing themselves higher. They are to be ignored.
Rolex is Ronald McDonald in a three piece suit. The man who owns one is as much of a clown.
>Nigger tongue my anus
Very classy, fucking faggot. Fuck off back to reptime.
Right so it's just expensive. Thank you for your answer.
Looks like you're on the spectrum
Anyone who doesn't have a Rainbow Daytona is on the cope spectrum.
You, me, everyone.
The guy with a Sub and a Patek chronograph is not.
where would you place no watch'ers on the spectrum?
kek I own 4 watches and I'm literally 4 of these guys.
Need new additions
This one>>18181164
Also: Speedmaster, Apple Watch, cheap vintage shitters, pocket watch.
Yes he is.
Patek is just a cope you can purchase when you can't get your hands on a rare Daytona.
Muh MOON, the MOON watch, first watch on the MOON
>Apple Watch
It tracks my calories and I can be connected to the botnet always, can your Rolex do the same?
>cheap vintage shitters
You know what this is.
>pocket watch.
Ultimate form of denial as Wilsdorf loathed pocket watches, also might be a vampire or some steampunk autist virgin.
>Patek is just a cope you can purchase when you can't get your hands on a rare Daytona.
Alright, that's fair.
How about a Lange triple split?
This is more than just Omega. "This watch went to space. I will now make it my entire personality."
>Apple Watch
Rich or poor, everyone likes an Apple Watch
>cheap vintage shitters
Kind of addressed in the vintage Calatrava entry
>pocket watch.
Addressed in high-horology larper
Heh, this thread is alright.
But still, I wish each and every single one of you kill yourselves.
I don't understand how the patek baby part is cope.
What? The stainless steel Daytona is 15k eurobucks.
>stainless steel

how fucking stupid are you nigger? Read the text again.
need a watch to get laid in the jap land? I think that indicates something about you and that whore, dont you agree?
iirc that guy has a spruuuung droiv too. he's coping very hard, he literally blundered his rolex money on shitters.
>I have rolies but right now I'm into patek
>I have rolies
How are you coping over rolex when you owns rolexes and you're aspiring to buy an even nore exclusive brand? Doesn't seem like it belongs on the coping over rolex chart.
I think bittercel refers to Patek nigger not wearing a rolie or smth.
Based, accurate, truth-pilled, and will forevermore be copypasta in every watch thread.
The spectrum goes from "No coping" to "Pure coping"
>and will forevermore be copypasta in every watch thread.
Probably. You're going to spam it until you get banned again, like your old "List of Avatarfags" pasta.
>casio f-91w less cope than Sub or Airking
LMFAO, thanks for the laughs & kill yourself nigger faggot.
>You're going to spam it until you get banned again, like your old "List of Avatarfags" pasta.
Alright faggots, I know I'm coping, but I'm not spending any real money on a shitter I intend to wear doing physical stuff.
Do I go San Martin, fake, or some no-name brand like Stuhrling?
Same except you're also being a contrarian
>a-akshully german watchmaking is better and more innovative and transpar-
You can't get a stone-set Daytona. Cope.
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Seems like today's answer is a stone-set Daytona.
Rolex Daytona, GMT-Master II, or Day-Date. Simple.
None of those. Get a gshock. That or a citizen Promaster diver.
It’ll change depending on what retard is spamming the thread on a given day. Just wear what you like anon. That’s the only real answer.
All FP Journe copes.
>FP Journe
Can't afford a Philippe Dufour?
>Philippe Dufour?
Can't afford a Roger Smith?
>Philippe Dufour
Can't afford sex with black women?
No one tell him what Philippe Dufour's wife looks like.
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Apple watch + banking mogs all.

Just came by to tell you that bitches don't give a fuck about watches, they only give a fuck about how much it cost so they know your financial status.
At best they know Rolex and will guess it cost you 1k or sth.
So here's what you do.
You get an Apple watch, one of the top end models and download a banking app there. Just go about your day with your bank account balance visible and you're set.
Now you've signaled your status without being fucked over by "(((luxury)))" brands. Anything else is autism and cope at this point.

>Imagine being dumb enough to fall for old tricks when this is literally all you need

Added bonus is that prime pussy knows and values Apple while bitches who know Rolex have long since dried up.

Feel free to thank me later or cope and seethe, if you can't accept the truth.

Ps. You should be rocking at least 80k on your daily account.

Later, nerds.
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With the little dude out in the woods
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I just bought a 34mm watch
Based on what?
Smaller watches usually looks better; nnthe wrist than bigger ones
Okay, for the last time:
1. You walk into an AD and say: One Submariner please, sign me up for the list.
2. You buy a clone (high quality) fake Sub
3. Rock your sub and get your intro into the watch
4. Sell off your clone to some schmuck as soon as you get the gen.
5. Enjoy your free Sub.
Anyone with knowledge of horology knows that the Sub and Explorer 1 are the best Rolex experience you can have. A man of good taste will always choose a Sub or an Explorer 1 over a Daytona or a Day Date.
Poorfag pleb

>Explorer 1
Ciao, Tristano.
Talking about Rolex is practically off topic at this point lmao
I got an offer to buy an Explorer 1 from a relative.
I've wanted the watch for a while. Well not their specific one but a 36mm Explorer anyways.
The one reason why I haven't pursued it in the past years is that I have blue BB36 that I got for a special occasion. I feel like that would double in my collection but selling the Tudor is not an option. On the other hand the Rolex is black...
What do I do?
Hey, if it works for James Bond...
Yes, of course it's real!
I know it's a thousand degrees out. I'm wearing long sleeves so I can hide my watch. I don't want it stolen.
No, I never actually took swimming lessons.
Yes, I know it has the same power reserve, shock resistance, and water resistance of the OP, but tell me this: did the OP get to the top of Mount Everest (the moon of its time)?
It's a sleeper. People don't know it's a Rolex. (I wish people would compliment my Rolex.)
I was just in the bank doing a fucking mortgage renewal and the flack they set me up with, who was wearing a scotiabank polo, had fucking batman on.

Is it over Rolexbros? Teller tier flackies are rocking these watches.
You're nothing more than the literal definition of useful idiots, a bunch of tasteless wannabe snobs, milking cows to your local ADs. If you had an inkling of self sense and the acumen to study horological history, appreciate & safeguard it like any watch connoisseur should, you would be wearing exclusively pocket watches. They were the man's choice before wrist watches and are a sign of actual heritage and class.
Pic related, my Swiss 14k slimline dress pocket watch, something you can't even dream of acquiring.
Agreed. The Nautilus always seemed like a strange and ugly watch to me, but the reference 3800 has revealed to me the beauty of this watch. You simply make the watch smaller and it changes completely, this particular one is the size of the 222.
lol, don't have one eh? It's ok bittercel. Not sure why you need to white knight a watch you can't afford but whatever. You do you.
>He doesn't own his property outright
Embarrassing, tee bee haitch
So which is the best Rolex for you?

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