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they are rarely have chiseled jawlines or popping cheekbones but always look so effortlessly good.
They dont
hundreds of years of spretzzatura, or trying very hard to appear effortless.
Its the olive oil, really good.
Also how the fuck do they look so good when they are tanning, smoking and drinking espresso all day?
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Tanning is /fa/.

Not many Italians smoke. Italy is not Turkey or Greece. Also, cigar is vastly preferred, and since you only need a few cigar drags in special social occasions to be /fa/, that's not really as consuming as smoking ten cigarettes a day.

?? Espresso is good and healthy.
>Not many Italians smoke
in italy the highest prevalence of smoking is found among men aged 25-44 at 43%
>Look dude, I quote the New York Times statistics about Italy
source was Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Nice, interesting
Te l'ha buttata nel culo
it's just the vibes basically, le nonchalant alpha memes
in reality they're just faggots who complain about pasta when they inevitably work abroad because the italian economy is fucked and annoy everyone with their snobby attitude like the french but the first 30 seconds are always charming
it's a matter of habit, people don't look like shit like they do in anglophone countries, so everyone dresses at least decently, everyone's pressured into dressing at least decently, and as a result most people get kinda sorta used to it
Non ha comunque ragione
>Developing skin cancer is /fa/
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>I'm a mozzarella
but they do have chiseled jawlines
but they do have chiseled jawlines. every italian, including your own picrel, has a well developed chin
Skin cancer is caused by sunscreen, hilariously enough.
The sun is bad for you, solbrah and his cult are all going to look like baseball mitts in a couple of years
>Not many Italians smoke
>cigar is vastly preferred
have you ever even been to italy?
I see daily ten times as many iqos than i see cigars
I REGRET TO INFORM YOU THIS IS AN ITALIAN GUY TOO https://files.catbox.moe/z46s3n.mov
>Why are italian men so fa?
ugly faces, so they have to compensate with superficial elements - clothes, cars, manners - not unlike turks, arabs and indians.
East Asian men don't have to resort to this.
Ok. There are some smoking hot Italian guys, though.
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>ugly faces
Hey Haruto, envy is bad for the soul, don't you know?
looks Indian or arab
deformed face
>envy is bad for the soul,
I am not envious, I am just honest and slightly sadistic
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>Ok. There are some smoking hot Italian guys, though.
Italians aren't good looking people. Occasionally you have a handsome Italian like Nicolas Cage, but then, he is only half Italian and the other half is German or Polish or something.
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>like Nicolas Cage
>looks Indian or arab
I think you don't know what Indians or Arabs look like.
>The sun is bad for you
Imagine ACTUALLY believing that the literal source of all life on the surface of the planet is somehow bad for you.

Getting a sunBURN can be bad for you and lead to skin cancer if it happens regularly but normal sun exposure that doesn't result in skin damage (aka sunburn) is one of the healthiest things you can experience. Every study done on the subject has shown that while sunburn causes increased skin cancer rates, regular sun exposure causes decreased rates of literally every single internal cancer.
>nooo you don't understand, every other animal on the planet is out in the sun all day every day but humans are different and special and the sun is bad for us unless we coat ourselves in a cocktail of 5,000,000 different synthetic chemicals
You're a fucking retard.
>Nicolas Cage

Italians are hot and you have literally no idea what you're talking about, sperg

>Italians are hot
then why do you post a man with an ugly face to prove me wrong?
Post your ideal man then, fucking retard
They make wearing a suit look poor though. Like you see all these sprezzatura guys and you just think "none of these guys have jobs but they're not rich either"
You've never been to Italy (or you've been to Naples) and you ingurgitate internet memes like daily bread.
I've been to
And some other places. You seem unstable so I'm not going to argue with you or acknowledge whatever nonsense you reply with. But the fact is, Italian men who wear suits aren't smart dressers (like you would see in London) and look casual and poor.
What you call "casual and poor" is the Italian style, which you are describing by Anglo standards. You'd sound less retarded if you simply said you just don't like it.
>Post your ideal man then, fucking retard
I see thousands of good men while travelling, but I name a few famous ones for reference:
- Keanu Reeves
- Takeshi Kaneshiro
- Adam Driver
- Austin Butler
- Brandon Lee
- Richard Geere
- Toshiro Mifune
NTA but it looks poor regardless of where you're from
>Keanu Reeves
Arguably ugly. His head shape is coarse, his eyes are inexpressive, his smile is pale and snuffed out.
>Takeshi Kaneshiro
Sorry, I'm not into Japanese men.
>Adam Driver
Seriously? He keeps long hair to cover his flap-ears. Same eyes as Reeves, plus a very cringe beard cut.
>Austin Butler
Now he's pretty, but unfortunately he also lacks of a genuine look. His appearance is basically the textbook example of a white spoiled manchild.
>Brandon Lee
Lmfao, so average. His forehead is way too high, his jaw too much protruding forwards, his eyes are empty.
>Richard Geere
Your favorite physiognomies all look the same. I don't have much to add to what I said above.
>Toshiro Mifune
Possibly the only handsome man out of your list. And I'm saying this as someone who, again, is not into East Asian men.

Now, here's my list of people that I consider objectively appealing.
>Alessandro Preziosi
>Marcello Mastroianni
>Raoul Bova
>Lino Guanciale
>Pier Paolo Pasolini
>Pietro Boselli
>Fabio Mancini
>Leonardo Di Caprio
>Claudio Marchisio
>Matteo Berrettini
>Bradley Cooper
>Riccardo Scamarcio
>Vittorio Gassman
>Massimo Cacciari
Post a picture of what you mean
I was going to say they were just coasting off the goodwill they got from Mastroianni looking good in a suit in the 60s, like how any watch brand will always bring up Steve McQueen wore theirs if given the opportunity. But then I remembered the recent Italian adaptation of Martin Eden.

The movie is filmed in a way that makes it look like it could be taking place anywhere between 1910-1980, and every character is dressed in a way that reflects this. Apart from the occasional hat or tie, their fits are completely timeless. Lacking any features beyond the most basic ones established for what clothing was supposed to look like in the 20th century. That kind of timelessness is why 60s Marcello Mastroianni is such an enduring icon. He's just a guy in a black suit and tie, Maybe with sunglasses. But you could pull off that fit at any point in time in the past 100 years. Da Vinci may not have actually said "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication", but it fits the ethos of this kind of Italian fashion.
Because they carry themselves a certain way, they have manners, they have traditions, they have rules. North Americans just kind of exist.
That doesn't answer the question though. Why do italians succeed at it, while turks, arabs and pajeets fail?
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>>Keanu Reeves
>Arguably ugly. His head shape is coarse, his eyes are inexpressive, his smile is pale and snuffed out.
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>Now, here's my list of people that I consider objectively appealing.
>>Alessandro Preziosi
>>Marcello Mastroianni
>>Raoul Bova
>>Lino Guanciale
>>Pier Paolo Pasolini
>>Pietro Boselli
>>Fabio Mancini
>>Leonardo Di Caprio
>>Claudio Marchisio
>>Matteo Berrettini
>>Bradley Cooper
>>Riccardo Scamarcio
>>Vittorio Gassman
>>Massimo Cacciari
meh, I am not into this types (not in a sexual meaning, but in the meaning that I don't want to look like anyone of them). I simply prefer a nordic ,east-asian, native american, eurasian, polynesian, inuit phenotype and don't like the mediterranean, araboid , turkish or indian type.

I would be quiet happy to look like Tom Hanks, because he fits that phenotype, is handsome but not too handsome, he has a lovable and sympathetic face. Ironically his son looks unattractive.
The fact alone that you bring together the Mediterranean, the Arab, the Turkish and the Indian phenotypes is sufficient proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. Again, just say that you like elongated faces with huge jaws and soulless dark eyes. It's enough to express your taste.
"East Asian men" don't have cars, designer clothes and manners? I guess this is bait.
Have you ever seen a Fellini movie??? A lot of them are weird looking.
rajasthanis look like that.
Yeah. They look just like that lol
Lmaoing at all this seethe from a japanoid
take off the turban, shave his mustache, put him on a beach no one will know the difference.
Clicked on this board by accident, scrolled through this thread and wow this is actually the gayest collection of posts ive read in decades.
He still looks like a pajeet.
for me its the first time checking out /fa/ in years and it really has gotten even worse somehow
>all of them look weird

in a aesthetic kinda way.
Italians? I think you mean Americans. Walmartians of the Midwest, especially.
Why are low tier men so Italian?
Anna Magnani was sexy, truly a perfect woman.
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Italians are cute
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>open maps
>go to random italian shithole to prove OP wrong
>have to browse for 20 minutes to find a man
wtf happened to Italy? it's almost impossible to find men on the streets
why is the person in the middle wearing the shirt backwards?
She's a famous film director and the shirt is made like that
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i think youre just gay for old chain smokers. theres nothing in this pic but someones shoulders.
bologna doesn't count my man.
everyone is dressed like shit here
ok chang
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>Again, just say that you like elongated faces with huge jaws and soulless dark eyes. It's enough to express your taste.
that's not specific enough, I like phenotypes from the non-med, non-arab, non-indian spectrum, it doesn't have to have huge jaws or elongated faces, though in terms of esthetics a slightly elongated face is better than a shorter one, however what I like are phenotypes that fit in the eurasian, east-asian, inuit, polynesian, native-american spectrum, ideally a mix btw. northern european and one of them.
I also like the less attractive faces within this spectrum, for instance I would rather want to look like a fat, pudgy east-asian than a slim mediterranean.
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>I would rather want to look like a fat, pudgy east-asian than a slim mediterranean
of course the choice btw. a fat, pudgy east-asian and a fat,pudgy mediterranean is even easier.
I'm in italy on holiday and there are tons of people smoking here. Its digusting, they shovel pasta in their mouths while chainsmoking. Its so funny.
That pic? Right looks a hundred times better than left. Are you retarded?
Have you ever been to Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, just to name a few? They smoke a lot all day. Stop shitting on Italy just because your homeland shithole has 1/10th of the history, style and beauty of it.
Italians smoke like hell. It’s what they’re known for. Got foreign exchange students from Italy and they smoke a lot. In large groups too.
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>hating on jep
>probably doesn't even know about this great movie
>is a stupid zoomie
Pick three.
Greece and Turkey are known for smoke, if you want to stick to memes. Italy is just average.
Beh direi che la statistica ha ragione, rientro in quella fascia d'età e le persone che conosco che fumano sono intorno al 40%
Che è molto di meno rispetto agli anni passati dove fumavano tutti
Vivo al nord e non mi spingerei mai a dire che gli italiani sono noti per quanto eccezionalmente fumano o cose del genere. Al sud, boh, non sono affari miei. Ma qui dove vivo io quelli che fumano sono pochi e magari se ne fanno una al giorno. Non diverso dalla media degli altri paesi d'Europa.
Beh io sono al sud. Forse siccome qui siamo più simili ai balcani che al resto d'europa si fuma di più, non lo nego, forse anche per la maggiore disponibilità di sigarette di contrabbando? (Trovo davvsro molti pacchetti di contrabbando vuoti buttati per terra)
Però sì l'italia non è un paese noto per il fumo come la turchia.
Probably my favorite movie ever
Why does he always look like he is taking a massive shit?
I think it's a slavoid orc. They have no sense of aesthetics and the men are fantasy creatures.
Oh lawd cringe

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