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Gf just bought me this, what do you think? Also Satancore thread
If I were the devil I’d call you a faggot
seething jesus larpers below
I urge you to drop this nonsense of Satan worship. The Devil precipitated our fall as men and he is the enemy of humanity. The Devil is our great adversary and he is a slanderer and a liar.
"But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world" Wisdom 2:24
Following and worshiping that wicked loser is going to complete his objective of damning your soul to Hell. Hell is death.
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
Revelation 21:8
Contrast this outcome w/ the desired promise of Christ, our Redeemer, where Heassures us if we remain obedient and faithful to Him and keep His commandments, we will receive life!
"Make your way in by the narrow gate. It is a broad gate and a wide road that leads on to perdition, and those who go in that way are many indeed; but how small is the gate, how narrow the road that leads on to life, and how few there are that find it!" Matthew 7:13-14
We are destined to seek knowledge of God and to have a true love for Him while here on Earth but we must stay clear from sin as it will forfeit our salvation. God created us men in His image thus we are able to achieve a manner of perfect likeness to Our Creator when we earnestly profess the truth of Our Lord and sincerely love and praise God. Our hearts yearn deeply to be with God in his Kingdom. Christ, The Son of God, through His passion and death satisfies the anger of God, fulfills the prophecies of the prophets, provides heroic virtue by example.
I encourage you to repentance. give thanks that you draw breath and have the capability to repent. The souls of the damned in Hell cry for another chance yet you still have one. Please renounce the devil, and ask God for His mercy. Our Lord is Good and I pray that you earnestly seek His forgiveness and convert to the true Faith.
are you 15? if so its fucking lit
post your girlfriends pictures you pussy i want to fap to a fat ugly goth
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shes mexican
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das whack, mane
oh damn i didn't know KingCobraJFS got a gf
me in the background
Not sure if it's based in a cringe way, or cringe in a based way. Probably just cringe. But I'd still play MTG with you anyway.
if it was truly "satanic" the pentacle would be pointing upwards.
downwards facing pentacles are pushing regular christian dogma that heaven is good and hell is evil by pointing down.
satan fell from heaven and all that.
if the pentacle is pointing upwards that means you are rejecting theology and that truly rustles jimmies.
>A reversed pentagram with two points facing upwards can represent evil and the triumph of matter over spirit.
>and that truly rustles jimmies

lel, this guy thinks being some fag wiccan for the purposes of annoying people is less cringe than being some fag metalhead that wants to annoy people.
if you're gonna wallow in sin then why not at least be cool?
That is cringe as fuck
Sick man; make them Abrahamists seethe.
Weekend preacher.
I want to know where I can buy one, fucking rocks.
Shoot her in the head
Lucifer/Satan was a whiny child with daddy issues and god was fortunate enough to have been raising him 2000~ years ago(or whatever) so that he could kick him out without CPS making a stink.

Jesus is unironically a great goth icon. Outcast, spent time with degens, threw a party so fucking wild that the other dudes there wrote their creative interpretations of it and are still scrutinized and argued over to this very day.

Despite any and all misinterpretations of Jesus and scripture, satan and especially nu-satanism will always be the gayest shit on the earth, and that's coming from a dude that's sucked a decent amount of dick in his life. Just like retard punks, you call other people posers but wear the lamest fucking social outfit and iconography that just screams to everyone else that you're trying too fucking hard.
You must be over 18 to post here
Lucifer and Satan are not the same, you dumbass.
Satan appears as an angel of light.
Bro get outta that relationship before she chops you up and puts you in a Palo Santo cauldron. Mexicans + Satanism isnt a wise from choice
The tactical piousness larp is overdone
It's obvious you're insincere and are just using belief in God as a tool to troll and rustle jimmies
It's rather dimwitted honestly
Spencer’s Gifts core
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>if you're gonna wallow in sin then why not at least be cool?
you're basically supporting the judeo-christian narrative of some people being inherently visibly evil thereby strengthening the establishment.
you have to adopt non recognizable pagan symbolism to be "cool"
i don't know what point you're trying to make but i think pentacles are gay either way and pajeets are not cool.
90% of your beliefs and customs are not in the Bible. Let anon have his Satan-Lucifer.
I second this
Bro is that the weeknd
ok chang

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