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My hair is super thin, dry and light, i can't do anything with it, it goes in random directions and i look fucking stupid
I've tried masks and oils and there were literally no changes at all, no even in texture or feel or anything
How do i fix it?
looks good to me
maybe use argan oil for 30 mins once a week or so
Looks like college bro hair
buzz cut, keep it short
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i've tried coconut oil and it did absolutely nothing
is there really a difference?
yes, coconut oil is a meme
i don't plan on it
can you push up the hair and show hairline and roots?
I dig your "fucked up" hair anon. You should, however, cut the back so you don't have neck hairs (because neck hairs ewwie).
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i don't see how this is related but here
You just need styling product my nigga
Oribe is good and smells nice
Doug tier hairline. It's over
there seems to be a misunderstanding
perhaps my hair looks somewhat fine in the picture because i've tried to make it less goofy than it usually is, but it is really a mess, it's extremely dry and light, it's really fucked up, very very frizzy. It's not like this naturally, it wasn't like that before.

i've always had this hairline, i'm not losing hair any time soon.
I have frizzy hair too
You need styling product
>i've always had this hairline, i'm not losing hair any time soon.
Lmao this is such a classic cope it's hilarious.
your hair is dry. I give you the quick rundown cuz whatever you have been doing, is not the right way.

you need a moisturizer made for thin hair: Redken Volume Injection (use that with every wash, leave it on for 8 minutes)
you need to use a good mask that can give you extra moisture maybe once every two weeks: Maroccanoil Weightless Hydrating Hairmask
hair oils are there to coat your ends. they don't do anything if you put it on your whole head like a hippy and wash it out after. get Olaplex No 7 and put just a tiny bit on your hair ends after washing and leave it on.
and most importantly, you MUST use a light leave in conditioner. you can't skip this. your hair will lose moisture otherwise.
projection, anon. Some people just have a big forehead. None of the men in my family experience hair loss and have had the same hairline until they died. Sorry you got unlucky bro
use nice oils for your hair and a leave in conditioner for around 45 minutes then soak. If you want it look extra nice put Not your moms cream in your hair forgot what it was called but it makes your hair super nice and non frizzy. Satin lined bedsheets are the best aswell!
what are some good light leave in conditions?
Pureology Colour Fanatic Leave-In is probably the best one on the market right now. put it in your slightly wet to damp hair after washing and comb it through.
i don't care to convince you, i know it didnt change. i've always been insecure about my massive forehead so i sure remember what it looked like

i trust you anon, i'll try all this. thank you

thanks anon
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this shit is amazing and dirt cheap, just don't use more than a pea size
how do i use this?
Your hairs pH is fucked. Try rinsing it with vinegar or some acidic toner before washing it
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>Lmao this is such a classic cope it's hilarious.
i've never heard of this, is this safe? can another anon confirm? can i use any sort of vinegar?
Cover your hands and rub in base to tip, use it after the shower when your hair is still damp.
vinegar rinse is legit (use apple cider vinegar diluted with water) but it's more for if you have mineral build up from hard water or scalp issues. Based on your pics and descriptions, you don't need it and can skip that advice.
doug's probably has a better hairline than you he looks norwood 0. this board's just populated by idiots that can't tell the difference between a receding hairline and a short midface but claim to be fashionable looksmaxers (lmao this board is tragic)
maybe just cut it short?
also your hair doesn't look abnormal or anything
Get a job doug, you are terminally balding
>you need a moisturizer made for thin hair: Redken Volume Injection (use that with every wash, leave it on for 8 minutes)
i just tried this morning anon and it's not good
made my hair even more tangled and dry

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