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As a mediocre white guy who mostly shops at department stores, how can I tell the difference between rich clothes and poor clothes?
You mean as good quality vs bad quality or clothes that rich people wear vs what poor people wear?
My roommate used to work for a rich guy and let me tell you the secret. Rich people wear the stealth wealth because they know that wearing the brand labels is for the black chinese indian arab nouveau riche (which is bad because feudalism is good). They aren't impressed by fashion labels or what poor people wear, so you have to wear fashion labels like brunello cucinelli and loro piana (I saw it on "the real housewives of successor blvd") because they will know what you are wearing and respect you more and in this way you will show your secret rich people knowledge known only to the most obscure fashion instagram influencers with under 30 million followers. Also they poop and it smells funny so you should poop too, if you don't poop then it's your fault if you're not rich, pooping is how they get ahead, that and not eating good food or having nice things. You should have cheap shitty things, with no brand logo, such as loewe and celine which are for the quiet luxury crowd, the ones who have nobody to impress which is why they wear those specific brands.
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three things:
you can just tell actual thought went into the design just looking at it and that cost cutting and meeting a price point wasn't one of those design considerations. quality costs what it costs.
even a simple and uber casual fit like this for lounging by the pool, you can just tell the difference between nice clothes and mall clothes.

when one knows what to look for they can tell the difference from a mile away. and a lot more men can than you think especially 30+yo. higher class women can too. if you're a career oriented white collar type trying to climb its worth the investment to dress well and have all your clothes tailored. you get judged and promoted based more on appearance and 'vibes' than performance these days in corporate america. its how they filter out dudes who are on the autism spectrum or socially 'tarded. a lot of men i know never figure the obvious out and cuck their career progression.
desu as a blue collar guy i think anyone blue collar who's client facing especially if you work for yourself not a business should take their appearance seriously too. its opened a lot of doors for me.

you're low class/poor so you don't know what you're talking about. they don't need to know "that's a loro piana!" and be a huge autist. we can just look at a garment and know if its nice or not. the difference is obvious in person. you're from a poorer lower middle class area so all you have to go on are online product photos which really don't get across how different the clothes people like me buy from you.
>heard about it
no the trend/social media shit is you lower class normalfags figuring out what we're doing and apeing it.
we've been dressing this way since forever.
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>I'm a real self made bootstrap pulling blue collar guy who grew up all hardscrabble so let me tell you how to get ahead and change your social class
>also I'm an old money aristocratian born on the correct side of the proverbial railroad tracks and let me tell you how we old money elites have been living stealth wealthy since forever

Bro at least make it two posts and space them apart and try to change up the typing style, what even is this?
i grew up rich. my dad's business went under. i was doing the corporate thing for a while but i did some soul searching and found that the hit to income was well worth not hating my life and enjoying my work and feeling like i'm actually doing something meaningful and appreciated.
>you must do the same job your whole life
>i can't fathom a career change because i've spent like 5 years max as an adult
man you're a little dipshit.
i blame office space mike judge got in my head.
Fascinating but your dad having to sell his second boat doesn't make you working class, you sound ridiculous.
his business partner stole everything and he made retarded investments with his money he had left, right before 2008. my parents are upper-middle class now.
>doesn't make you working class, you sound ridiculous.
i do contractor shit. may one day switch to mechanic shit its my hobby/passion. it pays good but its a little ridiculous to say one of the most blue collar jobs that exists isn't blue collar. trade jobs can pay well if you're not a drooler and have skills.
its not like it takes privledge to do what i'm doing. i just knew a guy who's dad was teaching him contracting and asked hey need a hand i'll work for cheap if you teach me.
How do you afford $1000-2000 shirts with a blue collar job?
pays well if you work like a motherfucker and don't do lowest bidder work.
you can go to trade school which is cheap ive had friends pay for it with mcdonalds wages, come out in 2 years and clear 100k/yr within a few years doing plumbing electrical or hvac. if you're poor its because you're lazy and/or weak.
and also being into fashion for a long time and slowly accumulating things. high end menswear and workwear doesn't fall apart in the wash after a year and look haggard or go out of style. i've been collecting shit since i was a teenager.
the delta between what you and i spend on clothes in a year probably isn't as big as you think it is. i have a low time preference approach to fashion and you probably have a very high time preference approach.
time preference is one of the biggest things that separates lower class -> everything else. you can come from nothing even in current year and with hard work and living for the future instead of the present you can get yourself out of it. even if you have tard parents that didn't support you. if you have it in you chad up bro.
ever notice the only high class people you ever see following 'trends' are the ones like influencers and celebrities.
aka people who's job it is to market the latest slop from the hamster wheel to people like you.
most upper class people develop a personal style that speaks to or represents them and they tend to stick to it or slowly evolve it over time.
fast fashion is arguably more expensive than... not high fashion but the shit we actually buy. shit i'm just coming off 5 years of not buying any clothes at all cause i didn't feel like i needed anything.
just like eating five guys every day is more expensive than cooking gourmet food at home nightly. laziness/time preference/knowledge gap example. fuck man subway 5 dollar footlongs are $19-22 in my area these days its bonkers.
>if you're poor its because you're lazy and/or weak.
or picked the wrong tradie shit to do kek.
there's so many career paths that have you working yourself to the bone and making peanuts. i just told you the 3 best to get into.

As general guidelines:

1. “100% wool/cotton/linen”
2. Comfy but not baggy fit
3. Covers legs and arms but not to long as to impede movement or have a bit of fabric flapping about. With shirts you can solve this by moving the cuff buttons inwards so the cuff sits at the wrist and doesn’t droop past it. With trousers just buy the right length or get them taken up.

1. Blends*
2. Hydrocarbon based artificial fibres. E.g. polyester
Rayon/viscose has the same chemical structure as cotton and is not hydrocarbon based but is arranged in geometric patterns because it’s extruded from a machine. The fibres follow eachother rather than being all bundled up so viscose breaks easier under tension or when wet.
3. “X% recycled” this almost always means low quality material that you will sweat in but won’t keep you warm as well as wool
4. Logos. Your clothes should be nice because they’re nice (materials, cut, durability, comfort, so on) and not because they’re part of some daft social signalling game. Maybe that is just the autist in me speaking but that is how I view it.
*unless it’s something ridiculously obscure and so esoteric that it’s a statement in and of itself like 40/60 wool/human hair blends from Sweden during WW2
Timeless pieces, 100% natural materials and the highest quality you can afford. Apart from the high upfront cost its not even that expensive to dress this way because the clothes don't disintegrate like cheap bangladesh garbage.
price desu
looks pretty cheap, and he looks like he's wearing a cheap watch.
yeah I was reading this and just getting more and more embarrassed for the poster.
And then he posts this>>18182360 like bro this is cringe please stop have some self respect.
i'll add some
these aren't as much guidelines a lot of high end stuff won't have all of them
its more an: if you see these things its a good sign.

- brand does not do any marketing beyond like having an ig page or whatever
- made in first world country
- tells you the country the textile came from + high tier country for the material (these aren't always 1st world)
- tells you what mill the textile was woven at
- tells you what country the input material (cotton wool etc) came from
- tells you what farm the input material came from
- tells you where everything else like the thread and shit came from not just the textile
- tells you technical details about the textile beyond just the weight
- full size chart
- brand has a permanent collection or is only a permanent collection
- proprietor owned
- small business
- local business

theres forums like superfuture and shit where talking about poor people clothes isn't allowed. usually anything good will have at least some mention on those websites.

>2. Hydrocarbon based artificial fibres. E.g. polyester
this is a good rule. don't break it unless you know what you're doing except when you're buying gym clothes.
but there are high end and even uber high end synthetic textiles. woven umhwpe, dcf, uber thin or uber thick ripstop nylons, nylon canvases, kevlar, x-pac, pile fabrics and luxurious or insane on a technical level polyester weaves.

i'm too lazy to id everything in his fit.
i guess it doesn't matter either way i'll just say you don't have to spend a zillion bucks on every article, quality caps off at a point for everything and for some garments and textiles that's not a super high price. you can spend more if you want but you're paying for stuff like ~very specific style~ not raw quality at that point.
>on those websites.
or reddit but make sure to check the peoples profiles before you commit their opinions to memory and look at how they dress first. don't listen to nofits on there.
They're all the same now. It's all chinese trash. Just look for clothes that aren't blended with plastic and have a thick fabric with good stitching.
Everyone hating on logos but Polo Ralph Lauren oxford shirts are the only good ones on the market
At least I get those with the multicolour logo, not contrasting one
ok Mr Roy, what watches do rich people like?
no offense but i think watchfags and watchfaggery is retarded and pay no attention to it. cartier tank is all i need for my style watches weren't a big deal during the period i mostly dress in.
you asking about noveau-riche people, trust fund babies, high earner not yet rich's or actual rich people?
actual rich people buy a ~10kish watch like a submariner or w/e so their friends shut the fuck up and don't waste money on one. richest guy i've had dinner with wears a casio duro unironically maybe you can guess who it is.
i don't socialize with the other groups.
desu i've never picked someone's brain on this before if you don't mind. what IS the appeal of watchfaggery other than the flex aspect of it? i know there probably is one its just never called to me. curious to hear from an enthusaist why they're so into them.
Yes I know who he is (wink) the other day I was having dinner with him at McDonald's and a certain oracle from the Midwest (wink)
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The definitive guide, sirs:
>Merino wool.
>White gold > Yellow gold.
>Toyota land cruiser.
>Basic Merino Wool T-shirt
>Their God is called Compound interest or something like that.
>Their watches are small.
>Merino wool pajamas
>They play sports with small balls.
>At home you talk about politics or sports, they talk about economics.
>The Economist, of course.
>Did I say merino wool?
>50 year old Rolex that looks like shit, a new Rolex is for poor people.
>Merino Wool Socks
>Have you read Niall Ferguson's latest book?
>Suede Jackets.
>Old Eames chairs, which must look like shit
>Passive income, you know they invest their money in financial products.
>Wooden WaterRower machine.
>They practice meditation, but they are ruthless
>They are stingy
>They support Biden and vote for Trump
>Merino wool caps
>Merino wool MAGA caps
>Merino wool briefs
>Merino wool preservatives
haha i knew you'd say that but its too spergy to just start rattling off proof before you ask.
you can see young me playing monster truck madness in the windows 98 launch commercials. if you watch it and still don't believe me i'll post a childhood photo i guess? lol?
i'm from redmond. my friends parents growing up are all early microsoft investors aka the people he socializes/socialized with back then i don't know anymore. i can even tell you what parts of what neighborhoods they all live in.
fuck this pic of me as a toddler is drippy as fuck i kinda want to just post it anyways
Can we have dinner together at Dorsia? I have a lot to tell you?
haha you really doubted didn't you? come on man don't be so salty about it.
Now I can't talk I have to return some video tapes
hey you can't be right every time. i'll come back later to check if you watched the video and don't believe its me.
Watches attract autistic people, it's simply this. Something similar happens with EDC knives. I think every man needs a watch or a knife in his life, but these guys are obsessive. They are obsessed with things that would surprise you, they really care about absurd things. It's a better hobby than collecting Funko Pops, but it's the same shit. If you like watches, I think the best thing to do is buy a Rolex or a Cartier and stop. Any act of collecting is unhealthy, whether it's Star Wars toys or luxury cars.
its another "did you know REAL rich people wear STEALTH WEALTH!" thread. no they dont, well some do. If they like fashion they will wear popular LVMH and KERING brands or some will wear exclusively Saville Row or Bespoke garments, others do not give a fuck about clothing and wear Costco shit their wives bought them.
What a ridiculously uninformed opinion
Materials likely exported in, manufactured here with skilled systems. Forging process is done all over. Very hard labor.
3 stages


Assembly is done inside. Factory is safe and sound. Delivery can be a threat, these trucks are carrying. System makes sense. Made in pallets and sold as a unit. Trends likely being managed.
Farmland owners inherited a massive duty to their feet. They plough. Farming industry is massive, insanely big. Insane. Water supply avocado.
Im a poorfag from a poorfag family, could you post some side by side examples and point out what you would notice? Im climbing in income brackets and my social circle has a lot of genuienly high class people now and I feel like an alien sometimes.
yup exactly this.
costco jeans, dad shoes, greasy polo and either a toyota commuter car, f150 or tesla daily driver. they spend their money on ferraris and boats not clothes. they don't burn all their wealth during their lifetime and they pass an actual legacy onto their kids.
t. the guy who actually proved he socializes with these people
>EDC knives
ok that makes a lot more sense. lol as a backpacker those guys are super super funny to me.
yeah bro i get owning a nice 5-10k watch or two if its not outside your means. i don't get it when its outside their means and i don't get it when its collecting. doesn't it feel rediculous to go around in a $300 fit and a $10k watch? i see so many guys who wardrobe doesn't match their watch flex.
yeah sure what garment do you want me to do it for?
How about a basic dress shirt + pants combo, or poorfag dress (for women) vs high class?
You're right. And not only with clothes, but also with the furniture in their house. I remember a video of a guy introducing you to his new Patek World Timer in a shabby room with horrible furnitures and an office chair that made a creepy noise and I think
My God, this guy spent 35k on a watch
i mean look how the first guy originally asked his question as if he doesn't know there's different kinds of rich people. most people think of "high earner not yet rich" trust fund nepo babies and noveau-riche when they think rich but those are the people on the very bottom of the upper class totem pole.

its been like a decade since i've dressed modern business casual so bear with me. and i don't know women's fashion enough to feel like i won't sound like a retard.
only irl brick and mortar stores i shop at are blueowl, filson (formerly) and ebbets desu. i get most of my not old timey casual wardrobe from blueowl. i'm a very casual guy.

>basic dress shirt
>pants combo
those are both things where the difference is all in the fit and all in the specific silhouette, which you'll find nothing like off the rack from lower end brands. basic dress shirts i never wear rtw. dress pants are another story most good stuff is mtm or bespoke but there is very good rtw stuff as well.
the best modern style dress pants come from brands known for their suiting like zegna and shit.
i have a local guy do my basic dress shirts. they're probably not very different from the ones you wear its all in the fit. but a very obvious tell that anyone with a keen eye can spot is the stuff you wear is gonna have like plastic imitation buttons and i'm going to use real horn/bone, real mother of pearl etc.
i'm more of a casual guy so it'd be a lot easier for me to sperg on about high end casual trousers desu. i only up my formality if i'm forced to.
oh and i'll say the main reason i don't buy cheap rtw dress pants is the fit. i prefer a looser more traditional silhouette above the knee (below its up to style i wear both carrot leg and wider leg stuff) and i prefer a tall upper block. you're just not going to find that type of fit from lower end brands. when i wear stuff from them i feel like i'm swimming in the pants or cross dressing and i desire the middle ground. its hard to accomplish that 'feels loose and comfortable to wear, but also looks sleek and not anachronistic' look. nobody cheap offers the complete package of everything i want in a trouser fit and altering rtw isn't that much cheaper than just going mtm/bespoke to begin with i mostly do it with vintage.
https://www.instagram.com/ambrosinapoli is a good example of what i mean
casual trousers i tend to buy for the fabric more dressy ones i go strictly on fit and pattern.
>since i've dressed modern
i mean since i've actively bought shit and paid more attention to than throwing on my old clothes from when i did corpo shit.
big advice is don't shell out the big buku bucks for the most expensive version of X until you know specifically what you want and why you're paying more for it. and not all garments even need to be expensive or high end to be good. i'm wearing a literal thrifted j crew ocbd today because their fit happens to be really good on me.
>no the trend/social media shit is you lower class normalfags figuring out what we're doing and apeing it.
>we've been dressing this way since forever.
you are wearing clothes, brother. it's not that complicated. keep larping tho!
have you ever had a woman approach you and try to get your number on the street before?
bump interesting thread
sounds like you're really quite poor but you got the gist of it down. I wouldn't say anyone ever talks about economics at dinner.
People are confused and the Old Money trend is not helping. Being rich is having a net worth that makes you financially independent, but it is also a mental attitude. In this way of thinking and seeing life the fundamental concepts are the long term and compound interest. You can be poor and have the attitude of a truly rich person and in 10 years your net worth will increase considerably. These two concepts are important in finance, but they can be extrapolated to all aspects of life. This way of thinking can be applied to purchasing clothing. The rich have a classical style because their minds are programmed to think in long-term. Quality is important so that clothes last longer. Long term again. The economic calculation is also important, which is why I would never buy clothes from Loro Piana, it is too expensive, I am rich and the rich are a bit stingy. But if you are financially independent you can treat yourself from time to time. It is very important not to confuse value, quality and price; For example: Toyota makes affordable cars, but they are also reliable and that is what interests me. Let others stick with the unreliable Ranger Rover.
Thank you for reading my blog.
With blends the only good blend is cotton/linen. All other blends are useless.
Well said. That's one thing i note with em. Upper end stuff but not too far upper end. Good and reliable. Not so much Ferraris and Lambos like a arab oil sheikh.
its p typical for them to live pretty minimalistically other than house/property in most aspects of life then go all out on the few things they're really interested in. good common example are jay leno car collector guys who daily a toyota or a extended range nothing else tesla + whatever the smallest truck is required to seat their family and haul their trailer/boat/camper/whatever.
and some of them don't even do that ^
never said i'm old money just been around men and sometimes get clients who are and take notes cause i'm not a drooler.

for casual fashion stuff yeah.. can't really think of anything else. for technical outdoors stuff nah son.
I like cotton/silk
true especially in socks.
cotton/nylon is also comfy as shit to wear that's what most semi modern surplus is made of.
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>its p typical for them to live pretty minimalistically other than house/property
I don't know if all rich people are the same in this sense, but I am quite a minimalist. I like sparsely furnished rooms with functional, high-quality furniture. I don't like ornaments.
i've met a mix of your picrel and the jay leno autism guys. my first girlfriend's dad is uber rich and yeah he's got a boat but its pretty modest if you know whats in his bank account, they had a huge lakefront mansion when the kids were growing up but sold it and live modestly in a quiet farm house away from things right when the kids moved out. his autism hyperfocus is outdoors stuff which isn't all that expensive or materialistic its not like he takes any better gear than the average backpacker on reddit just has a ton of free time to sink into it.
these guys focus is usually on a combination of retiring early and giving their kids an easy life and passing things onto their kids, sadly sometimes to the detriment of the social development of their kids kekw. best strategy i've seen around that is just have a big family and hey a few come out weird.
(outside of what they do, which is that 99% of their life is usually focused on until they decide to stop)
>his autism hyperfocus is outdoors stuff which isn't all that expensive or materialistic its not like he takes any better gear than the average backpacker on reddit just has a ton of free time to sink into it.
I'd like to ask this man what he thinks about Snow Peak. There are many Japanese outdoor YouTubers using their stuff. One thing I have discovered is that the Japanese are great curators of products.
Rich clothes: genetically good frame with a fair amount of musculature, good insertions, good face, a healthy able body
Poor clothes: the opposite

The only way money can fraud this is with multi layered heavy winter clothing.
You can check out how rich people with bad physiques look. This guy is an idiot >>18182348
>for technical outdoors stuff nah son.
yeah true, i forgot about that. in the army we have like a wool/poly mix about 50 50, cozy and durable. even after 2-3 days of doing stuff and hanging it up every night, the next day it barely even smells.
some truth to this they're not all gymbros especially when you go outside the sphere of white european ones but hardly anyone in any of their families eat goyslop and work out more than average. european rich tend to have good genetics, jewish rich are either damn that nigga could be a hollywood actor or jk rowling bankers no middle ground, eastern rich are dysgenic compared to their middle class but my bias is i've mostly met chinese ones.
i like polycotton but only in tropical climates.
>5 years of not buying any clothes at all cause i didn't feel like i needed anything
Same here, but now a lot of shirts have torn in the elbows and I need new ones.
What in the FUCK is this shit that they're trying to sell? Fuck this shit. I don't want to look like a fucking clown with a tight high-rise pleated waist and my shirt billowing out. Not buying from these cunts anymore, that's for sure.
>I don't want to look like a fucking clown with a tight high-rise pleated waist and my shirt billowing out

It's not their fault you're not in shape. Looks good on the model. Are you sure you aren't just mad at seeing a black man?
Nah, that nigga looks like that John Lennon meme image.
>you're not in shape
Nope. I workout 3.5 days a week and have a 31" waist and 40" chest.
Those pants make him look like he has woman hips with this tiny-ass torso.
I'm not the other anon, but I think I understand you. Are you talking about the high waist pants trend? I avoid buying pants of that style because I always think long term, for that reason I avoid all trends. Although this is one of my favorite images that define my way of dressing and Delon looks like he's wearing one of these pants
if the brand uses ai generated niggers its a sign to send it back on the banana boat. yeah this modern trend of half-assing traditional silhouettes is amazingly goofy. that picture would look even worse if the nigger wasn't ai generated cause east africans have tiny little torsos and giant limbs the exact opposite of what that style looks good on. but the model they used to generate him doesn't accurately represent their proportions.
you are poor and probably brown
I have never seen so much larping in a single thread
>mediocre white guy
Wool poly is useless except for making washing easier. Sure it can be a little lighter, but with a lot less function. It removes 90% of the wooliness of wool, so it won't breathe, regulate temp, or function when wet nearly as well. As far as outdoor clothing goes, the only place poly shit is actually good is the shell layer, and yeah nothing beats it that isn't stupidly heavier. 100% silk and wool still beats out anything else for base layers.
High rise is a return to clothing designed for men's bodies. Niggers are irrelevant, most companies use them as models, I just don't buy from them.
high rise is based because it looks best on european men and other ethnicities who evolutionary traded off limb length for the ability to swim, and second best on the short/squat/muscle dense on average ethnicities. and looks worst on those long limb tiny body lanky nigs and assorted other races they've been pushing at every front lately.
not really sure why the mainstream's going that direction honestly.
1950's 1960's fits and western shit will always look amazing on athletic white guys and don't feel anachronistic at all if you ease off the larp slightly.
>doesn’t know to iron out the fold creases on a new shirt
>color looks terrible on his pale ass
That sure is some upper class stealth wealth shit anon
Nice cope. Long limbs are universally regarded as more /fa/
The price tag. While it is a joke, it is also the truth.

Aside from that, you'd have to know the materials used in the product to have a better idea, i.e. 100% wool is usually good, but only if the wool isn't shit.
>but only if the wool isn't shit.
how do you know that?
Knowing where good wool is made and inspecting the item yourself to make sure it's made well.
If it has plastic in it, don't buy it

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