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Can someone explain the sentiment “I use my clothing style to express myself”? What is being expressed? If you wear bright colors, you are trying to express yourself as bubbly and outgoing? Dark colors express mysteriousness/seriousness? Can the materials you wear be an astute expression of your personality? Is this late capitalism? Consumerism being sublimated into an outlet for personhood
These are usually maladapted NEETs who think dressing in clothes they purchased at hot topic makes them unique, it's no different from the "I don't care about fashion so my fashion choices are actually above it all" types, they are too narcissistic to be able to see how they look from the outside
>Is this late capitalism?
Clothes have been used as a way of self expression and status for thousands of years
class and taste is the extent of expression
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Ah man, brown girls make me want to puke
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what message am i expressing when i only buy clothes made by fellow hwhite people or races that played for the right team in world war 2?
what message does my usual haircut send?

haha same the swarthiest i've been with / am attracted to are german or slavic hapas
well i got with a few >1% filipinas but i wouldn't these days
answer: https://files.catbox.moe/rcbn06.MP4
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my message https://files.catbox.moe/rcbn06.MP4
>be brown girl
>seeking this much approval singing a neo nazi hymn
Well, brown girls and white bois are a match in heaven. I'm brown male btw but having more success with european women.
By worthless scum only
I think you're oversimplifying. You're looking at things at a level that's too basic. It's like looking at a painting and saying "Did you use bright colors because it's a happy painting? Did you use dark colors because it's sad?" It's worth considering, but you need to think deeper too.
>you may think my pink pants are pink for no reason, but it actually represents the vagina, the uterus, and man’s desire to return to the womb
Your personality and values are being expressed, by clothing as much as anything else about you that you display, some of which is also what you consume, like clothing, watches, laptop, car...
There are many ways by which an association can be made between your appearance and your values.
If you wear technical/athletic clothes you'll come off as more laid back compared to someone who wears suits.
If you wear baggy t-shirts with big Gucci logos you'll come off as someone youthful and trendy.
If you wear a nondescript soft wool sweater you'll look wealthy to idiots who've watched succession.
If you wear a rolex watch you'll give the impression you have more spare money than if you wear an F-91W.
By wearing different things you'll come off as part of the group who stereotypically wear the same things, like the emo subculture.
By wearing a nicely cut fine wool suit you'll look like you know how to dress to someone who knows what a nicely cut suit and fine wool look like, and knowing this might make you feel better with yourself and more confident overall.
You don't even have to make a conscious choice to express something to express something - if you wear jeans and graphic t-shirts you find on sale at the local department store you'll express something ranging from the fact that you don't care about your appearance very much to the fact that you're a nerd who can't dress well.
>consumerism being sublimated into an outlet for personality
We live in a very different time compared to just 100 years ago, because now everyone can own a nice suit and an iPhone, even if they're below poverty level, so people have the choice of wearing what they want.
For the whole history of mankind though people have been using clothes to signal their class belonging, and peasants couldn't go around dressed like merchants, who in turn couldn't go around dressed like kings, even if they tried.
What the clothes mean is ultimately up to the wearer. It's best to not assume.
With what is that poster coping?
You mistake is trying to have an honest conversation with autists and trolls. This isn't old fa anymore
>This isn't old fa anymore
indeed, half this thread is race politics
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Good post. You can really get as granular with fashion as one might be with verbal expression. How words such as excited, joyous, exuberant, manic or ecstatic all express a rise in energy but each with its own unique connotations, color and feel.
>“I use my clothing style to express myself”?
There is a world of difference for the choice of clothes and expressing oneself isn't the same as exhibition oneself. For some just a subtle detail is enough and makes them contend, other's have to wear a rainbow and still don't know why they are doing it.
>I'm brown male btw but having more success with european women.
a lot of guys would get salty or insecure over that but i feel you. the only problem is if you get serious you have to consider what the kids will come out looking like. one of my close friends is a darkskin african first gen immigrant far right guy who went through his 20's and early 30's fucking nothing but white women and he raised some very compelling points about african-american women when i'd give him shit for it. but i asked him if he really wants to create a ethnic horror when he has kids and he wound up agreeing with me and wound up finding & marrying a black girl who hates most blacks too. kek.
and i'm not even saying you're always creating an ethnic horror when you race mix. consider things situation to situation. in his case mulatto kids are never accepted by either blacks or whites and if he created some they would have been bullied and never really accepted by any group. kinda just depends on the combination of races and being realistic on if those kids are going to have a good life or not.
I'm already a dad with a white women, i will punch you if call my kids a genetic horror in real life, ma boi.
I also love to put my ink on white womens paper, ingraving my genetics forever in recessive white genes.
>dress like a slob
>people treat you like a slob
I wear Trump t shirts exclusively to let the libs know their owned status: currently owned
>What is being expressed?
consumerism and immaturity
autismo, here.
is this really all they mean when they say that?
because this is cringe as fuck.
i mean i do this myself but i would never say
>i'm expressing myself
to describe it. that's lame as hell.
If you hold this belief, why do you post on this board?
>“I use my clothing style to express myself”
this is a meme perpetuated mostly by fashion school students who wear whacky shit and their outfits have no real aesthetic, using "personal artistic expression" as an excuse to look like a walking doompile, so we'll never know the true meaning of the phrase because its all subjective to the wearer
because i dont hold this belief
>“I use my clothing style to express myself”
i wear clothes that are comfy, i dont use them to express myself or to send a message.
i come here to shitpost and spread misinformation
Right, but what is the point of going on a fashion board if your only goal for clothing is what's comfy? What is the comfiest item? Do you wear it at all times, regardless of social situation, as long as weather permits?
It literally just means wearing clothes you personality like and feel comfortable in, rather than creating your wardrobe around r/menswear iconographic or neurotically obsessing about what other people might think about your looks.
read my comment before replying
fucking retard
I did, and I don't see how I misunderstood what you said.
>Right, but what is the point of going on a fashion board if your only goal for clothing is what's comfy?
this is what you said
but in the comment you are replying to i said
>i come here to shitpost and spread misinformation
you stupid fucking retard
Oh. I assumed you were just lying because I can't fathom anyone wanting to do that. My bad.
>I can't fathom anyone wanting to do that
you cant fathom the ability or desire for someone to shitpost?
Stop huffing cow dung poojeet, it makes your IQ even lower
>I'm already a dad with a white women, i will punch you if call my kids a genetic horror in real life, ma boi.
Pure browncel larp, I can tell you've never held hands. That'd be funny if you tried to punch me haha I'm a martial arts guy that wouldn't be the wisest idea.
try speaking in not broken english FOB
probably ur looksmatch at best
>is that really all
That's no small thing my friend.
>that's cringe
Why do you dress a certain way instead of another then?
Creating a wardrobe around a very specific aesthetic and adhering to certain """rules""" is very much a way to express oneself and display one's belonging to a group, be it real and very clearly defined or more blurry or even imagined.
Look no offense but if you don't even get this kind of basic thing easily you probably don't have an artistic or creative bone in your body and should just give up on fashion
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This is you
How do we view this post as anything other than a concession that the poster is unable to understand self-expression?
someone else might wear a pink shirt for no reason at all, it's just a shirt
a retard might consciously choose the pink shirt because he thinks it is somehow bucking masculine trends
I might wear one because I like miami vice

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