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Midway through making some clothes for winter. Thought the sack coat I’m making might go well with my overcoat. Still midway through making it hence why there’s no buttons yet. It’s made from British serge rather than the tweeds I’ve used in the past and it’s a lot easier to work with.

Sorry about the lighting in the pic. You may need to adjust the brightness on your monitor.

1. Does it look decent?
2. Is this neofolk?

Also neofolk thread whilst we’re at it. Post neofolk fits and inspo.
It looks like your mom brought you home that fit from your dead grandpa who was 3 inches taller and 30 pounds heavier than you
I should note that I haven’t added the sleeves to the jacket yet. Hence why the arms of the coat seem so wide/unfilled.
God always off to a positive start with these threads. Its no wonder this board has been shite for so long.
You look like shit blud, take the L and move on
I do think it looks decent like that. Could you post a picture without the overcoat on?
Making a garment yourself is pretty neofolk I'd say
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Imagine - literally making your own depressing black clothes is not good enough for /fa/.

You wear the scowl of a furious hero OP.

Please post neofolk.
What the fuck are you babbling about, you meme-ingurgitating subhuman bugman?
I've read more about neofolk than I have most other aesthetics and i still don't have a solid idea of what it even is. Is it just zoomers going through a 20th century fashion kick?
Since neofolk is just dressing like homeless and/or old people, yes, this is neofolk.
Looking good, king.
op i love it, i think your doing great
ignore the nigger faggots here
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Here is the current progress. Midway through attaching one of the sleeves. Haven’t added the buttons yet so it curls out when I try to close it at the top but if all goes to plan it should basically be a chore coat that can be worn either buttoned up or with a lapel. Should be great for winters in the norf. I also intend to add pockets once the main body is done.

Rejection of modernism and vague sympathy for the volkish element of the mid-century radical right (whilst disdaining its modernist element). Veneration of craftsmanship and local, natural, simple materials. Incorporation of milsurp/military reproduction in a way that doesn’t make you a larper. Veneration of freedom, rurality, and folkishness. Things that unapologetically are what they are.

Incorporate these ideals into fashion and you get neofolk. As a hoppean I find the ideals very attractive however I find it aesthetically very appealing by itself. I think it’s a style that attracts a certain sort of person.

If it was just a 20th century fashion kick we’d all be wearing mid century American stuff as well. E.g. denims jackets+ dungarees which is decidedly not neofolk. Neofolk has more of a European feel to it.

Thank you.
You look like a human bean bag.
Im too stupid to know how to dress myself. i wish somebody could make a neofolk practical real life guide to the style
I wanna look like norman rockwell or tolken effortlessly but i basiclaly just end up wearing a thick cotton crew neck sweater, and some jeans everyday
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where is the fine line between neofolk and dark academia?
neofolk is casual and slightly outdoorsey.
dark academia isn't real. you've throught up a finny name for regular trad menswear in fall and winter fabrics.
Is that womens coat? the buttons are the wrong side
looks cool desu
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only possible neofolk summer outfit
Dark academia is when when you look like what the average Harry Potter fan thinks academics look like. Most male academics just wear an OCBC shirt or with a pair of slacks/chinos. The ones that actually do dress like DA are Oxbridge graduates with an autistic interest in a given 5 year period or theme of British history who lecture in new universities.

The stuff you’ve posted is just trad menswear (some of which like the “chesterfield” can be neofolk) that has been labelled DA ipso facto and collated into a collection based on false ideas of what academia is (if you go to a British university there is a 90% chance you will not be able to wear all this stuff or will have to take off your coat and jumper during lectures -this is what I do- as the heating will be turned up high) whereas neofolk is trying to put your thumb on and pin down a phenomenon that actually did exist. If everyone in Britain dressed like what you’ve posted then I think this country would be a lot more bearable. I hate walking down the street and seeing 70% of people wearing clothes that don’t fit or don’t flatter them.

Neofolk is when you dress casually like a Central European circa 1920 to 1960, or a British isles European between 1880 to 1939. In both instances your take should place emphasis on rurality. You should be presentable but not showy in the way DA is.

A neofolk take on dark academia would be dressing like an east-bloc dissident circa 1945-1960. Fits you see in pics of the Hungarian uprising are the borderline between DA and Neofolk.

Btw if you dress even in a remotely presentable way at a British university:
1. You will be accused of the mortal sin of Toryism
2. Indians will address you as sir
3. People will think you are a member of the academic faculty and ask you stuff even if you’re literally a freshers student

t. Wore chinos, cotton shirt, a jumper and a flat cap on the first day of uni
1. Dumb rule
2. The photo was taken in a mirror

To elaborate, the clothes really do make the man and even if you use your meme chart >>18185838 you will look better than 90% of people as you’re actually making an effort. If you make the leap from wearing joggers and a T-shirt every day to wearing shirts everyday people start treating you like you’re actually human and you really notice it.

nice! thank you!

you got some pictures of the east-bloc diffident?
Look up “Hungarian revolution 1956.”

Notice that everyone is very well dressed but it’s not ultra formal. They look like they want to be well dressed because it’s just something they do and take pride in rather than being well dressed for the sake of careerism or climbing the corporate ladder. You would never see the people in these photos in a shitty polyester suit for a job interview. They wear casual wool suits on their day off because they’re comfy in them. Btw a lot of the people in these pics are poor students (hence the crossover with DA) in a country with chronic shortages and they still look extremely /fa/ which goes to show how far we have fallen.

Also note the lack of loud or jazzy colours. This is a defining feature of both DA and neofolk but with DA your clothes would be made from tweed whereas Neofolk would opt for serge instead and only wear plain tweeds as opposed formalised setts. Both sides would wear a fabric like Melton but this is generally used for overcoats in which case darker overcoat= more neofolk and more militaristic features (or literally just wearing milsurp or reenactment gear) = more neofolk.
Looks like his mother dressed him.
Papa Rick vindicated once again in saying that the best fashion is a sculpted physique. "Neofolk", while gay at best, is whatever (to each their own) but this would look infinitely better if you lost like 20lbs minimum. If your body is sculpted you can tread on the chests of the masses and they'll practically beg to suck you off, let alone take a facial on their pig-faced Dark Academia BookPorn addicted faces.

tl;dr: lose 20 pounds and no one will say shit besides "gay" (deserved, to be fair - your audience is 2014 tumblr girls who are into calling men daddy yet are lesbians)
you look like if "hunger" by hamsun was set in albania
To be fair I see what you mean but I haven’t sold a waistcoat to buy bread yet.

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