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What’s the ideal shorts inseam length?
30 inch minimum.
>crusty old shorts
>generic college t shirt
The scary part is this is actually like high fashion for midwesterners. This dude probably gets compliments on his "style" all the time
He's at an airport. Everything he's wearing is light and comfortable. Have you been outside, like, ever?
airports are usually comfortable?
Also what's up with Americans making their identity what university they went to
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what's up with euros (i presume) making their identity forever seething about americans doing literally anything?
amerilard generalizing europeans as a monolith because their country is all the same despite what they claim
Doesn’t matter as long as they’re above your knees
imagine the smell, hairy mf, disgusting sneakers,no socks fucking vomitus
>Have you been outside, like, ever?
to be fair its very extremely common knowledge in the outdoors community that long pants > shorts most of the time in hot weather its mostly just normies who don't spend a lot of time outside who associate shorts with being comfortable in hot weather (they're for getting a tan in first and foremost)
He's clearly wearing socks.
>fags bitching about a dude overdressed to an airport
we all know you're a faggot you don't need to shout
this is clearly a homeless faggot, nobody with a tiny bit of decency will be like that
who said anything about wearing a suit? it's just disgusting to see some mf look like he just came back from a jog. You can dress like a fat slob that just crawled out of bed for all anyone cares, but nobody wants to see your pale, hairy thighs.
It depends on how long your legs are. But if you're going to the airport like that pic, you're going to want to wear a suit and smoke a big, fancy cigar that looks like a BBC.
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time to get the thread back on track. picrel is the only true answer
The question asks for an inseam length not a picture of guys in panties.
Idk what that means but shorts that sit just above the knee are ideal. Any higher and you appear gay, any lower and you appear urban slop.
Right at knee or 1 inch above is the ideal spot for any well adjusted individual
>not has once has someone complimented my bondage jeans
Bozo tractors and rare Japanese brand leather tee
the correct answer.
Americans will always live rent-free in the Europoor mind
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Just say you're ashamed of your legs
A well adjusted MAN wouldn't walk around in shorts in public like a manchild. He would wear trousers like a proper adult.
Nobody asked for your homoerotic fap material.

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