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I hate men's summer fashion so much. Basically your options are dressing like a toddler on Nantucket or a Deep South estate attorney.
True. Winter/Fall are the best seasons and anyone who thinks otherwise has severe brain damage and should be ignored.
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Mens summer fashion are exclusively owned by us gym freaks.
The fattys opinion.
I wear the same shit. Jeans and a button up Oxford. Yes I sweat my ass off but I mean I'm not really walking around outside all that often.
this thread is for house-leavers ONLY
Or you can wear a Kurta and pajama/dhoti like a real man.
Being jacked isn't fashion because it has nothing to do with clothing.
lmao this niggas a body pillow
It has.
Why do their faces (all three) look busted as fuck?
Your body shape affects the fit of your clothes. Physique and fashion have always been intertwined. Why do you think fashion models have always had a tall, lean build if it's just about the clothes?
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Did he think this was a positive reaction?
Plastic surgery obviously. Why are you even asking this when you know the answer?
Ok, my question is more like "Why would they be models with those faces?"
That was the only actual reaction in the video. These videos are a meme where you just edit people's normal everyday glances into slow mo to make it look more dramatic than it actually is.
Because they're in good physical shape and look "hot" compared to the general population. Not everyone is an internet autist that cares about things like cosmetic surgery.
Typical zoomie girls reaction, yes. You actually experienced that?
No, I'm short-sighted and don't wear my glasses. Zoomer girls can laugh all their want, I won't notice.
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There's still hope bro. I lift 90 kilos at bench press, i can pull off Tinder, more plates more dates.
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Absolute fucking retard. All you need is shorts (above knees) and a short sleeve shirt (SHIRT, not t-shirt, you manchild) And youre set,i wish it was summer all year. you fuckign fagets hiding behind winter clothes LOL. I can show off my biceps and legs while evron around me is wearing oversized graphic Tees and onions beards. LOL

A god among insects....
>Basically your options are dressing like a toddler on Nantucket or a Deep South estate attorney.

Awww, youre a fatty. Cute.
I keep my jeans and boots but trade the tucked tee for a tank top. Throw on aviators and a cowboy hat and I'm g2g
lmao >>18184458 what a faggot
>90 kilos at bench press
That's really not worth bragging about m8. That's first year lifter stuff
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>Basically your options are dressing like a toddler on Nantucket or a Deep South estate attorney.
only if you're a retard. long pants keep you cooler than shorts unless you're under shade in hot weather. you need to buy something with a loose fit and a breathable fabric.
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endgame lightweight airy summer jeans:
airy 2x1 twill, light weight, loose fit

non 3rdworld linen pants:
https://epauletbrand.com/products/custom-trousers-linen-tweed-denim-camo-sashiko <- good but warning: jewish tranny owned brand
some good aloha shirts no order:
I wear black slacks and a button down during heat waves. Lose weight fatty.
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i'm in a heat wave and i've been wearing a thin ocbd all week
black keeps you cooler than white or colors if the garment is loose fitting btw:
Wear linen shirts and loose pants
tiktok vanity has been a disaster for the west
why? isnt it good the younger generation is getting into fitness and not becoming fatties
Because parading around the street fishing for attention is a female trait. Being a confident skeleton is more masculine than that faggot.
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its bizarre how theres grown men who let a chinese children's dancing app dictate their life.
i just wear 1930's to 1960's menswear and workwear now. i'll probably keep doing that till i die. last time men looked like men. welcome to my ted talk.
I prefer to wear a wifebeater underneath.
these are three uglyass mfs
This guy looks like some early human ancestor
Why is his posture bad, is it because he has no back?
He looks like a nephilim
You should be wearing popplin, seersucker, or linen not an oxford you dipshit
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Most of them are just looking at him as if he's some freak who escaped from WWE. You can tell that from the fact that both women and men have the same expression on their faces when looking at him. It's more of a look of fear and repulsion than attraction.
7/8 of them just look annoyed that some retards with a phone out just intruded into their personal space.
Your articles all say black absorbs more heat but it is irrelevant for those robes specifically.
>takes hours of footage of him walking to find the 4-5 incidences where someone followed him with their eyes
lol literally anyone could do this.
Brief reminder that these videos are created by Jews to make you feel inferior
>0% likes fat so it's not even in the graph
Serious question. Does he think this girl's reaction is favorable?
>90 kg
That's literally only a good thing if you're a very small woman.
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modern kurtas have such an ugly silhouette.
reminder that this is what the kurta originally looked like - the tunic which emphasised masculinity aka the inverted triangle.
that girl is reacting like that coz she is insecure about ever actually being able to date a fit guy.
she thinks(rightfully) that she will be pumped and dumped as a 7 so she doesn't aspire to be with the fit guys and instead her worldview is twisted to idolizing leaner or dad bod guys.
however if the fit guy actually approached her and made her think she had a chance of fucking she would fold instantly.
you see it all the time irl.
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Nah gotta experiment with materials. You can wear silk linen cotton. Loafers shorts blazer. This movie and plein solei are great summer inspos!
It sucks so much. There's no point to any of it if you aren't a millionaire
This looks fucking ridiculous. Absolute Persian cell phone salesman core.
He posts in almost every thread as if he's somehow that relevant. It's typical spic behavior. they need to be seen. Black people have the same problem. In fact it's a common problem among "pEoPlE oF CoLoR".

It sucks, because I kind of wanna like the guy, I honestly do, but the arrogance and the fact he can;'t take criticism makes me really dislike him.
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Yes :3 I will keep posting summer fits nothing can stop me
Baste. Looking good, especially >>18187205
summer's my least favorite season for weather and fashion. your look and style's totally different from mine. but its still inspiring to put some more effort in and not half ass summer like i usually do. yeet.
Thx Bro appreciate it
Also thank you
Yes summer is very difficult style wise. Autumn is the easiest due to all the possible coats and jackets and layering. You will find your style. Just keep experimenting. I’m sure there is summer inspo for your kind of style. I think the most important rule is to really really love the clothes you wear be comfortable in them and have a certain idea about your body your fits and your colors
This shit is gay but if there’s a reason to be shirtless, women will thirst. I was running shirtless on a remote lakeshore trail and a couple black girls were walking the other way and man they do not hide it. When guys are vain about it, it seems so lame. Sure they slam plenty of puss, but still, have some self respect.
Look at this ridiculous fag. Jeans that accentuate his womanly large ass, shirt that looks like it’s giving his pecs a wedgie. I’m sure he pulls some nice dtf skanky broads, but god damn this dude must not have a dad.
Damn bro you seem kinda angry
I like it just fine, but I hate the heat.
yeah man. you can wear all the linen and preach about wear long sleeves and a sport coat all you want. You're sweating like a faucet and it's fucking disgusting. Here in ny is going to be like 8 days of mid 90's in a week and a half from now. Idgaf what /fa/ggots say here, tank top and shorts until this bullshit breaks.
You can wear linen shorts and linen tanktops :3
90s would be nothing but you live in a disgusting overpopulated hive filled with nasty swarth so thr very air you breathe is toxic and a film of oily grime sticks to you the moment it gets hot out that you can actually see peel off in the shower and wash down as a milky grey water.
Yeah that's probably it, couldn't be that she thinks that some giant faggot that needs validation on tiktok is pathetic af...
Imagine being so mad about the fact a girl thinks some guy is hot lmao
new york is bigger than the city, I don't live anywhere near the city

pic related
You live on a rock? Are you a bum?
Then what are you whining about that isn't even hot
You sound fat
nigga i wear crocs and gym shorts with a graphic tee, who are you trying to impress?
Bitch I’m wearing flip flops and a basketball shorts that’s all. Soft ass bitches like you wouldn’t last a day in sao Paolo we would fuck your pussy ass up try walking the streets here in them gay ass crocs you fag
you get these guys >>18187421 seething any time a good looking white or lighter skin guy's posted just ignore and carry on they're probably the same cringey actblue paid shills who spam demoralization threads from /r9k/ and /pol/ on here all day.

today its oversized vintage stussy embroidered logo tee, shoelace belt (purposeful ultralight nod) vietnam fatigues, pink silk blend socks, mocassins v comfy and casual but more put together than my peers in my area.
lightweight fabric type 3 jacket over top in the morning/evening.
I LOVE the white hate from twink faggot white freaks and disgusting brown skins. Keep seething you ugly cockroaches. Your race is pure shit
I just wear a t-shirt and the same pants I always wear
It sucks because I really prefer wearing layers but what are you gonna do
its only the goblins who post demoralization stuff notice all the good looking fit brown guys on /fa/ never post race bait stuff all their posts are optimistic and pro-masculine race-agnostic and a lot of them have gone out of their way to say they think its cringe.
>twink faggot white freaks
i'm missing 1/3 my large intestine and i have a health problem that makes me vomit away 5-10lbs of mass a month and have chronic nutritional deficiency as a result you know its grim when even i'm physique and face mogging those guys so hard they memorize my writing style and follow thread to thread seething. not what happened itt but the catalogue is full of it this week.
>its only the goblins who post demoralization stuf
and unironic actblue shills but anyone working for a democrat superpac is goblin tier or orc tier by default safe to assume. half the race bait threads are reposts from r9k and pol but they change the text and image hash so its harder to tell.
sateen fatigues are a good baby step out of the jeans and tee shirt cycle they keep you cooler than jeans and still pair with a tee shirt and most sneakers you can just slot them into most fits.
>summer fashion
tee and cargo shorts 365 days a year can't be wrong.
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Tees are for children. Men graduate into basketball shorts and bowling shirts
This happened to my co-worker. You don't fall in the category of white twink in my eyes.
when god's like nah this life you're gonna be short and unable to put on mass after your mid 20's. bet i'll take my blessings like my retarded godly ape index and i'll be the manlet lanklet annihilator and get into climbing.
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>but what are you gonna do
You wear a light shacket over a thin t-shirt or a tank top.
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Mile O’Hearn is 55, if that explains his face at all. Idk how his hair is still that good in middle age after juicing for decades. Might a wig, I suppose.
The women, no clue. Chicks are doing retarded stuff to their faces nowadays
`, ;' ----- 0===3
hey eses you gonna date some tortas and eat some tacos later?
>overshirts are Mexican
The absolute state of /fa/ggots.
>us gym freaks
lol ok fatty
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>Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.
A man's summer fashion is his birthday suit. If you don't have a good one you're gonna have a bad time.
99% of people can easily spot peacocking and know that it's an overcompensation for something, usually crippling insecurities, being in the closet, premature ejaculation, or small dick. Usually it's one or two at most but gym bros are usually the ones to fulfill all due to comparing yourself to others, getting off to other dudes, and roids.
Gym bros don't realize they aren't special, buff guys are a dime a dozen, so yes, she's laughing at him.
Shaping your appearance and style for the sake of pussy is probably the most beta bitch thing anyone can do
i love having a girthy above average length dick, abs and cardio+endurance. i sometimes wonder why guys on here are so insecure about themselves (most don't even post pics) then i remember not everyone's as blessed.
Do you have to be a pear shaped man to pull off this look?
youre thinking of flannels
the women are over 25
90kg bench at 60kg bodyweight it’s a good number if you aren’t a powerlifter.

But your heavier the 60kg right…;)
Summer is the best time for sandals, Hawaiian shirts or henleys. Blank tees are always amazing, and graphic tees can also work if you're into them.
Good you don’t sound insecure at all
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if i ever feel insecure about something about myself for a moment or two i just think 'well yeah but i'm packing' and its all gravy baby.
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Could I leave the house like this? Have a social gathering tomorrow and most of my fits are for less then 25 degrees celsius
Those jeans are skinny and fat in all the wrong places and that shirt looks like a cheap polyesther jersey blend
>people glance at you that means they are impressed, let's slow it down for a dramatic effect
no they are not, they just look at things
No, the slimmer you are the better.
Videos like this don't help in dispelling the notion that all gymcels are closeted homosexuals. Why do they need to wear clothes that look like blouses and leggins/yoga pants?
look closer he has normal straight fit or maybe even relaxed fit jeans on in every clip in that video. he has big glutes and legs so he fills them out. i know two guys who are so big they can't wear jeans at all and the only pants they can wear are bespoke or those giga stretchy yoga pants type shits. granted they're both linebackers one played in college one's retired nfl.
or just stop whining and wear whatever you want?
What’s wrong with button down shirt and shorts?
Looks better on the pear shaped man
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Mike O'Hearn is the most jacked 50 year old natty I've ever seen, what a beast
lol, lmao
I’m going to love wearing one of my Tommy hawaiiians and 10” shorts tomorrow op

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