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Is fashion going too far?
nobody is going to buy that shit
Only if that's not real human skin
> Nábrók or nábuxur (calqued as necropants, literally "corpse britches") are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead human, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money. It is highly unlikely these pants ever existed outside of folklore.
>It is highly unlikely these pants ever existed outside of folklore.
Wasn't there some american serial killer that made furniture and clothes out of his victims skin?
CCP has done more avant-garde stuff, let alone other people.
if it's the one i'm thinking of he only did it to women.
you need your necropants to have a scrotum for it to work.
Satanic brands always go too far
you are on the internet, look it the fuck up and stop perpetuating wrong information. educate yourselves.
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Is it accurate to call this Geinsmaxxing?
So they're saying that negros are abominable monsters with troll feet?
He's right. Magic pants need a scrotum to work.

You have to put a coin stolen from a poor widdow into the scrotum to give the pants it's magic ability.
he posted on /fa/
the opposite. fashion is not going far enough that's why we have all this tryhard edgy shit and nothing really revolting. i can already see all the y2k tiktok kids going "AYOO THIS CRAZY! FIRE".
Fashion has always been this "weird," that's the whole point since it's a form of art.
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at what point does all this edgy lucifarian/satanic/occult/etc bullshit shoved down our throats by the mainstream stop being cool and start becoming the modern day "OK grandma rolls eyes"
i don't think there's anything less edgy you could do in today's modern climate. wow! an occult reference to cannibalism SO UNIQUE THIS HASN'T BEEN DONE TO DEATH!!
considering its been around for a while I don't think it will ever happen.
This iteration will seem cringe, but the whole "demonic/occult" schtick will continue.
speaking of is it even possible for low tier art student grade designers to make anything other than unwearable "art" slop garbage?
wow this is soo edgy. i'm blown away
y'all want to wear shit like this but not carry a gun
poser ass fag boys

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